State Rep. Murzin Visits With Students

October 19, 2009


State Rep. Dave Murzin visited with fourth grade students at  Molino Park Elementary School. Murzin talked with the students about state government, his job and his responsibilities in Tallahassee during his visit Friday morning.  The students also had the opportunity to ask him questions. photo, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “State Rep. Murzin Visits With Students”

  1. Oversight on October 19th, 2009 2:06 pm

    This is real nice of Rep. Murzin, but isn’t Molino Park in Rep. Greg Evers’ district? Where was Evers? Oh that’s right; he was downtown collecting more money from the “All for One” crowd for his senate run. Besides, Murzin is a better choice over Evers for state senator.

  2. MPE Mom on October 19th, 2009 1:11 pm

    When my daughter was in 4th grade at Molino Park we went on the Tallahassee field trip and it was OUT OF THIS WORLD. Rep. Murzin met us at the House of Representatives chamber and spoke to the kids about his job. I was VERY impressed with the way he communicated with the kids and spent so much time with them. Thank you Mr. Murzin for all that you do for education!!!