Deputies Target Speeders

November 20, 2009


Escambia County Sheriff’s Deputy Scott Mashburn was working radar Thursday on Mayhaw Road in Walnut Hill in response to community complaints.

At a town hall meeting Tuesday night, Mayhaw Road resident Anthony Ford told Escambia County Commissioner Kevin White and Chief Deputy Bill Chavers that speeding was a problem on the road, which runs between North Highway 99 and Highway 164. Ford expressed concerns over the safety of children that live in the area.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies are also using radar to enforce speed limits on other North Escambia roads.

Pictured above:  Escambia County Sheriff’s Deputy Scott Mashburn finds the speed of a passing truck to be 24 mph Thursday on Mayhaw Road in Walnut Hill. The posted speed on the road is 40 mph. photo, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Deputies Target Speeders”

  1. bus driver on November 25th, 2009 8:56 pm

    For you all that talk about bus drivers, You need to sit back and look at your on speed. I had a parent to run my stop arm just this week. But I hold my children on the bus because sometimes and yes (even you) or not paying attention, when you drive. Yes, go ahead and say its true. Yes there is alot of students out there that speed and dart in and out between buses and yes we radio each others. Yes, we know with three children in the car that are not aways quiet. Can take your attenttion in a heart beat. Thank for being so concerned for the bus driver, we ask that you pray for all of us.

  2. David on November 23rd, 2009 12:08 pm

    These guys need to write some red light tickets. Too many people are running red lights and they don’t do anything about it. All they seem to want to do is write speeding tickets.

  3. Doug Masters on November 22nd, 2009 1:16 pm

    Hey, Whitepunk
    Why don’t you take a look at the home page here. Three wrecks featured at one time. All three where caused by people speeding in the rain. And you said, “speeding rarely is the cause of an accident”. I guess you were wrong.

  4. The Truth on November 22nd, 2009 4:07 am

    Molino Mom…don’t worry about Molino Rd..everyone needs to just do the speed limit and then there wouldn’t be any trouble. It is better to arrive late and alive than to arive early dead!

  5. Tina on November 21st, 2009 8:49 pm

    Hats off to our deputies! We know you only go where you are told and speeding is not the priority with the small number of deputies assigned to the northend. But if you have time Gobbler rd from 99N to Hwy 97 has become a dragstripe.
    Speed limit should be lowered from 45 to 35 because we all know most are going to go 10 – 15 mph over the limit anyway. Ever since this road was paved traffic from 164 takes Gobbler rd because they can go faster on a wider road. By the way, county can take down the no trucks sign on Hwy 99N. That’s a joke. If you really want to help us stop all the 18 wheelers traveling at night on the narrow rd of hwy 164 from hwy 97 all the way to hwy 29. regular vehicles bearly have enough room to pass each outher.

  6. Doug Masters on November 21st, 2009 12:32 am

    Get em, boys. Let the ticket writing begin. Once these people start having to pay $100 and more in tickets, maybe they will learn to read and obey the posted speed limit signs. It’s not a suggestion. It is the max allowed speed for that particular section of road. Get over it or find somewhere else to drive.

  7. Nice Person on November 20th, 2009 4:34 pm

    NHS person is right…My Bro got sideswiped by a girl putting makeup on! She didnt even stop just kept going. Pine barren road had crazy drivers that need to slow down and be more cautious.. Someone is going to wreck and going to Die or be seriously injurded!

  8. Billy on November 20th, 2009 2:08 pm

    The Troopers in AL have proved that the more tickets you write for moving violations, the number of crashes and fatal crashes drop drastically. And the best thing is, they are the most professional officers I have ever seen in my life. We need this in North Escambia. It seems like someone is dying every day in North Escambia because of a crash.

  9. NHS person on November 20th, 2009 1:23 pm

    Need to get the speeders on pine barren road, before and after school, they like to pass on curves, and in the 35/mph speed zone in Christian Home.

  10. bratt mom on November 20th, 2009 1:02 pm

    That comment about the tractor is just hilarious. (not) Did you think that up all by yourself? and to say that speeding rarely causes accidents, how about talk to some of the EMS guys and let them tell you about some of the accidents they have been to. Speed limits are set to try to reduce these accidents. By breaking the speed limit you are also breaking the law. Leave a little earlier, or just arrive later. But I can imagine that those that are complaining so much about speed limits being to low really don’t have any where worth while to go anyway. As for myself, I carry precious cargo everyday (my 3 children). If a $100 fine can make a few people slow down, I am all for it!!!! I am even one of those who will get your tag number and call and report you for “flying” through my neighborhood.

  11. agreed (somewhat) on November 20th, 2009 1:01 pm

    oops…. just though that my last statement could be taken the wrong way…


  12. agreed (somewhat) on November 20th, 2009 1:00 pm

    I somewhat agree with whitepunknotondope…. some of the spd limits around here are fairly ridiculous. One of them is 164… 35 mph the whole way from 97 to 99? really? I understand 35 from 97 to green village or ard lane (the sharp corner), but i dont understand why it is 35 on that long straight stretch. Its just like the rest of 164 after 99 (which is 55). Sometimes the spd limit can be an easy excuse for a ticket. Cops never sit on that end of 164 anyways, but there are other places that have ridiculous spd limits where cops sit to catch folks. Mind you while a disagree with few spd limits, it is not acceptable to drive unreasonably fast.

    oh and yes… SPEEDING DOES KILL AND IT FREQUENTLY CAUSES ACCIDENTS (especially in wet conditions)! DONT BE STUPID!

  13. whitepunknotondope on November 20th, 2009 12:23 pm

    I am going to be the voice of opposition on this topic.
    Nothing is more wasteful of my taxpayer dollars than having a cop sitting by the road with a radar gun. I wouldn’t mind it so much if posted speed limits were REASONABLE, but if you want to talk about Century Blvd being 35 mph, let’s talk about the absolute MORON who decided that was a reasonable speed limit. I don’t know it was, but if you’re out there, you’re an i-d-i-o-t.

    That entire road should be 45 mph minimum.

    Speeding rarely is the cause of an accident! Speeding is FREQUENTLY the cause of self-righteous slowpokes complaining about how fast the other guy is driving.

    If you want to cut down on accidents, post reasonable speed limits (and for you folks in NE that’s any speed faster than a tractor can go) and install bollards at every intersection that raise and lower depending on the traffic signal.

  14. bratt mom on November 20th, 2009 11:18 am

    There needs to be a deputy DAILY when Bratt Elem., Ernest Ward and Northview let out. Not just to catch car drivers but check out those busses also!!! Slow down!! Let’s keep everybody as safe as possible!!!

  15. W.R. on November 20th, 2009 9:15 am

    For some good information to the ESO try spending some time on Century Boulevard inside the Town limits and you can make the county rich. Then swing over on Jefferson Ave and double your money. Nobody travels through Century on Century Boulevard at the posted speeds and NOBODY – I SAY NOBODY tavels Jefferson Av. at the posted speed of 25 MPH. Century Boulevard is a speed way and I would say some travel it at 65 to 70 MPH — the posted speed for the most part is 35 MPH. There are plenty of young children that lives on Jefferson Av. passers by think it is a speed way too. I tell you guys you can make some kind of money at these two locations only.

  16. Molino Mom on November 20th, 2009 7:47 am

    Now head down to Molino and get Molino Road!