Molino Teen Has Four Top 10 Finishes In National Kart Championships

November 30, 2009


A Molino teen had four top 10 finishes this weekend in the National Indoor Kart Championships in Batesville, Mississippi.

parkerjarrett1.jpgJarrett Parker, 15, finished eighth in the Junior 3 Heavy Feature kart race Friday with a time of 3:43.662, just 6.936 off first place. In the Junior 3 Animal Lite Feature, Parker finished tenth, with a time of 15:10.899, 3.125 off first place.

In the Junior 3 Pro Feature, Parker was ninth, with a time of 7:09.350, 6.364 behind first place. In the Junior 3 Animal Feature, he was eighth, finishing 6.919 off first with a time of 5:43.825.

In the Junior Pro 3 race Saturday night, he started in the rear in the 20th position, working his way up for a ninth place finish in the 2o-lap race.

Parker, a Northview High School freshman, won the state championships in both Alabama and Mississippi this year. He has previously competed, either winning or placing, in races across Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama.

parkerjarrett21.jpgJarrett, who has been Kart racing since 2003, is the son of Scott and Tammy Parker of Molino.

This weekend’s National Indoor Kart Championship will air on ESPN2 and The Outdoor Channel sometime in 2010.

Pictured above: Molino teen Jarret Parker has made it big the in the world of kart racing. Pictured top inset: Parker after a big win. Pictured bottom inset and below: Parker at the National Indoor Kart Championship this weekend in Mississippi. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.



13 Responses to “Molino Teen Has Four Top 10 Finishes In National Kart Championships”

  1. Aunt Anne and Uncle Rex on December 1st, 2009 10:38 pm

    Jarrett, way to go.. !
    Keep up the great focus and determination.. We are so proud of you.

    Rex and Anne

  2. Granddaddy and Nana on December 1st, 2009 6:56 pm

    We are proud so proud of you Jarrett , keep up the good work!!

    Granddaddy and Nana

  3. Chuck on December 1st, 2009 3:00 pm

    Good job Jarrett , glad you dont drive your old truck around the neighborhood like you do that racer. Stay in the game man.

  4. Pam and Shannon Winchester on December 1st, 2009 11:28 am

    We are so proud of you! Over the years we have seen you accomplish so much! You are a great neighbor and friend!

  5. Sandy and Larry Brown on December 1st, 2009 9:12 am

    Congratulation’s Jarrett!!!!

    We are very proud of your sucess in racing and school. Love to watch you; keep up the good work!!
    Love Grammy and Papa Larry

  6. The Bloodsworth's on November 30th, 2009 3:31 pm

    Way to go Jarrett….We are very proud of you!

    We have learned something new about you as we didn’t even know you were into racing, let alone good enough to place Four Top 10 Finishes In National Kart Championships.

  7. Mrs. Perry on November 30th, 2009 3:17 pm

    Great Job Jarrett!!! We are very proud of you:>)

  8. The Cunningham Family on November 30th, 2009 1:11 pm

    Congratulations Jarrett!!!

  9. kleigh on November 30th, 2009 12:49 pm

    Way to go Jarrett! We did not get to watch you this weekend because we were out of town, but it sounds like you did great! Congratulations!

    -The Dodd’s

  10. YELLAR HAMMER on November 30th, 2009 12:23 pm

    This is a fine young man and a good freind of our grand son, keep it up J.

  11. Candy Powell on November 30th, 2009 10:07 am

    Jarrett, you are showing such passion for the sport that your achievements are showing more and more every time. We know that you will reach the highest goals you have set for yourself.

    Congratulations on Your Success!

    Tallahassee, Florida
    The Powell Family

  12. Keith Thibodeaxu on November 30th, 2009 9:43 am

    We know this young man and have raced with him for a couple of seasons. We know he is a great driver and an even better person. Keep it up J and good luck in 2010.
    The Thibodeaux Family
    Breaux (Bro) Bridge, LA

  13. Tony Powell on November 30th, 2009 7:49 am

    Jarrett, Man you really were on it………. Congratulations on Your Success! Celebrate every success, no matter how big or small. Your achievement, insight, and effort were on target and it’s that dedication that matters. Congratulations.