Murzin Honored By Retail Federation

November 19, 2009

State Rep.Dave Murzin has received the Florida Retail Federation’s 2009 Legislator of the Year award for his work as chairman of the House Economic Development and Community Affairs Council.

Prior to the 2009 Legislative Session, Murzin met with business leaders around the state to seek their input on business development and economic growth. “As a result of those meetings, Dave helped author and pass Senate Bill 360 which will remove numerous burdensome government regulations and will have an immediate positive impact on Florida’s businesses—both small and large,” retail federation President Rick McAllister said.

Senate Bill 360, which revises Florida’s growth management laws to foster economic development, started in Murzin’s council and was passed by the Florida Legislature.

“My job is to create jobs and not just any jobs,” Murzin said after receiving the award “I want high paying jobs that compete with other states in this economy, and it truly requires state government to get the heck out of the way.”

Murzin has represented District 2 in the Florida House since 2002. Murzin is a Republican candidate for the District 2 Florida Senate seat currently held by Durell Peaden.


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