Jeff Miller: Obama Stimulus Money Spent In Florida Places That Don’t Exist

November 20, 2009

In his latest newsletter, U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller looks at the Obama administration’s website which he says shows that $11 million in federal stimulus dollars were spent in Florida Congressional districts that do not exist.

The following was submitted by Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Chumuckla:

For weeks, President Obama has told us that his $787 billion “stimulus” package has saved or created over a million jobs. As proof, the Administration’s website gave us the chance to look at the numbers.

So this week I looked through the President’s job claims. I learned that 52 jobs were saved or created in the 34th Congressional District of Florida. 5 jobs created in the 86th District. 46 in District 00. And although $460,000 of your tax dollars were spent in the 53rd District, unfortunately zero jobs were saved.

The problem is, these congressional districts do not exist.

Florida only has TWENTY-FIVE congressional districts.

In fact, according to, over $11 million has been spent in Florida in districts that just aren’t there.

How can the President and Majority Party in Congress expect us to believe their dubious jobs-created claims when their own numbers are patently false? How can we trust the Administration to run the stimulus when they can’t even properly manage their own website?

Even the Obama Administration is perplexed. The chief federal oversight official for the stimulus program, Recovery Board Chairman Earl Devaney, confirms that it is impossible to certify that the President’s job claims are accurate or auditable. Ed Pound, the communications director for the website, said he had no idea how these fake congressional districts received stimulus money. When asked by the New Orleans Times Picayune why recipients would plug-in phantom districts, Pound responded, “who knows, man, who really knows?”

I would say to Mr. Pound that the American people know. We know that the Administration is pulling a “jobs created or saved” number out of thin air despite the fact that the unemployment rate remains high. The people of Florida know. We know that although Democrats represent only 10 of Florida’s 25 districts, their districts received 60% of the stimulus funds.

These numbers reek of partisanship and potential corruption.

Instead of spending trillions of taxpayer dollars on programs that do not and will not create jobs, the President should focus on cutting taxes on small businesses and supporting an American economy that will create and sustain jobs. Republicans have a plan that will do just that.

*To take a look at your tax dollars hard at work in non-existent Florida districts, visit:


16 Responses to “Jeff Miller: Obama Stimulus Money Spent In Florida Places That Don’t Exist”

  1. Lori on January 22nd, 2010 11:58 am

    Preaching to your choir is always nice, Mr. Miller, but you consistently forget that there are many who live in your district who do not feel represented. Many of us do not agree to march with you in lock step in your attempts to obstruct, as well as to delay, the actual governance of this country.

    What solution(s) have you proposed to guide the economy and to aid in job growth and expansion? There is little or no coverage of the many ideas that I am sure you have proposed, and yet we unaware of, Sir.

    When you decide to do something, I will be interested in hearing you out. Until then, I remain an unwilling constituent, one who will one day be proud to vote for someone who realizes that he represents all of the people in his district, and not just the angry naysayers.


  2. angry male on November 25th, 2009 5:09 pm

    COME ON PEOPLE ! When are we going to wake up? For the past 20 years you almost could not be elected into the house or the senate whether on the state level or national level unless you are a cockeyed lawyer. Lawyers go to school for 8 years to learn how to win, manipulate the judges and the court , to beat the constitution, to lie to a jury, and the sooooo innocent client. Look what we have in D.C. , 90% OF THE PEOPLE WE HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM ON ELECTION NIGHT ARE WHAT? LAWYERS. We have more laws on the books than they can enforce correctly. What this country needs is a superior cleaning – let’s get them all out. Whatever the cost or they are going to completely own us. It doesn’t surprise me that the stimulus fund have been diverted or basically stolen. HE WHO LIES WILL STEAL!

  3. Jason on November 25th, 2009 9:40 am

    This reminds me of the time that 12 Billion went missing in Iraq and conservatives were up in arms about it….oh, wait. I mean, the time that 12 Billion went missing in Iraq and conservatives played it down like it was nothing.
    No party has a monopoly on bungled spending. And let’s not forget, this train was off the tracks while Obama and McCain were still trying to get their respective party’s nomination. Blame Obama for failures since 01/20/2009 but save a little indignation for those that were driving when the wheels came off (looking at you Congressman Miller…)

  4. bmb on November 22nd, 2009 8:44 pm

    They make me sick with all the lies. Get right or get left should be on every church sign in America, and I am not talking about politics either.

  5. Lea on November 22nd, 2009 7:48 am

    This is sad thing to know. Where did the funds go if there is no proof of improving the creation of jobs.

  6. bleh on November 20th, 2009 5:13 pm

    That just means someone in florida stole the tax payers money and committed fraud, calming they saved jobs

    Sad, that money should have been used to save jobs , Hope obama can catch those that abused our tax dollars

  7. JUDY C. MASEK on November 20th, 2009 1:33 pm

    good heads up, jim….citizens/voters MUST pay attention to what is going on within our local and national politics…MARCO RUBIO is a TRUE conservative republican , from down in south florida, that is currently challenging not-so conservative republican govener charlie crist (remember, the one who voted and campaigned w/obama for the $787 BILLION “stimulus” package THAT HASNT WORKED!!)?.things between the two are now starting to get heated up and we’ll hear alot more from rubio as the august senate nominee election draws near..(huckabee stongly endorses rubio, as well) anyway..RUBIO is one to keep your eyes on!….as far as SARAH PALIN…she is one class act!….she talks the talk and walks the walk…unashamed and unafraid…young girls, old and young women and men, alike, are drawn to her because she lives her life (public and private) by the principles of “WWJD” …what WOULD Jesus do?…ive thought and thought, and, i just cannot find anything that i dont like about her….cant wait to find out what direction God has for her future!

  8. Jim on November 20th, 2009 11:29 am

    We don’t hear much from Jeff Miller. This cat has been out of the bag for some time now. This is not new news. We have been electing stealth representatives that are not heard from on any hard issues. They are afraid of offending any segment of voters. We never hear from Senator Bill Nelson until election time. Nelson and Charlie Criss’s appointee to the US Senate, George S. LeMieux have a voting record that is not conservative. Jeff Miller’s votes track my wishes 83% of the time. LeMinux is at 60%, I hold Criss responsible for this mistake. Nelson has stated that he will vote for the public option, Government control of your health care.
    You can track their votes on the Internet. Please become informed and not suppressed. The uninformed voter is the direct cause for the mess we are in now.

  9. Dian Howell on November 20th, 2009 10:14 am

    Obama said he was for change. He never. Told anyone any specifics. No one asked him for specifics. They all ooh and aah over everything he said which was not much of anything.I sincerely hope this teaches some people to pay more attention to candidates and what they don’t say in the future.

  10. Dian Howell on November 20th, 2009 10:00 am

    Obama said he was

  11. not an Obama Fan on November 20th, 2009 9:51 am

    There have always been stupid people in the world since Adam and Eve, and always will be I guess.. I hope all those who wanted change enjoys it, because he has surely given change. Everyone that thought they were going to get rich because he became president raise your hands. LOL Yes, I see you and is that pork n’ beans your eating? I thought so, keep enjoying them because that is what the stimulus money he gave you will buy. The thing about it some people still can’t see he is not going to help them. The Garden of Eden is gone folks wake up you have been taken, any day now the soup line will start up so grab your bowl and be ready. Obama knows as much about being president as I do. He keeps throwing the bait and and all you Obama people are helping sink all of us.

  12. mcdonald on November 20th, 2009 9:29 am

    This article was in the Post and backs up the fact that much of our hard earned tax dollars are going into a ‘black hole’

    Accounting for Stimulus Jobs: Be Careful What You Wish For

    The Washington Post
    Accounting for stimulus jobs: Be careful what you wish for
    Congress demands elusive figures, then expresses outrage over errors

  13. Note on November 20th, 2009 9:28 am

    I am surprised that people are surprised. Those who voted for “change we can believe in” are getting change that they didn’t expect. Any “common sense” American should have known this presidency was going to be a disaster. I haven’t seen anything in the past year to prove otherwise. Yes, another three years of incompetence (to say the least), indeed.

  14. devil's advocate on November 20th, 2009 8:22 am

    Florida is not the only state where this has happened! I was listening to a news commentator on the radio last Tuesday and learned that Tennessee has the same thing. There are probably many other states, too.
    How long must we tolerate this foolishness and incompetence? Oh. Another three years, I suppose.
    Will the country last that long?

  15. Molino Mom on November 20th, 2009 7:47 am

    This funny. C’mon you Obama supporters…how do you explain this one?

  16. xpeecee on November 20th, 2009 7:02 am

    Disgusting! Thank you Jeff for telling it like it is. Looks like a lot of people are getting rich – share the wealth. Sarah Palin is our last hope…