Are The Two Cheerleader Home Invasion Attacks Related?

November 4, 2009

Authorities are not yet saying that the attacks on two teen cheerleaders in Molino over a four day period are related, but the connections seem obvious.

homeinvtog.jpgA 13-year old Ernest Ward Middle School cheerleader was attacked by a knife-wielding intruder while she was home alone Friday night at her home in the 7000 block of Highway 95A. About a mile away, a 16-year old Northview High School cheerleader was the victim of another home invasion Tuesday morning, while she too was home alone.

The 13-year old’s mother said that only family knew that her daughter would be home alone while the rest of the family attended a football game Friday night at Northview High School.

The 16-year told and investigators that only her parents and one other person knew that she would be staying home from school Tuesday morning following a cheerleading practice injury on Monday.

“I didn’t tell anybody that I was staying home except for my mom  and the guy that I ride to school with,” the high school cheerleader said. “I sent him a text message this morning.”

That person is  the brother of the 13-year old victim. Both girls ride to school with him each morning.

“I just think it was a random coincidence,” the 16-year old victim said.  But the 13-year old’s mother feels differently.

homewindow.jpg“I just do not think it was a random home invasion,” Brenda Garrett-McCall said. “They are two cheerleaders, two young girls, close to the same age. They live close together. They are together a lot of the time. (The older victim) is at our house three or four days a week.”

Garrett-McCall said she believes the two cheerleaders were the target of the home invasions, not robbery.

“They could have knocked her out and stolen anything,” she said of the incident Friday night at her home. “He knew her name. He told her, ‘Lana, I’ll be back to finish the job.’”

“I feel in my heart that it was random,” Angela McMahan, the mother of Tuesday’s 16-year old victim, said. “I want it to have been random.”

“I just think it was all a random coincidence,” Tuesday’s high school age victim said. “It is just scary.”

Pictured top: The victim of Friday night’s home invasion together with Tuesday’s victim. photo, click to enlarge. Pictured bottom: The suspect in Friday night’s home invasion entered through this dining room window.


15 Responses to “Are The Two Cheerleader Home Invasion Attacks Related?”

  1. molinoresident on November 5th, 2009 5:02 pm

    you go BogiaBell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mr. Rodgers on November 4th, 2009 10:45 pm

    Seems like the Molino crowd is getting too cut-thoat.
    With en-you-indo’s.
    I check NorthEscambia to get the news. Good and bad. Not to read about neighbors and a community not getting along.
    Most everyone knows whose’s making the negative remarks and whose’s making the positive.
    Either way, Believe it, well lock your doors and be prepared
    or made-up, go on about YOUR BUSINESS.
    The parents have enough to worry about without this type of rubish!

  3. TMolino on November 4th, 2009 4:51 pm

    Yes the Escambia Sherifs are doing a great job, everyone in the comunity needs to help them do their job and also keep their eyes wide open for anything out of the ordinary! Thanks guys for all that you do!

  4. Brenda Garrett-McCall on November 4th, 2009 3:25 pm

    The Escambia County Sheriff’s office are following all leads to find this individual. They are doing their job! As a parent of one of the victims, I want someone caught (dead or alive) right now. But thats not realistic, its not like this sorry individual is going to turn himself in, he has to be hunted down. He will be caught!

  5. TMolino on November 4th, 2009 3:08 pm

    To the so calles Neighbor! What makes you think the second attack didn’t actually happen ? Do you know something nobody else knows?

  6. Neighbor on November 4th, 2009 12:37 pm

    I am wondering whether the second “attack” actually happened

  7. escambiamom on November 4th, 2009 12:08 pm

    What in the world do you think the Sheriff could do, that he isn’t doing?
    You call him “Showbiz”, but yet, you want his presence…what in a press conference? What good would that do? How do you know he is not involved? (You said “no where to be found” ….based on what?)
    I am sure that the Sheriff’s Office is doing everything that they can to run down the leads. Like someone else said here, let them do their job without armchair critiquing every step. I am sure that the details will come out soon enough.

  8. B on November 4th, 2009 9:33 am

    “Unsub” is Hollywood’s fabricated word for the “unknown subject.” I’ve never heard a LEO use it though.

  9. former resident on November 4th, 2009 9:10 am

    I thought it said he was 6′2″ and what in the world is an unsub?

  10. Residente' on November 4th, 2009 8:54 am

    Where’s Showbiz David Morgan at in all this? I know the LEOs are doing their job but when the stuff gets thick, he’s no where to be found. It’s like the sherrif’s office, not necessarily the deputies on the streets, but the office forgets everything North of 9-mile. Instead, they’re in Brownsville where they think the real crime is. What about us? I think the “Protect Your Domain” law should be used more often! Then people would stop wondering into each other’s houses and attacking our young adults and teens.

  11. B on November 4th, 2009 8:40 am

    Unsub?? Hahaha. I’m sorry, but someone watches way too much television.

  12. bill on November 4th, 2009 7:37 am

    let the police do the job. Everything you stated Cynical is true. You start putting out info that he may not think of, he reads it and runs or get careful. Just let them do what they have been trained to do, any information you have pass it on to the police and thank God the girls are alive.

  13. BogiaBell on November 4th, 2009 7:14 am

    It has to be someone who knows these girls well. Way too much info gets put on facebook and myspace. Girls, please don’t put personal info on the sites and certianly not your where abouts!! Too many sick people in this world. Some may be your “friends”!!

  14. I agree!! on November 4th, 2009 7:07 am

    I agree!! Somethings just not right here!!

  15. Cynical on November 4th, 2009 5:33 am

    The odds against coincidence in these two home invasions are astronomical. This unsub is someone connected with these schoolgirls in a way that has not been explored, very probably having to do with school or school athletics, past or present.

    Not all has been revealed, I believe. 6′4″ males are somewhat generally uncommon, and probably more so in Molino, a community where many folks know most folks. It will be just a matter of time before the other boot falls. These attacks have been far to personal and almost deliberately nonlethal to be a ’stranger” thing.

    How, for example, does the unsub call the victim by her name?

    Look inward, Sheriff’s Investigator, there is intrigue within the teen-student dynamic to be profiled. See if the attacker isn’t close to home and hearth – I betcha.
