Tonight: Leaders To Pray For Century

October 17, 2009

Community leaders will gather in Century tonight to pray for the town.

Abundant Life Assembly of God will host the prayer rally for the town of Century at 6:00 tonight. Mayor Freddie McCall, Joe Miller with Prayer for Pensacola and several local pastors and churches will be in attendance. Everyone is welcome to attend.


2 Responses to “Tonight: Leaders To Pray For Century”

  1. EMD on October 17th, 2009 10:42 am

    “Things” do not change until we change…first by repentance, and then by applying Romans 12:1, personally. Then, asking God to change us into what He created us to be as individuals. No prayer will have lasting affect or effect until this happens. For it is written, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear me.” We have Habitat for Humanity, but much more than that, we need a Habitat for Holiness. There is just too much in these temples of our body that is not Holy. Would God want to see, think, speak, and do, as we do? But, God does not despise a pure and contrite heart. We cannot live the kind of life God abides in, without understanding, and applying that found in Luke 11. My mother told me many times, ” Wars will not end until men’s hearts change.” I believe that now, more than ever. An entire week dedicated to prayer is not a bad thing, but a life dedicated to God in an unceasing attitude of prayer is a much better thing. It is, in fact, the perfect thing He asks of us, and is, as Rom. 12:1 states, “our reasonable service.”

  2. Century girl on October 17th, 2009 3:48 am

    This entire week has been dedicated
    to prayer for different needs for our community
    each day, such as praying for our leaders, community development, decreased poverty and crime, etc.

    This is awesome…community leaders, churches, and the
    people coming together and praying for the common good of our town. Praise God!