Escambia Academy’s Best Season Ever: Cougars Advance In Playoffs

November 7, 2009

The Escambia Academy Cougars beat Springwood Academy 46-38 Friday night in round one of the 2009 Class AA AISA playoffs.

Friday night’s win marks the first time in Cougar history that Escambia Academy has advanced to the second round of the state playoffs.

Next week, the Cougars will travel to Monroeville to take on number one ranked  Monroe Academy in round two of the AISA playoffs. Monroe had strong 42-7 win over Autauga Academy Friday night.


2 Responses to “Escambia Academy’s Best Season Ever: Cougars Advance In Playoffs”

  1. Proud EA Mom on November 8th, 2009 9:17 pm

    Way to go , guys! We are SO proud of you. We wish you the best as you play against Monroe on Friday night. This game will make history for EA — Keep your heads in the game, keep your eyes on the prize, and always remember that you represent your school and your community — and all of the former EA Cougars who dreamed of moments like this but were never able to experience it. You are creating a legacy . . .

  2. Country Boy From Bratt on November 8th, 2009 10:33 am

    Way to go Cougars! Former player #55