Hurricane Tips: During A Storm

November 10, 2009

If you stay at home during a hurricane you should take the following precautions in addition to those mentioned on the before the storm page as the storm approaches:

  •   Stay away from windows and doors, even if they are covered.
  •   Take refuge in a small interior room, closet, hallway or basement if available. If you live in a two-story home, choose a room on the first floor.
  •   Close all interior doors and brace exterior doors if possible.
  •   Lie on the floor under a table, or another sturdy object. Some protection is afforded by covering with a mattress during the height of the storm.
  •   If the eye of the storm passes over, it will be calm for a short period of time. REMAIN INDOORS! As soon as the eye passes over, winds will increase rapidly to hurricane  force from the opposite direction.
  •   Remain calm. It may take several hours for the storm to pass.
  •   Listen to local media for the most current information, or visit If your power is out, you can still access on most internet enabled cellular phones.

The Result

The illustrations below depict a category two hurricane and a category four hurricane at the beachfront. The illustrations show the beach in profile to demonstrate scale. Notice the differences in the two scenarios. The category two hurricane causes dune erosion and minor ocean overwash on well-nourished barrier islands. Thus the damage is typically minor as compared to what will likely occur during a category four hurricane.


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