Video: NHS Tribal Beat Performs With All South High School Band

October 20, 2009


The Northview High School Tribal Beat Band participated in the All South Band Day at the University of Southern Mississippi recently.

The Tribal Beat members as well as the other participating bands were given the music for “The Hand That Feeds” by Nine Inch Nails and received instructions from USM band members, instructors, band directors and others.

nhs-southernmiss.jpgAfter working in sectionals for about 45 minutes, the entire All South High School Band — including the NHS Tribal Beat — took to the practice filed to prepare for the Southern Miss halftime show. The Northview students were able to watch part of the USM Golden Eagles football game against Virginia before taking the field to perform with USM’s band “The PRIDE” at halftime.

“This was definitely a wonderful music educational experience for all who participated, not to mention really, really fun,” said NHS Tribal Beat Band Director Scott Slay. “I look forward to taking NHS to this event again as well as others.”

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Pictured above: Northview Tribal Beat Band members watch a University of Southern Mississippi football game prior to performing during the halftime show.  Pictured inset: The USM band “The PRIDE” and the All South High School Band perform. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Video: NHS Tribal Beat Performs With All South High School Band”

  1. Nana on October 20th, 2009 9:58 am

    I am so proud of the NHS band. These are wonderful, hard-working kids. They deserve much recognition. You rock, Northview Tribal Beat Band!!!!

  2. Josh Bloodsworth's mom on October 20th, 2009 9:00 am

    GREAT JOB Northview Tribal Beat Marching Band, I’m proud of each and everyone of you! So glad that you got the opportunity to experience the game and play with the USM Marching Band at halftime.

    Always remember, you can never practice enough in order to be the best you can be. In order to be the best band you can be, requires lots of hard work, long hours and dedication from each and everyone of you and then when you perform, your music will reflect that dedication.

    Keep marching to the beat of your own drums NHS Tribal Beat and go CHIEFS!

  3. Felicia Jones on October 20th, 2009 6:52 am

    WOW, Congrats Band! I am so proud of you all! Coming from the Century High School Band Alumni, you all make me proud! We never got to do anything this big while I was there, but count your blessings! Continue to grow, continue to practice (YES, IT REALLY IS IMPORTANT!) Good luck in the future in all you do!

  4. Deni on October 20th, 2009 6:05 am

    Thank You , Thank You, Thank You, Thank You …for posting this. I didn’t know if anyone had pics or videos. Nice to finally see the happenings! Looks like they had a blast!