EWMS Collecting Old Cell Phones For Soldiers

November 3, 2009

The National Junior Honor Society at Ernest Ward Middle School is collecting cell phones for soldiers in a program that turns old cell phones into calling time for soldiers abroad.

The National Junior Honor Society with the help of Cell Phones for Soldiers are calling on all students, teachers, parents, and members of the community to support these brave men and women by donating old, used cell phones.

The cell phone drive will take place during the entire month of November. Anyone who would like to donate can drop their used cell phones off in a designated box located in the office at Ernest Ward Middle during school hours.

At the end of November all cell phones will be shipped to Cell Phones for Soldiers, which is a registered 501 non-profit organization, who will then in turn ship the phones to a company that pays for each phone that is recycled , providing an hour of talk time for soldiers abroad.

The EWMS National Junior Honor Society has set a goal of 1,000 cell phones which will provide 60,000 minutes of free talk time to soldiers overseas.

Cell Phones for Soldiers was created by brother and sister Brittany and Robbie Bergquist of Norwell, MA. After reading a story about a soldier who ran up a huge phone bill calling home from Iraq, the teens decided to find a way to help. They started by opening an account with $21 of their own money. For more information about Cell Phones for Soldiers visit www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com.


One Response to “EWMS Collecting Old Cell Phones For Soldiers”

  1. YELLAR HAMMER on November 3rd, 2009 8:46 am

    I will send our old phones soon.