EREC: All Power Restored

November 10, 2009

Escambia River Electric Cooperative reports that as of 7:35 a.m., there were no power outages among their members in Escambia or Santa Rosa counties.

“We’ve had scattered outages throughout the night, but the crews have been able to repair them as they occurred,” Sabrina Owens, EREC spokesperson said.

“Safety is our primary concern. I am thankful our crews were able to work safely through the night and keep outages to a minimum,” according to Clay Campbell, EREC general manager/CEO.

EREC is a Touchstone Energy cooperative that distributes electricity to approximately 10,000 members in northern Escambia and Santa Rosa counties in Florida.


5 Responses to “EREC: All Power Restored”

  1. Darren on November 10th, 2009 12:28 pm

    My power was out from 8:00PM to midnight. I did not expect the power crews to be out in the wind/rain working in the very hazardous conditions. I fully expected them to start working on the power outages after daylight.

    I was surprised and very appreciative when my power came back on around midnight.

    Cudo’s to the men and women who put their self in harms way to insure that we had minimum power interuptions. Hats off to you !!!!!!!

  2. William on November 10th, 2009 12:28 pm

    No problem Janice! Have a great day! (Especially with the power back on…I know I hate flipping light switches and nothing happens.)

  3. Janice Parker on November 10th, 2009 12:26 pm

    Sorry William. My bad.

  4. William on November 10th, 2009 7:21 am

    The story does not say that there not any outages during the night — it says that as of 6:40 a.m. there were none in Escambia County on EREC.

  5. Janice Parker on November 10th, 2009 7:12 am

    I don’t know why EREC told you that. We were without power from about 8:30 until around 12:30 last night. I don’t know how extensive the outtage was, but I know there were neighbors who didn’t have power either.