Mom Charged With Tossing Her Dead Baby In Trash Says She’s Not Guilty

November 7, 2009

woodschristian.jpgThe Escambia County woman accused of throwing her dead infant daughter in the trash and leaving two of her other children alone while she reported them missing has pleaded not guilty.

Christian Rochelle Woods, 21, entered the plea in Escambia County Circuit Court on Friday as her friends and families told the judge that she is a good mother. She is due back in court in February with her trial scheduled to being March 1. She remains in the Escambia County Jail on $250,000 bond.

Woods is charged with manslaughter and two counts of child abuse for leaving the children, ages 18-month and two years, home alone for two days in a home with no power or water. The children were left with only a few cups of Jello to eat.

Authorities said that the little girl found in the trashcan, Myleahya Woods (pictured left), weighed just 11 pounds. Prosecutors say she starved to death. The other two children found in the home, Myleahya ’s twin sister, Mykayhala  (pictured right) and Jaterius Woods, 2, were also severely malnourished. When deputies found Mykayhala under a bed in the filthy Escambia County home, she was in a coma. Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said deputies first thought Mykayhala was dead until her eyes fluttered.

babies.jpgWoods called deputies to report that her children were missing. But deputies became suspicious. They found Jaterius and arrested Woods on child neglect charges because he showed what they said was obvious signs of abuse. About 12 hours after her arrest, Woods admitted that Myleahya was dead in a trashcan on the back porch of her home.

Prosecutors said Woods’ family members had no idea what was going on with the children, and that she never asked for help.


11 Responses to “Mom Charged With Tossing Her Dead Baby In Trash Says She’s Not Guilty”

  1. Jim on November 10th, 2009 2:14 pm

    In cases like this one, they the mother should be given a hysterectomy and the children taken away before she kills them too. Stating that she was a good mother…was that before, during, or after they pulled the other daughter from under the bed in a coma?

  2. Mrs. Rude on November 9th, 2009 11:30 pm

    This is beyond words. How could a mother do this to someone she loves, oh did I ever read that she loved her children. And come on, what did she do with the food she got with food stamps, sell them when she had children starving, how low. She should have to suffer the same way. An eye for an eye—-right??? But never forget, God will always prevail.

  3. nana on November 8th, 2009 6:38 pm

    If her family was so involved with her . Why could they not see how little these children were . Also, how often did they see these children? How ofter did the Grandparents check on these children? Where were the dad of these children? I hope that these other children are not give to the family members. I wonder why she could not get help from the state to feed and take care of these children. When you apply for foodstamps it takes for ever to get them even with children. I was told you can get out of prison have no children and apply get food stamps in about a week. What is the state of Flordia thinking?

  4. Helen Cristofoletti on November 8th, 2009 9:43 am

    what????? a good mother leaves her kids home alone for 2 days???? what are these people thinking. My prayers are with those children.

  5. David Huie Green on November 7th, 2009 11:31 pm

    “her friends and families told the judge that she is a good mother.”

    This does clear up a question.

    It seems the way she mothers is what the people who raised her consider good and proper for a mother to be and to do. Further, her dear friends consider it good mothering.

    I wonder if they also go along with leaving children alone for days on end to starve, hiding them under the bed when inconvenient, tossing them in the trash when they expire.

    Maybe they mean she is good other than these little quirks.

    David with different understanding of “good”

  6. pearl quintal on November 7th, 2009 3:51 pm

    Well again mothers are not just a mother but takes care of her kids no matter what your kids are yours weather or not you could or could not take care of them so before you get pregnant think dont get kids for kicks, its just not done that way cause so many times dads will live behind their kids and not care but you mothers out there you carried your kids in your bodies and to just let them suffer come on wise up and wake up.god dosent sleep and you do get punished for your actions.its a dam shame for this kind of actions to be taken so easy dont let this kind of things happen to this little ones.

  7. pearl quintal on November 7th, 2009 3:43 pm

    Well if a judge gives this nut mother back her kids than the judge should get his head examined.there is no excuse for what that mother did she is worst than a killer there is just no excuse.

  8. K.B. on November 7th, 2009 9:03 am

    GOOD MOTHER?!?!?!?!? What does a bad mother do? Somebody is totally delusional!!! Get a grip and STOP making excuses for bad behavior!

  9. cygie on November 7th, 2009 7:58 am

    How could this woman expect anybody, let alone a judge, to believe that she is a “good mother”? She left her kids alone, with little or no food, and then put the dead child in a trash can. This sort of person needs to have her kids taken away permanently.

  10. Sara Russell on November 7th, 2009 7:11 am

    Now-a-days, this type of situation is happening everyday and everywhere due to family members and neighbors keeping their mouths shut. Many of us say, “Oh, I do not want to get involve , etc.” and will continually talk about it to their family members or others who have witnessed it and will not do anything about it. Shame on us all! There are too many mothers (young / older) out there not ready for motherhood and our babies/children are suffering for it. Woe to them all! Yes, it leaves society questioning how could no one have known about this mother’s situation and the children, especially the relatives, before the mother hit rock bottom.

  11. Ashley James on November 7th, 2009 3:07 am

    How could her family and friends have no idea that the kids were in this kind of environment and then they had the nerve to say in court that she is a good mother. Hello she starved her kids to death, through her dead daughter in a trash can and left the other two kids in a house with only 2 cups of jello to eat.