Molino Remains On High Alert After Attacks

November 4, 2009


The Molino community remains on high alert this morning following two home invasion attacks on young female cheerleaders.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department has few leads — the attacker from a Friday night incident and one Tuesday morning was described in a similar fashion. Both victims described him as wearing a black ski mask, a long sleeve black shirt, and black pants. He was described as being a tall, perhaps a few inches over six feet, thin white male.

In Tuesday’s attack, neighbors reported seeing a primer gray or possibly gold colored older model car leaving the area . But neither victim saw a vehicle.

The two crimes occurred less than a mile apart, and both victims knew each other well.

ECSO Sgt. Kevin Vickery said the department is continuing to investigate both crimes, and he said they are on the lookout for any suspicious activity in the area. He encouraged anyone that notices anything out of the ordinary to call the sheriff’s department.

“I think the whole community is on alert,” Angela McMahan, the mother of the 16-year old victim, said.

“We are looking out for each other,” Highland Baptist Church Pastor Brian Calhoun said. “We are being very vigilant.”

“The only way we’ll feel safe is when this guy is caught. Either by an angry dad hunting this man or by police,” Brenda Garrett-Mcall, the mother of the 13-year old victim, said.

Pictured above: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department and Escambia County EMS respond to a home invasion victim Tuesday morning at Highland Baptist Church. Pictured below: An Escambia County deputy pulls away from the scene of Tuesday’s home invasion. photos, click to enlarge.



11 Responses to “Molino Remains On High Alert After Attacks”

  1. SoMoteitBe on November 6th, 2009 6:30 pm

    To the victims and mothers of the victims: It’s not uncommon in these type cases for the victim(s) to be disbelieved, suspicion to run rampant and accusations lodged, pointing the finger of blame at inept law enforcement. Truth of the matter is that the police have more than they’re sharing; are much farther along in their investigation than they will ever let you know, and are using every resource at their disposal, to include association matrixing through FDLE, profiling data on known sex offenders, et al. What we have in this case I believe is someone who knows the victims, or “of” the victims, meaning access to a cheerleading roster, home addresses, phone numbers (surprised he hasn’t called yet – probably knows a little about phone tracing or doesn’t have access to a phone that can’t be traced). I’m convinced the attacks are related, the odds of coincidence are off the charts. I’m convinced he’s done recon on the houses, before and maybe again after the attacks. I’m not sure about an accomplice at this point, but wouldn’t rule one out. If this guy is a full blown sexual predator, he would be alot better at it than he is (especially in actual confrontation with the victims) . Based on his lack of success, he may feel he’s made his point and the attacks will stop. If not, he continues to stalk until successful, caught or both. Do I have experience in investigating these type crimes?? Yeah…I really do.

  2. me on November 4th, 2009 7:12 pm

    TO S.L.B I have found out that you are guilty till proven innocent ,and the innocent have to prove they are innocent and defend themselves over and over And it is plain wrong so maybe the girls will learn this now instead of when they become adults and find out that life is very unjust……….

  3. Kae on November 4th, 2009 6:56 pm

    To~Did it really happen on November 4th
    I am not taking the bait, let me remind you of rule #2

    2) No Harrassing Comments. If someone says something bad about you, don’t respond. That’s childish.

  4. Kae on November 4th, 2009 6:53 pm

    To~Did it really happen on November 4th
    I’m not taking the bait~ let me remind you about rule #2

    (2) No Harrassing Comments. If someone says something bad about you, don’t respond. That’s childish

  5. Did it really happen on November 4th, 2009 6:38 pm

    Yeah, so whats your point?

  6. Did it really happen on November 4th, 2009 6:31 pm

    Going by that, your comment below should not be here.

  7. Kae on November 4th, 2009 6:17 pm

    To~Did it really happen on November 4th
    “This is and opinion board for peoples thoughts. It is not a sympathy card for the alleged victims. People may say whatever they want to say as long as it fits within the siteowners guidelines. This IS still America where freedom of speech whether liked or disliked is allowed”

    A sympathy card would be too much to expect from a bunch of instigating know it all’s! You people need to do something productive with your time, and by the way The siteowners guidelines state:
    (1) Be Nice. No comments that slander another, no racism, no sexism, no personal attacks.

    (2) No Harrassing Comments. If someone says something bad about you, don’t respond. That’s childish.

    (3) No Libel. That’s saying something is not true about someone. DON’T DO IT!.

  8. Did it really happen on November 4th, 2009 5:32 pm

    This is and opinion board for peoples thoughts. It is not a sympathy card for the alleged victims. People may say whatever they want to say as long as it fits within the siteowners guidelines. This IS still America where freedom of speech whether liked or disliked is allowed!

  9. S.L.B on November 4th, 2009 5:00 pm

    You are totally right Molino mom, enough is enough!

    Everyone who is trying to analyze both situations and giving their opinions should just please let it rest now, which includes yours truly! Okay ya’ll?

    Girls, stand proud and hold your heads up high as you are both the innocent victims here and ya’ll did everything right to defend yourselves. I’m proud of you!

    Parents, I’m so sorry your children and families are going through this very difficult time.

  10. molino mom on November 4th, 2009 11:53 am

    I wish everyone would do these two girls a favor and if you don’t have anything other than support and words of comfort to offer then get off the post……Their family, friends and community of Molino are standing behind them….and SUPPORT is all they need right now so PLEASE if you can’t post something positive then find something else to do with your time.

  11. S.L.B on November 4th, 2009 9:48 am

    I think that we all really want to believe that both of these home invasions and attack crimes that were committed on both of these girls, is legitamate and not staged. I am thankful that the girls only suffered minor cuts and bruises and they were able to get to help safely.

    Lets hold onto the concept of “Innocent until proven Guilty” and believe that they ARE innocent in all of this and that the perpatrator/s are caught and dealt with.

    I personally will be very dissapointed in all concerned if it is discovered that the entire thing was staged and done for whatever it is they all hoped to gain.