Another Cheerleader Attacked In Second Molino Home Invasion
November 3, 2009
(Updated 4:45 p.m.) The second home invasion in four days was reported this morning in Molino. And, like a home invasion Friday night in Molino, it involved a young cheerleader home alone.
At 8:27 this morning, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department received a report of a home invasion at 8:27 this morning. A 16-year old told investigators that a tall, slender white male had entered her home on Nancy Lane through a utility room window. She fought back — throwing drinking glasses at him and dousing him with pepper spray. She then fled the home, running to nearby Highland Baptist Church to for help. She described her attacker as wearing a black ski mask, a long black shirt and black pants. The pepper spray, which contained a dye, may have stained the attacker an orange color.
She evaluated by Escambia County EMS for minor cuts to her face, arms and legs. She was not transported to the hospital. She was not able to provide a vehicle description for her attacker or tell authorities how he fled the scene; he was still inside the home, incapacitated by the pepper spray, as she ran to the church.
She told investigators that she had stayed home from school after hurting her shoulder yesterday during cheerleading practice at Northview High School. She said the only people that knew she would be at home were her parents and the person that normally gives her a ride to school. That person, also a Northview student, is a the brother of the 13-year old attacked Friday night, authorities said.
A similar home invasion was reported Friday night about a mile away on Highway 95A. In that incident, an Ernest Ward Middle School cheerleader was attacked in her bedroom by a man with about the same physical description. In Friday night’s attack, the 13-year old was attacked with a knife, receiving minor cuts to her hands as she was held down on her bed by her attacker. will continue to follow this breaking news story with updates all afternoon.
Pictured above: The attacker in this morning’s home invasion in Molino entered this Nancy Lane home through this utility room window. Pictured inset: The victim received minor cuts to her arms, face and legs from a broken kitchen glass she threw at the suspect. photos, click to enlarge.
136 Responses to “Another Cheerleader Attacked In Second Molino Home Invasion”
re: Kyle Busch Fan comments
This isn’t a mob, it’s a lot of upset individuals venting on a web forum.
If someone’s entering your home without your invitation, with intent to commit grievous bodily harm, they’re GUILTY.
…and according to THE LAW, you have every right to defend yourself using lethal force.
“everyone is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt by a court of law.”
Actually, it’s “reasonable doubt” the other standard always includes the shadow of a doubt extraterrestials came down and framed the innocent. It’s just unreasonable so that only a few would believe it.
David for reasonable standards
Well, it has been a good read…
I dont agree with everything being said on both sides of the arguments, but the angry mob mentality doesnt fly with me…
If someone doesnt agree with the majority, they still have a right to voice their opinion, and remember, everyone is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt by a court of law.
OK Molino. You are now about to have the Escambia County Deputies rummage through your life. Your email is not completely anonymous here. No matter if you used a fake email or not, where you sent your messages from is traceable. From what you have written has made you a suspect. So hopefully you have an account for all your where abouts for those dates in question. Good luck and God Have Mercy on you for your statements.
noh8rs, right with you,
I hope that the ECSO is monitoring this situation. This needs to be resolved and a statement made before someone gets hurt.
If the ECSO has suspects or whatever, they need to report this.
There is a sense of panic and arming of families that seems to be going on in Molino. You have got parents telling their kids where the guns are, mad father’s saying they are ready to go out hunting this “intruder”.
At this point, just imagine a teenage boy walking up to a home to sell magazines or anything innocent, or a man selling insurance, and end up getting hurt or worse due to the state of panic in the community.
Would this make any person involved become ultimately responsible for that? I think that the ECSO should make an immediate statement as to the progress of these two cases.
It is ridiculous that you people (and you know who YOU are) are writing such garbage~these poor girls were attacked and all “you people” can do is question, doubt, point the finger and “smell something fishy” ! These girls need us as a community to come together and be the eyes and ears of our neighborhoods. I am a mother and my heart goes out to the mothers of these girls, what happened to these girls was life changing and all “you people” can do is pass judgement~ SHAME ON YOU !
And to the girls~ don’t be ashamed, hold your head up high, cry when you need to, but please talk to someone,you need to know that it will get better, I will pray for you and your family
Jake, Keep your head up, your not the problem!
To Hmmm,
My heart is fine, I hate no one! But if someone is threatening my family or my neighbors I have no problem what so ever of taking care of the problem or problems!
Tmolino-no punt intended. I mean no harm in my post.I am not putting anyone down just stateing my humble oppinion . You seem to be so angry ask God to help your heart, for he loves sinners just not the sins . God bless
To Hmmm,
I’m very sorry for the crazy side of your family! Not a killer but a defender, nice try to put down the people of Molino that care about their family and neighbors!
To Hmmm,
I will shoot first if someone is on my property that has not notified me of their presence of being there, especially after dark and there will be no questions asked!
The funny thing about family you almost always have that relative no one likes and the one that is crazy and the one who is breaking laws>> So no matter how much everyone sticks together(which is great) still Molino has its bad SEEDS as does every community…. And to those of you who are going to be shooting first and asking questions later God have mercy on you because then you are a killer,,,,,So end the end you lost because you have allowed some sicko to create havoc in your life….
Its time for you to be runin your route are you off today? Good to hear you are still posting your wisdom..
“thirdly to “Jake”- Getting upset about people’s opinions on the internet is stupid. It shows u how inferior u are to them because you let what somebody else thinks get u mad.”
Nope. A person isn’t inferior because he cares or because he lets others upset him. Yes, we all need to control our anger so others don’t control us through it, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up caring.
He was attacked verbally, responded verbally.
This is better than being attacked verbally, responding shotgunly.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Cute to say, but everybody learns quickly that words often hurt deeply, long after cuts and bruises have faded away.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, so I’m keeping my own sticks and stones handy.”
I do pray no one ends up hurt, like being shot coming in a home because of the high tension this has caused for every one in the area. And if this young man is out there he certainly, according to the reports, is not really out to HURT any one severly but the scare and get attention himself. I would hate for him to end up dead and that could very well happen on his next intrusion if there is one.
To concerned, I have not said I think it is the young guy who drives her to school and the 13 year old’s brother. I said, According to the families accounts, they say NO ONE knew but them, and the 16 year olds says no one knew but her and the brother of the 13 year old who drives her to school. If this is the case, then someone should ben looking into his cell phone for tex records and calls, because commen sence again says he is the link. I certainly dont think it is the parents who have unknowingly talking to the same person. It would be him.
to caryon – after your post it made me stop and think your suggestion makes sense if you look at photo and then think about being attacked. I was not there so I would not began to assume anything like after you throw a broken glass how do you get cut by it then you use pepper spray ? Assuming that is how it happened all I know is I am nobodys judge and God will see all of you through this.
“Molino” that is the best thing you have said yet and yes OUR town of Molino protect our children and will continue to do so family or not….I just hope this “man” reads some of these post and see how many people are MAD not scared but MAD that he has done this and chooses to stop now before he is shot.
For the record, the only thing im “in the know” about regarding this situation is I knew the 2 people it happened to. Im just going to stop posting mostly because its turning into more of an argument over how much of a family this town is rather than an actual investigation.
Warmest regards,
A local private investogator
I wish everyone would do these two girls a favor and if you don’t have anything other than support and words of comfort to offer then get off this post……Their family, friends and community of Molino are standing behind them….and SUPPORT is all they need right now so PLEASE if you can’t post something positive then find something else to do with your time.
Sounds like to me the hunter has now become the hunted. This guy has made the biggest mistake off his life. Remember the movie “NEXT OF KIN”. Molino, FL. is like a family and now you have attacked 2 of it’s family members. Congratulations, you now have a whole town looking for you and I just hope for you sake that the police catch you first because from what I see on here you don’t want the other alternative from some of these country boys in Molino. I would suggest if you are reading this to turn yourself in before it’s to late! God bless these girls and there families and I thank God that they are OK.
okay to whoever is righting as molino. look here if you know who this is that is doing it you might want to tell him that we won’t hesitate to shoot him. i don’t care, this guy is sick. he needs to be put away or put DOWN!! do you understand. if he trespasses on anyones property and they feel threatened, they have a right to get shot. maybe these cheerleaders mistreated him, but get over it alright. everyone goes through crap in their lives, just because he took it out of control does not mean you need to defend someone in the wrong.
Thanks everyone for you thought and prayers. And to the people that don’t believe, you were not the ones who had to go through this kind of thing, and have nightmares, and to be scared in your own home. The guy who attacked knows me and said “he would be back to finish the job!” That is a scary thing to have to go through. But thank you to everyone who has me and my friend LC in their prayers, I know what she is going through and it isn’t fun!
I just hope for me an LC they catch these guys and that none else gets hurt!!
I live in St.Petersburg and I am on trial now for defending myself against a steroid freak that was trying to kill me . State of Florida -vs- Paul McCummiskey. I grew up in that area . I use to live on Molino Rd. across from Gibbs Angus Farm. I went to Tate High School. Iv’e learned a valuable lessons from dealing with the State Attorney’s when it comes to this ” Stand Your Ground ” law. The State Attorney is so afraid that they will have a flood of ‘he said, he said ‘ litigation . They don’t want tto work that hard. They just want easy cases. The individual layers who are in the State Attorney have varying degrees of ethical and moral compasses. A lot of the lawyers are interested in CONVICTION RATES and Not the PURSUIT OF JUSTICE. (Florida statute 1118 Duty of the Prosecutor)
It is not whether a person can shoot straight. It is whether the state attorney wants to make your life a living hell with ; cops that lie on reports, failing to investigate exchulpotory evidence, supression of evidence, if the cops are friends with your attacker, if you get a liberal prosecutor on your case that will submit perjury to the court, whether you get a liberal judge, whether the judges are friends with the prosecutor or feels that she needs to mentor the prosecutor in how to become a better lawyer or if the Appeals Court judges are friends with the Hearing Court Judge. They dont even look at the ” Stand your ground Law”. The law is in plain english, but the judges want to ignore certain words in the law. They also want to ignore certain actions by the attacker. They also want to play Monday morning quarterback when it comes to your life and the life of your family. The y always want to use Hindsight is 20/20. The Florida Court system will do whatever it can to try and make it easy on themselves because they don’t want to set precedents. They are lazy and don’t want to pursue justice . They want conviction rates.
Thank you everyone who knows it is true and trying to help both of us! And to they people who don’t believe, you were not the victims who had to be attacked and have to deal with all this and the people thinking you did it for attention! I know neither of us would ever even think about doing something like that! But I really do appreciate all the prayers to me and my friend LC, I know wh
to caryon and any others who can’t help their ignorance,
my son jake does take his friend (the other cheerleader) to school, just like he has taken other friends. Maybe you don’t have friends to understand thats what friends do. Jake is having to deal with the fact that we were not here to protect his sister and now he is hurt knowing his close friend went through the same thing. Myself, my husband, and my 3 boys (Jake, Sam, and Jeremiah) are focusing our energy on helping Lana cope with the attack, and catching this individual who attacked 2 young ladies who did nothing to deserve this. There are always exceptions, but I can say.. The northend community: our neighbors, Northview students, Northview football team, Ernest Ward cheerleaders, Highland Baptist Church and so many others have been so comforting and helpful, letting us know they are also on the look out and will do anything to help both victims.
Somthing is very fishy, 13 yesr old victim’s brother drives 16 year old to school?, no one new she was home but him & her parents? I would say this so called attackerbhas a link with brother, & how do you get “light” scratches on the top of your arms while fighting off an attack? kinda odd dont you think?
Molino, you sound like someone in the know. If you have something to say, come right out and say it. Don’t be coy with all the little remarks.
People in the community are alarmed and many are armed; it can be dangerous when that happens. It would be sad if someone hurt anyone by mistake. Make no mistake, I firmly believe in self defense, home defense and the defense of others.
Be cautious and be alert folks.
jake, you sound like a very fine brother…im sure that your sister is thankful that she has you for support….stay strong and stay focused on protecting your sister…try to disregard any negative comments, as most of the community is supportive of your family and sister, as well as the other young lady.
Something is fishy here.
The Florida legislature has recently enacted a law that permits you to stand your ground, anywhere, anytime, you are attacked. No longer must you take the risk of retreating from an attacker before protecting yourself. The protection given by the law is the highest protection, immunity from prosecution. No longer must you place your fate in the hands of the jury while pursuing the affirmative defense of self-defense. Your legal team can go proactive to prevent charges from being filed, or dismissed if they have been filed already. With proper legal representation you may be entitled to immunity from prosecution for any harm, even death, which you inflict as a result of your efforts to lawfully defend yourself. .
The new law codified in Florida Statutes 776.013(3)(2006) states:
Whoa whoa whoa Survivor. I didnt say I dated him, I said i WENT with him. Get it right
Everyone remind your kids to make sure they do not put on their Facebook, or Myspace status that they are home alone, not at school, etc. This could be one way this creep is finding out that these girls are at home alone.
Just wondering if anyone who lives in the area and knows the girls has picked up on the fact that they both have the same initials? I have two children who go to the schools and know both girls. And though it didn’t occur to me at first, when reading the comment left by one of the parents of one of the victims, it occurred to me that both girls are cheerleaders with the same initials. It just seemed suspicious to me.
To the girls, I am thankful you are not seriously harmed physically, but emotionally I know you are going through more than just about anyone can imagine right now. You are in my prayers.
around here let this crap happen to one of your family memebers and you let me know how you feel, when you see people runnin there mouth about what the dont know. And again why dont you use your real name if you want to say somethin.
Instead of using some fake name.
Read the statement below that was posted by Molino, “knew one from high school, dated the others brother”, is this a boy or girl. Molino just wants attention, posting whatever to upset people.
My heart goes out to the girls and their families, I am a rape victim so I know the fear of being attacked. I’m not saying they were raped but an attack is still a type of rape because it puts fear in you, makes you not trust others, takes away a part of you. My advice is to lean on God for comfort, peace, strength and everything else that you need. My prayers go out for both of you. And as a parent I know the hurt of not being able to take care of what your child is going through, my prayers are with you also.
■Molino on November 3rd, 2009 2:50 pm
I “knew” the two victims because i went to High School with one, and theother I went with her brother. And why does everyone think Im saying they deserved it? I havent said that once! And go ahead and check me out. Continue to further waste resources that are very limited chasing geese.
Im with you Jake, everyone needs to stop making all these assumptions when they don’t know the entire story. The only people who do know are the ones this happened to. Instead of trying to find reasons why the punk did this, just try and get the girls through this cause their scared like crazy right now.
Firstly to “Wondering” – If this guy is reading this then he can already pick out his next victims cause someone already said that she leaves her 2 girls home alone and gave the times she leaves.. So for their sake lets hope he dont.
Secondly to “all who say, “this is molino, this just dont happen”.” – Wake up! Were in a sad world with sorry leaders! This does happen. Get a grip and just deal with the fact that the world is unperfect and no matter where you go in this world bad things will happen.
thirdly to “Jake”- Getting upset about people’s opinions on the internet is stupid. It shows u how inferior u are to them because you let what somebody else thinks get u mad. Let it go man and just focus on being with your sister/friend.
Good for you Jake…..My heart goes out to your sister and the other victim…..I hope you and some other good ole Molino boys get your hands on this guy before he hurts another young girl. The whole community is behind both of these girls and this creep will get caught….unless he gets shot first….I prefer saving tax payers $$$$
Molino you need to keep your comments to yourself if you are goin to cutt my sister down or the other girl because she is just like a sister too. These girls haven’t done anything at all to deserve this. And if you have something to say about them why dont you come on over and say it to me. Because im not going to let this slide. My sister is scared to sleep in her own room at her house!! She is scared out of her mind!! And all you wanna do is write comments blaming them. So if you want to keep these comments up and tryin to say my sister or the other girl did something to deserve this, you come over and talk to me about it.
And noh8ers if you think there is something weird that the NHS girl rides with me to school why dont you come talk to me about it.
Both my family and hers have enough to deal with, without scum bags like you two trying to say things you know NOTHING about.
to molino— sounds like you are a bitter ex that got dumped and we can all see why .
My prayers are with all of you keep safe .
There is a great program that teaches teen girls about ways to defend themselves in an attack. The program, Just Yell Fire, is available via the internet – free. There is a 30 minute movie that demonstrates techniques and discusses the realities of teen attacks.
If this freak keeps this up in Molino than a little country girl is going to get a shotgun after him and really stop him.
Wild Bill you may be right about some people and their weapons,but, I still thank God that they have the right to keep them in their closets, dusty or not. As for me, my carry weapon never leaves my side unless I enter the prohibited carry sites dictated by Florida Statute. I practice with my weapon every two weeks and feel as comfortable with it as I do my TV remote. Concealed carry is something that I encourage all law abiding Floridians to apply for and utilize.
My kids won’t even sleep in there room now! My daughter knows both girls very well and is also a Cheerleader at Northview who lives in the same area..Now some people are trying to tell her she will be next because there is only 2 cheerleaders left in the local vacinity! It was hard enough to see her friend friday get attack as it was for me! Now, she has her other friend to deal with! Bless these young ladies as they heal physicaly and mentaly! This guy will be caught!!
have yall ever wondered if the attacker is looking at all of these comments? well, i hope he does! he deserves to be put to shame! both of these girls are my friends and its sooo weird that this happend, back in the day no one would have ever thought something like this would have happened, wow how the world has changed.
NHS student, I’m very proud of how fast you reacted to the situation, and how brave you were to fight him off. I love you, and I’m glad you were not seriously hurt this morning. I know you will probably be traumatized from this experience, but just remember God is on your side! Hopefully, the cops can catch this guy, or a very angry dad. I’ll be praying for you and the guy who did this! Hopefully, we can see you back at practice tomorrow!
Something fishy is going on here…Thankfully this idiot isn’t much of an assailant
NHS student && the other girl: Hope you are recovering well and will be able to get back to your lives without hestitation. I know if that happened to me I would be killing me some attacker
. I bet the NHS girl put a little hurting on him. (I don’t know the other girl but I’m sure she fended for herself too.)
Molino: Just wondering, but if you say they didn’t “deserve” it then why do you continue to talk about how “angelic” they may or may not seem? What does it matter to you in particular? Someone did this for a specific reason, whether it’s personal or not. Oh by the way, I know the first victim’s brother and the second victim just like you do. It’s nothing extraordinary that you know them! Because everyone else that attends NHS does too.
I can’t believe what I am reading on here, not only were these girls attacked in the one place that they should feel completely safe in, they are now being attacked by the ones who should be giving unconditional support. This guy will screw up and get caught, I just hope that it is before he has the chance to do it again. We should be supporting the victims, not criticizing them.
I hope the next headline does not read “Panic Causes Death of Family Member”. Tuff talk don’t always equate to common sense. If your a trained professional “Fire for Effect” if not run like hell! A gun in a paniced persons hands usually becomes a tool for the assailant. The pepper spray is effective and forgives mistakes!!! So Think First!
Wild Bill,
You are probably right about most people and their guns. But then there are some people around like me. I know exactly where my alleged gun is, within easy reach. It’s loaded, always is, no children in the house. The safety, no problem it’s a combat ready .45 ACP, the safety is built into the trigger, just pull it. As for using it, I shot competition for several years, including some quick draw, but mostly 2700 bullseye matches. My NRA classification was high master, which means you have to hit the target no less than 97% of the time. I don’t have a problem hitting a target the size of someone’s head out to 40 yards or so now. If this creep was lucky enough to break in on me, I wouldn’t have no problem increasing his weight by 230 grains. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to defend myself from a criminal, I still have a souvenir from an idiot that tried to rob me several years ago.
has anyone stopped to think that this “molino” guy could be this stalker/robber? i mean come on you guys. HE is sticking up for this guy, HE is saying that maybe there is a reason -who would know anything about why this robber is doing it? i mean maybe its just a coincidence, but HE belives there is a reason.
i think this guy needs some freakin’ help, and someone needs to track him down. i love molino, and this kinda stuff don’t just happen.
pray for the girls, they really need it.
I very much agree that the best thing for this guy would be to break into the wrong house and get what he deserves. I usually have a gun in easy reach myself but for your sake please make sure of your target before pulling the trigger.sounds like everybody is fired up over this and understandably so but it would be hard to live with if you killed a loved one by mistake.
wow i live right bye her and i think that all the people thats writing all these bad comments needs to GROW UP becase she really lucky im really really glad that she is alive and god helped her
You are not the only one who had that thought. I cast it aside. Now, you’ve stirred it up. Sigh.
a fool and a coward
wonder why any would defend him/it
This creep is abviously watching the homes in the area to see who comes and goes.It seems as if he is only looking for homes with young girls left home alone.This guy needs to be caught before he hurts someone really bad.he is going to go to the wrong house and get shot! That is what he deserves.
Something really sounds “not right” here. I hope this all doesn’t turn out to be what my intuition is telling me that it is. I hope that they have completely checked out all stories. I believe arrests will be made quickly, but it may be surprising to everyone who they arrest. Just stating my opinion. STAY TUNED.
Both of these girls are known by my daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with both families. I am in prayer that the attacker is found before anyone else has defend themselves. Please take ALL precautions to keep your families safe.
ok i may not live in miino but if someone came into my house i knoe where,if its loaded,n how to shoot my mama n daddy’s gun! I also keep my knife in easy reach if it does happen. just because we are kids doesnt mean that we dont know how to use it and alot of my friends say that they couldnt shoot or stab someone but i could if they were tryin to hurt me!
yeah i live across from the girl that got attacked recently
Are we to infer that 13-yr-old victim’s brother said something about not driving the 16-yr-old to the wrong person?
“Loose lips sink ships.”
noh8rs — that is in our story above
I also live in the neighborhood that this pervert has chosen to terrorize. I, like everyone else in Molino, will do whatever it takes to protect my family from sick perverts like this. His day is coming very soon when he enters one of the many homes that are prepared and awaiting his arrival. Does this idiot not know..THIS IS MOLINO…….WE ALL HAVE GUNS!!! And will not think twice about using it on someone who is not worth much more than the bullet we use. You may want to think twice about messing with our children…we take care of people like you in our own way…..
For those parents who have no choice about leaving your children at home alone right now-please ask a neighbor, friend, or relative to help you out until this sicko is caught…that is not a chance we need to take. With the current situation-lets all band together and make sure its not another one of our children that suffer the consequences.
Hello!!!!!! It’s prob someone who see’s them at the games or at practice!!!
My thoughts go out to both of the young ladies. I myself have 2 daughters that go to NHS and I am taking this serious. I think that it is somebody that knows what is going on in these girls lifes…example..maybe they put something on “myspace” or ‘facebook”. So I have talked to both of my girls about not puttting to much info on these websites. Whoever this is is sick and twisted and should be caught. Molino residents please come together and let’s get these people!
All I got to say is AMEN!!
U need to quit attacking the character of these girls. Maybe they aren’t perfect. I’m sure you aren’t either or your name would be Jesus. Nothing justifies this person breaking into their home and attacking them. If you can’t say something nice then don’t say it. You never know when you might be the victim and someone might say well she/he had it coming. I don’t know them but I am sure they are nice girls!!
With all this going on. I,ve got my gun out of the safe. If I catch someone climbing through my window. Guess what they are going to get.
When kids have been through trauma,the last thing they need is adults doubting their story!!!
Been there, done that!
These girls need LOTS of love and support!!!
Molino, get a grip and for goodness sakes….GROW UP!!!
So one of these girls goes to Northview and another goes to Ernest Ward? …..If that’s the case then the cops need to be looking for this guy at practice or the football games…….. This doesn’t seem like a coincidence…… this guy may have a thing for cheerleaders. Keep your eyes open people and lets get this guy off the streets.
Noone said they could get to the gun…I said I could…….and anyone breaking in has no idea if the guns are loaded or not. so don’t be stupid….either way this is not the issue…the issue is we need to be looking out for this guy and stop him before he is successful in what he has set out to do….these are such brave young ladies and need our support as friends, family, and a community.
Molino Mom…You have a gun safe with a glass door? I’d say the lock on it is pretty useless. Glass is easily broken. This also means that your children could easily take ur gun out and play with it and hurt themselves or others. Good Job.
A locked GUN cabinet that is easily opened? Sounds like an oxy moron to me. Dont you think a would be attacker could just as easily open it?
lol at molino mom. So ur children can get to ur gun with ease which means ur leavin them an opportunity to get the gun and play with it and hurt themselves. Good Job! Also Glass door? Who needs a lock if its a glass door they could easily just break through it. Real Brilliant!
Wild Bill my gun is located in a locked gun cabinet with a glass door and easily opened and anyone who would like to verify if I can get to it before you can reach one of my children then feel free to try……I promise you just might be surprised……..ONE MAD MOM
You are right that we need to pray for the person/persons doing this, for he is a victim too, of the enemy of our souls. We need to pray for ourselves and our society. If even one of us was where we need to be in God’s scheme of things, many things would be different. We have, after all, had about 2000 years to get it right. If even one of us was really “there” perhaps this guy would have “seen,” not just “heard” The Truth, and be changed. It is way past time that those who know to pray do what it says in Rom. 12:1 and Luke 11. I thank God neither of you girls were hurt, but this perpetrator must hurt if he feels the need to do these cowardly things. He needs to see himself as one that Jesus loved enough to die for. If he really believed that he could be transformed and on another “highway,” a narrow one. Thanks for reminding us to pray for him. If you can, certainly myself and others can.
Castle Doctrine – simply put, as soon as he came in the house and made menacing movements, she was well within her rights to blow him away.
And there’s not a jury in this county that would have indicted or convicted her.
Just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and tell others to not waste their time on here arguing about things that y’all have no control over! Please continue to pray for whoever it is doing all of this.
The scratches are from GLASS. Not fingernails, and by the picture, you can’t see how deep the cuts are.
Thanks for all the SUPPORT.
You are her mother. The way a person actsat home and at school are very VERY different.
You stated you know both of the victims. One of the victims is my daughter. If you really knew either one of these young ladies you would know that they have never given anyone a reason to do harm to them. These 2 girls have gone through a traumatic experience that they did not ask for, but are having to deal with now and for a time to come. This low life individual will be caught. We live in a community where everyone comes together in situations like this one. I have had an outpouring of calls and visits from neighbors telling us that they are watching out for our house and children. I just pray for comfort and closure for my daughter and her friend LC. It won’t be long before the police or an angry father puts an end to this person. To everyone else, please give these girls your support.
I seriously doubt many of you could…….
a. Locate your alleged gun.
b. Remember if said weapon is loaded or not?
c. Remember to take the safety off.
d. Point and shoot before the attacker is in your face.
Weapons are great if you are trained and ready to use them. Unfortunately defense weapons are usually stuffed in a closet or drawer and haven’t been fired in a long time. Or kept locked up and/or unloaded because you are afraid your own precious children will sneak in there and play with them when you are not around.
How many of you can honestly say you know where your gun is, whether or not it is loaded and feel comfortable you could reach said weapon and make it ready to fire within the 2-3 seconds it takes for an attacker to grab you by the throat? My guess not many!
Your best bet unless you are trained and familiar with your weapon is to do EXACTLY what this young lady did, get out of harm’s way and call the police.
Tommy H…really are you a DR……how can you say what causes the cuts or scratches and does it matter what it was done with…… dare you doubt these young victims…….we all need to support them and be looking for this guy and to MOLINO…….the description is 6ft 2in with a tatoo on his leg and slender build……by the way his eyes may still be swollen from the pepper spray….good job north view cheerleader……..
Your name is “13 year old”. Its pretty obvious without the name though. One of the suspects was described as having a tattoo on his leg. And the blonde hair suspect also was said to have had long hair. But please, continue
Molino: I Have To Tell You, You Said That You Had Blonde Hair And Wuz 6,2 Feet Tall That First Cheerleader Said That What He Look Like Cuz I Watch wear 3 news That Night
I “knew” the two victims because i went to High School with one, and theother I went with her brother. And why does everyone think Im saying they deserved it? I havent said that once! And go ahead and check me out. Continue to further waste resources that are very limited chasing geese.
This makes me angry! I love living in Molino because this crap doesn’t happen here. I hope this guy gets his and soon! I know the investigators on this case are good at what they do but I just wonder if anyone has thought to pull an attendance record for today at both schools and checked to see if anyone that was absent at this time fits the description?
PS Someone really does need to check out “Molino.”
sounds like these 2 young ladies have been realllly lucky on these attacks, THANK GOD…there is no telling what would have happened to them otherwise. I agree, someone knew they were going to be home alone. He is going to pick the wrong home one day and he’s going to get mor ethan he bargained for. I cannot believe in today’s society that ANYONE would do something like this…IS IT WORTH UR LIFE….FOOOL?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am the mother of 2 girls myself, so this realllly hits close to home. If something liek this happened to my kids, me and my husband would be willing to go to jail to get justice if the law couldn’t do anything about the perpetrator…as any parent would. Whoever gets him will be a HERO no doubt…..i sure hope he’s not a school kid thinking he’s being funny because all of NWF will show him how cute he reallly is……stay safe girls and thank GOD neither of you were hurt….
“denae on November 3rd, 2009 2:18 pm Sounds like there is a psycho on the loose – get your guns ready!”
Did you know that the folks calling the shots now, would think you are the psycho, if they read what you wrote? Herein lies a big part of the problem. They would defend the perp if they could, and they seem to usually do just that. We need to wake up and take back what we have lost to the enemy.
Psychos now run the country.
“molino” it sounds like someone needs to educate you in certain things. No one should have this happen to them whether it is a youbg girl or woman. It sounds like you need to be taught what respect for women is all about. with the comments your making you will probably learn that particular lesson the hard way.
■Mary on November 3rd, 2009 1:04 pm
The reason why this person is attacking these girls is in no way the fault of the girls themselves. Even if they happened to mistreat the attacker, that doesn’t justify his actions. He is in the wrong no matter what his reasons may be.
ok honestly read what u just said…The last 2 sentences. That means if that person comes into ur house to rob you u have no right to shoot him or stop him no matter what he does to you because nothing he does will justify ur actions either. How bout we think before we speak…better yet…maybe just dont speak.
don’t argue with “Molino” i know him and that is all he wants… an argument. he is just saying this crap to get you guys stirred up.
Milino tell me just what you mean by saying you knew the two victims so far.
Thanks for clearing that up! SO as you can see, just because someone is outside your window, doesnt mean you can kill them. There has to be reasonable suspicion your life is in danger. Apparently neither attacker had weapons (im not very sure on the first case, just heard about it today).
This bill is known as the Castle Doctrine. For all of you people who believe more in protecting criminals than giving them exactly what they deserve.
Know the law….here are the facts…..STRAIGHT OUT OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE.
CHAPTER 2005-27
Committee Substitute for
Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 436
An act relating to the protection of persons and property; creating s.
776.013, F.S.; authorizing a person to use force, including deadly
force, against an intruder or attacker in a dwelling, residence, or
vehicle under specified circumstances; creating a presumption that
a reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm exists under certain
circumstances; creating a presumption that a person acts with the
intent to use force or violence under specified circumstances; providing
definitions; amending ss. 776.012 and 776.031, F.S.; providing
that a person is justified in using deadly force under certain circumstances;
declaring that a person has no duty to retreat and has the
right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force if the
person is in a place where he or she has a right to be and the force
is necessary to prevent death, great bodily harm, or the commission
of a forcible felony; creating s. 776.032, F.S.; providing immunity
from criminal prosecution or civil action for using deadly force; defining
the term “criminal prosecution”; authorizing a law enforcement
agency to investigate the use of deadly force but prohibiting
the agency from arresting the person unless the agency determines
that there is probable cause that the force the person used was
unlawful; providing for the award of attorney’s fees, court costs,
compensation for loss of income, and other expenses to a defendant
in a civil suit who was immune from prosecution under this section;
providing an effective date.
WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that it is proper for law-abiding people
to protect themselves, their families, and others from intruders and attackers
without fear of prosecution or civil action for acting in defense of themselves
and others, and
WHEREAS, the castle doctrine is a common-law doctrine of ancient origins
which declares that a person’s home is his or her castle, and
WHEREAS, Section 8 of Article I of the State Constitution guarantees the
right of the people to bear arms in defense of themselves, and
WHEREAS, the persons residing in or visiting this state have a right to
expect to remain unmolested within their homes or vehicles, and
WHEREAS, no person or victim of crime should be required to surrender
his or her personal safety to a criminal, nor should a person or victim be
required to needlessly retreat in the face of intrusion or attack, NOW,
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida
Im 6′2″ Blonde hair, blue eyes. And I said I WENT to Northview. Went. Past tense. I also never said anyone deserved it. I just said people arent as angelic as you would like to think.
Sounds like there is a psycho on the loose – get your guns ready!
”molino” is a douche bag. PERIOD! i think this guy that is doing these things should be shot! i’ll do the deed!!
Molino how dare you talk about either of these girls after what they have been through and by the way only one attends northview so how exactly do you know the other…..either your skipping school today or already out of school….you sure do sound like a sad person with alot of built up anger……I agree maybe the police should talk to you……just wondering how tall are you………….
Molino – do you really believe that victims deserve their crime?? WOW! If that is the case, you need serious help. You are almost as bad as the attacker himself.
And by the way, I hope you have never made any mistakes at all for, according to you, your day will come too. Furthermore, I hope no one you care about has ever made a mistake either because when their day comes, your heart may change.
And passing around his description is pointless…because you know 6ft black mask, black pants, black shirt is a great description. Im sure he is still walking around in his mask
mmmm looks like fingernail scratches….u would think a broken glass would leave deaper cuts…
This guy needs to understand that in Molino we shoot first and ask later and soon he will find the wrong home and someone will stop him I just pray it is before he succeeds in what he is out to do……I think they should look at the attendance from northview or even the check in log and see who was out today or who checked in late and compare the discription. It sounds like this guy is young and easily scared off. Both girls should be very proud they fought back and scared him away. He will get what’s coming to him. We need to pass his discription through email, text, myspace, and facebook until this creep is caught.
Sadly molino is probably right
Yes perhaps they should, because if I really WAS the perp, I would totally give up my cover here on the Northexcambia comments board. Dont be silly. Also people, you need to get your facts about the laws straight. And the “stereotype” wasnt a stereotype. I went to Northview and knew both victims so far. Not everyone is as angelic as people make them out to be.
My prayers and heart goes out to these young girls and their families because this type of “FEAR” has been engraved in their lives forever… But I am so glad to see that so many of our Molino people have regular good old fashion COMMON SENSE. Everybody protect yourself, your family and neighbors because in the long run they are the ones that count. Nobody has the right to put this type of fear in a life no matter how bad their own life has been.
Perhaps “Molino” IS the Perp and is trying to make a statement. Perhaps “Molino” should be questioned.
Parents should remind their kids the danger of passing too much information in the public domain like with Myspace, Facebook and Text messages. It appears this jerk is familer with his victims and could very well be getting the information he needs from the viticms themselves.
Hey “Molino” who says “And maybe theres a reason this person is going straight after cheerleaders. Maybe these girls mistreated him in school. Just sayin’”
Way to stereotype! You are just what society needs.
Thanks William, For the quick news!
How did you just dream up this conclusion? Sounds like you have information that could help with this case! And by the way I hope these idiots break into the wrong house, it will save our tax dollars tremendously! I have a teenage daughter to and she has been taught to put a bullet between the eyes of anyone that comes to harm her.
ok guys. and gals i remember back a few years back a law was passed in florida call the stand your ground law. if anyone comes into your home or even knocks on your door and threatens your life verbally or physically you have the right to defend your self and if that person is killed in the end result, there is no legal action florida can take against you. its the law. i think any parent who is going to leave there kid at home should leave pepper spray. if the girl this morning had not of had that God knows what might have happened so great thinking on her part. I pray for all the families involved in this and as for the one who committed these crimes. May God have mercy on you because prison is tough and if your reading this i will say I dont live in florida anymore but if u ever touch my family members i will fly in and i will find you. your sick a pathetic and need to turn yourself in. I dont know the people involved that were injusred but just because its molino and htats were i grew up when they catch you i will be at your court hearing to protect and stand up for the familes of the lives youve destroyed
United States Airforce
I agree that all alarms should be sounded. This individual needs to be dealt with in the harshest legal ways.
Whether or not some cheerleader has offended him is no reason to invade their home to terrorize or attack or whatever. One has to wonder why someone would even think of that as a reason.
If it comes to legal deadly force, so be it. Just be prepared for the mental, physical, and legal aftermath. It’s not like it is on TV. As a former law enforcement officer and current concealed weapons permit holder I can tell you can be tough but survivable.
This is apparently a sad but true indicator of the sign of the times.
Prepare, educate, and protect.
The reason why this person is attacking these girls is in no way the fault of the girls themselves. Even if they happened to mistreat the attacker, that doesn’t justify his actions. He is in the wrong no matter what his reasons may be.
All parents should be diligent about protecting their children, but obviously more so in this case since the attacker does seem to have knowledge of the girls being home alone. I will be praying that what is in darkness will be brought out into the light, and that the ones that have had their sense of peace and safety shaken will be able to find that peace again in the Lord.
To “molino.” I go to school with the girl from this morning the other girl is in middle school.
Are you insinuating that that they DESERVED this to happen to? In no way did they deserve for their houses to get broken into and for them to get hurt.
Thank you to everyone for keeping them in your thoughts and prayers. And please continue to pray that we find this person(s)
Thank you.
I Live In Florida So If Someone Trys That In Florida You Can Killem I Do Go To Ernest Ward Middle School
ok ,molino…i know one of these cheerleaders, and she is one of the sweetest people you would ever meet…so thinking this piece of junk is targeting them because their “cheerleaders” or because they “mistreated” them is ridiculous… so what would you do if they came in your house, just look at them & say take what you want & do whatever you want to my child…. i think not!!!
A man hurting young already injured young girls is about the epitome of cowardice, but probably makes this sick “man” feel more “manly,” and that is truly sick.
@ molino – no you’re completely wrong when you say you would get 25 to life this is florida and by law you can shoot and kill any1 who threatens you or you family especially if they’re breaking into your house. the only thing the law requires you to do is to give them warning which doesn’t matter because a dead man can’t say you didn’t tell him to freeze.
I agree… People in Molino, do not forget.. It is bad enough to break into people’s homes…but when you start hurting our children, you have dug your own grave…Whoever he is, if he has any sense at all, he will get as far away from Molino as he can, before he picks the wrong home that just so happens to have an ADULT present instead of a teenage girl. If this was my daughter, I would be on a manhunt right now!!!
Mom of 3, if they start earlier, they get home earlier. What about the parents who get home from work later? Changing the schedules wouldnt fix anything.
This is a very scary. I have two young girls that I have to leave at home every morning by themselves to catch the bus because it doesn’t run until after I have to be at work. Maybe the school system should check into the times that our children have to be at school and realize that working parents have no other choice but to leave our young children at home along when we have to be at work at 8:00 and the bus doesn’t run until after 8:00. They need to change the times back to starting earlier so the parents can make sure our children are safe at school in the mornings when we leave to go to work. I don’t like having to leave my girls at home by themselves to get on the bus but what am I suppose to do? I have to work in order to provide for them and my husband works in P’cola and has to be in at 6:30am so I have no other choice like most parents I know.
We all just need to be very cautious and watch out for strange happenings in our neighborhoods. My husband always says, “if you are found on our property at night, you will be found here in the morning”!!! I will be defending my family and my home. Sounds like the person who keeps trying to break in needs to get a job and a life like the rest of us honest, hardworking people!!!!
Im really amused by the people saying youll shoot the person. Go ahead and do it. Youll be getting 25 to life for murder, whether or not it was justified.
And maybe theres a reason this person is going straight after cheerleaders. Maybe these girls mistreated him in school. Just sayin’
This is more than a home invasion both victims are young girls and alone at times that normaly they would not be….so it sounds like someone they know or someone their friends may know who knew they would be home…….Parents be alert and don’t leave your young (middle or highschool) girls alone right now……This guy will be caught and when he does he will only get a slap on the wrist but by then his name will be out and all I can say to him is that Molino is a small close community and people don’t forget quickly……
And my daughter wonders why I won’t leave her home alone, even with the doors locked. I’ll be sure to let her read this article.
I was at the NHS game when I heard what happened to the first victem and I know the second one very well. I pray that these two victems will be able to trust in God to know that He is watching over them and also that this person will be caught soon. In the meantime, we all need to take extra precautions to ensure our children aren’t home alone and maybe start a neighborhood watch.
ha, i have a younger sis the same age as these girls, and i hope that guy comes to my house, cause hes gonna get a whole lot more than he expects, like a bullet in his ass!!
i know whats gona happen if he comes to my house.
Awesome reporting!! My husband saw this report and called me around 8:40 this morning and told me to check on my parents because they also live on Nancy Lane. I called my dad and asked him if they were all okay – he said that there were police accross the street and asked me if I knew what was going on – As I was reading this story to him a police officer knocked on his door to see if they had heard or saw anything!! You are awesome William!!!
…and a shovel.
I hope the victim wasn’t injured. I know all of Molino is on edge about these two home invasions, and rightfully so. . . .but this punk will be caught. Either the police will get him or he’ll pick the wrong house next time and find himself looking down the barrel of a gun on the other side of that window.
This sounds like the same person, everybody need to be aware and have your S&W ready.