Barrineau Park Bridge Won’t Reopen Until Mid-December

November 11, 2009

Bridge work on Barrineau Park Road near Jacks Branch Road will not be completed until at least mid-December.

According to Escambia County District 5 Commissioner Kevin White, materials to complete the project are just being delivered to the site this week.

“I don’t know if we are looking at any kind of delay because of the storm,” White said, “but December 16 is the earliest it will be done.”

Barrineau Park Road from Jacks Branch Road to Barrineau Park School Road was closed October 16 so that repairs could be made to the Penasula Creek Bridge which is located north of the intersection of Barrineau Park Road and Jacks Branch Road.

The only detours around the closure are Chestnut Road or Highway 29 between Barrineau Park Road and Molino Road.

Editor’s note: This story clarifies an earlier story with erroneous information provided by Escambia County.

The closed bridge is marked with the green icon on the map below.


7 Responses to “Barrineau Park Bridge Won’t Reopen Until Mid-December”

  1. GH on November 12th, 2009 7:38 pm

    My understanding is it was discovered and thought to be serious enough to close the road for safety reasons. Remember that heavy log trucks and dump trucks can cause a bridge that is failing to fail catastrophically. Since it was not budgeted they had to find funds after closing. Red tape and a county and state with no money.

  2. bammagirl on November 12th, 2009 2:21 am

    I take this road to a friends house when I go. I got on the road on Hwy 97 (aka Atmore cutoff) got all the way down before I saw any detour signs. My “shortcut” ended up being a long way out of the way. Please put up a sign at Hwy 97 warning of a detour ? miles ahead.

  3. Brenda on November 11th, 2009 10:25 pm

    I live on Molino Road. A mere 26 years ago in October, we took a vacation to south Florida for 9 days. We had no clue the road would be repaved while we were gone. When we got back from our vacation, we were pleasantly surprised to see that our road had been repaved. That road lasted 26 years and was still in great condition compared to other roads in Escambia County. I cannot believe that the repaving job is STILL not complete after all these weeks/months. We have risked our lives several times due to lack of guidance from the repaving crew and lack of the “follow me” truck. I’m wondering just how long this construction will continue and how long this “quality” job will last. Indeed there are bumps in the road (literally).

  4. taxpayer on November 11th, 2009 9:05 pm

    dnutjob, I read the story and formed an opinion based on the commissioners statement that “the materials were just delivered this week”. There is no mention of any structural issues with the brigde in the article, nor by the county spokesperson upon announcing the closing of the bridge. I have no idea why the bridge was closed and it really does not matter. I waited in line morning and evening on Molino road and we now have a nice paved road. Was the paving and the bridge closing good timing? I would say no, but nonetheless I appreciate your insight into what is wrong with the bridge.

  5. dnutjob on November 11th, 2009 7:25 pm

    Sometimes things happen that are not planned, nobody expected the bridge to drop 3 inches in one day, its shifting off its caps. People should be grateful that they get to wake up everyday, instead of being 6′ under,. get your facts before assuming. This comment section is getting more like the PNJs’ everyday. People BE HAPPY AND QUIT COMPLAINING.

  6. taxpayer on November 11th, 2009 3:22 pm

    Close one road and begin to pave the detour all at the same time. Now we find out there were no materials for the first project. It sure has inconvenienced a lot of us and made school bus schedules even more of a nightmare. Griping will not resolve the issue, but it is VERY poor planning.

  7. YELLAR HAMMER on November 11th, 2009 11:16 am

    Poor planing, how come materials whern’t ordered and avaliable before project started.