All Area Schools Closed Today

November 10, 2009

All schools in the North Escambia area are closed today.

Students will return to school Thursday, following the Veterans Day holiday on Wednesday.

Schools closed in the area include:

  • Escambia County (Fla.) public schools
  • Escambia County (Ala.) public schools
  • Santa Rosa County public schools
  • University of West Florida
  • Pensacola Junior College
  • Escambia Academy
  • Temple Christian Academy
  • Atmore Christian School
  • Baldwin County public schools


8 Responses to “All Area Schools Closed Today”

  1. my opinion is just as important as yours on November 10th, 2009 1:55 pm

    Nope, no complex here. Just picked a catchy moniker to go by. You know, like “dude”? lol If my comments don’t fit your particular situation, then they don’t apply to you. It’s as simple as that. Nothing to get all ‘het up about. And no, I don’t know you at all! That’s why it’s called the internet!
    According one of William’s stories here, yes, there were indeed roads so flooded that they are closed or dangerous to drive on. As far as the people at the shelters, I will leave it up to their reasoning why they felt the need to be there. They must not have felt safe at home. So good for them to have another place to go!
    If you can read this, thank a teacher!!
    Now, I will go and enjoy the rest of my day off and tomorrow as well!!

  2. gdude on November 10th, 2009 11:41 am

    “my opinion is just as important as yours”…who said it wasn’t?? You must have a complex. And if your comment about “thinking it is all up to the school system” was directed toward me…you don’t know me well at all…my children have received an awesome education both at home and at school…they have always ranked in the tops of their class and have always received high marks.

    My comment was more directed at the fact that it appears there was some “over reacting” to “IDA”. USA in Mobile never missed a beat…all of their classes met as scheduled (even last night’s evening classes). So I am not alone in thinking that school could have went on as scheduled. Yes, there was some high winds and rain…but were there honestly roads flooded so bad that buses couldn’t make it down them?? As far as shelters go…the people that fled to them did so without reason…it was nothing more than a weak thunder storm.

  3. my opinion is just as important as yours on November 10th, 2009 11:05 am

    The supt. has already said that he will ask for these two storm days to be excused. That would mean the days would not have to be made up if they are excused.
    Remember after Hurricane Ivan that many of those missed school days were excused as well.

  4. wonder on November 10th, 2009 10:35 am

    Wiliam, Will the children have to make this up? If so will it be on the spring break. would love to know. I know that many people have booked motel room and plane tickets. Please find out as soon as you can. I would like to know soon so can try to get some of the money back or change the vacations plans.

  5. Mom on November 10th, 2009 10:05 am

    I am really glad that precautions were taken to consider the safety of our children and teachers. I think in the case of an unpredictable storm it is best to consider safety of the students, bus drivers and teachers. I hope great consideration will be given before tacking the two days on to the end of school. There are plenty of days between now and then that can be make ups.
    Thank You to the teachers and bus drivers for all that you do. You have some grateful moms out there.

  6. my opinion is just as important as yours on November 10th, 2009 9:03 am

    I’m so glad that the school superintendent was wise enough to close the school system and not endanger the students, and employees by opening the schools during Ida’s approach, etc. There’s so much more involved than simply planting a child’s bottom in a school desk. You have to think about SAFETY. Do people really want students standing out in a tropical storm/hurricane waiting on buses, or bus drivers having to drive in the bad weather? Not to mention that school employees are parents too and need time to prepare their homes and families. We are not robots!
    Not to mention that shelters were still open in some schools this morning and you can’t use the building as a shelter while school is going on!
    For those who are so disappointed that the kiddos were out of school for the storm, then go over their studies with them at home. We can tell whose parents who work with their kids at home and whose parents think it’s all up to the school system.

  7. Get off that soapbox! on November 10th, 2009 8:59 am

    Flooded roads where school buses cannot go. Think. Not safe.

  8. gdude on November 10th, 2009 6:48 am

    Much ado about nothing…schools should return to class today!