Shocking Animal Cruelty Case: Woman Living With Dead Cats In Home

October 30, 2009


A shocking case of animal cruelty and hoarding has been uncovered by authorities — a case where a woman was keeping multiple cats, some of them dead and decomposing, inside her filthy home.

The Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.) uncovered the unsettling situation in Atmore after receiving several complaints.

“We attempted contact several times with no success until two days ago when the owner did talk with the cruelty investigator,” said Renee Jones, humane society director. “She told me that she had two dead cats that she had been unable to bury and so we offered to help her and we actually went into the backyard and dug two small holes for her. She refused to bring the bodies out or to let us go in to get them.”

That prompted the human society to obtain a search and seizure warrant Thursday morning and execute it at the home, which is located within the Atmore city limits.

animh11.jpgSeven cats were seized alive and four dead cats were removed from the home in various stages of decomposition. A Scottish terrier and a cockatiel were also seized.

“The owner of the residence did know that two of the cats were deceased and she had kept them in garbage bags in her utility room for weeks being unable to bring herself to bury them. The owner stated that she did not know that the other two cats were dead although one of them was lying right out in the open. The other had died under a sofa weeks ago,” Jones said.

The living cats were dehydrated, emaciated and infested with fleas and the dog was heavily matted, according to authorities. The animals will receive a more thorough examination from a veterinarian.

“The house was full of feces and urine and the smell was absolutely overwhelming. Humane Enforcement Officers Wes Burkley and Bryan Pugh were covered in fleas and had great difficulty breathing the ammonia laden air throughout the ordeal of locating the cats and capturing them for transport,” according to Jones.

Jones added that there were no children living in the home.

Animal cruelty charges are expected to filed against the woman sometime Friday. The Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.) is not releasing the woman’s identity at this time as they attempt to seek help for her.

WARNING: Many readers will find the following photos disturbing.  For photos from the home submitted by the Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.), click here.

Pictured top: In a disturbing case of animal cruelty, the decomposing body of a cat was found under this couch inside an Atmore home. Pictured inset: One of the cats rescued from the home by The Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.). Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


36 Responses to “Shocking Animal Cruelty Case: Woman Living With Dead Cats In Home”

  1. maggie on November 1st, 2009 10:05 pm

    Great Job Renee !! The County needs you !

  2. always right Saint/that's ME on November 1st, 2009 10:04 pm


    Hey, did you do anything besides work out your tongue, brain and thumb, thumbing your Bible? Me neither.
    I didn’t say anything to the pastor today. Nor the youth pastor.
    I figure they will see the need in the community. Why should I get involved.

    They know who lives where. The over grown yards. Where people who lost jobs are. Well shoot. I hear these things at the local store surely the church knows. Most members do live in or around the community or know someone who does. I’m sure they ask other local folks who, what, when, where and how can we help the people who don’t actually go to our church for we ARE ambassadors for Christ.
    Well maybe the principals at the local schools can help identify some families………then again, you know what…
    I will just pray..that will be my part because I’m am a good prayer warrior.

  3. EMD on November 1st, 2009 8:07 pm

    DHG …………. LOL

    I think I can identify with most of the feelings expressed here.


    How can we help you? Sounds like we humans have embittered another human so much he’d rather identify with animals. I can see how that could happen, but you will be happier, if you join the other humans who are trying to make a difference, and join their quest. There was a prophet in the Old Testament who had won a great victory, and then, fled, fearing for his life. He lamented to God that he was the only one who was serving God. God pointed out to him that he had 7000 who had not bowed their knees to Baal.

    We humans often say that so and so is acting like an animal. This is really an insult to animals, for they are acting like they were created to act. It is high time that we humans begin to act like The One we were created to act like. I pray you meet some that already are. I think there may be more than 7000……somewhere.

  4. David Huie Green on November 1st, 2009 5:37 pm

    “Are you completely ignorant, and unaware of the extent of suffering inflicted upon innocent, helpless animals by your glorious human beings you think so much of???? Where were Your human beings when this woman needed help, or an act of kindness?”

    It looks to me like humans are trying to help this woman right now even if it involves an arrest.

    Regardless, one has to wonder when someone refers to people as “your glorious human beings” and “your humans”. Are we corresponding with an extraterrestrial here or a human who doesn’t consider self to be one of the other humans?

    Until people knew this lady had problems, they tried to leave her alone. Wouldn’t you want to be left alone, no matter what your planet of origin? People didn’t know she was keeping dead cats as pets; she didn’t even seem to know.

    Please forgive us humans. We do the best we can with what little we got. Maybe things are better in your galaxy.

  5. Willbrawl Mccall on October 31st, 2009 9:16 pm

    That is sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It takes a sick demonic person to live in a house like that!!!!!!!!!

  6. who on October 31st, 2009 8:00 pm

    First this woman loved her animals She could noy bring her self to bury them. In her mine it is very apparent that she mental problems. Have you ever seen something being taken from a person like this it is horrible to watch. I do think taking these animals was the right thing to do. The womens health was at risk. It is ashame that in todays busy world that people do not get to know their neiDoes anyone know her family why didi they noy step in to help? It is like a lot of children and grandchldren when the money runs out they don’t know you any more. You are a burden to them.

  7. Escambia on October 31st, 2009 5:59 pm

    I’m sure it’s hard for Renee to do her job sometimes when she knows some peoples hearts are in the right place. Good job Renee!! I don’t feel that you get told what a good job you do in the county and for all animals that you protect!!!

  8. EMD on October 31st, 2009 2:54 pm

    RON: said “No doubt praying in your church pews”

    I hope you will go sit in the pews beside them and pray for them AND this poor woman and her animals, Ron. If you are not already doing so, then are you not part of the problem? I think all of us still have a problem, or, most likely, like Enoch, we would not still be “here.”

  9. wonder on October 31st, 2009 2:02 pm

    I have seen this on many of the programs Hoston PCA etc. These people love their animals. This is all in life that most of these older people have. Most love their animals but this gets out of hand and they do not know where to turn. These older people are tossed like garbage. I would hope hat no charges will be filed on her. I know some of the peole that worked on animal control in Atmore not sure if still do. I feel like they would have been kind to this lady. The people that we should be mad out is hes children if any. Who helped this woman pay her bills,buy grocerys, take to the doctoretc? I am glad that she was not the one that was found dead. starved to death. This looks very bad on her neighbors. I hope that she will get the help she needs. I know that in many cases the state will take over for these older people just as they do children when they are in danger.Is this home in the city limits of Atmore. I was always taught to love your neighbor.

  10. Ron on October 31st, 2009 2:00 pm

    :( – who wrote: “Why do we live in a world where animals are more important than humans?”
    Are you completely ignorant, and unaware of the extent of suffering inflicted upon innocent, helpless animals by your glorious human beings you think so much of???? Where were Your human beings when this woman needed help, or an act of kindness? No doubt praying in your church pews – while she tried to save a few animals from starving, give them a shelter, no matter how crude. It was all Your Humans seemed to think she needed, or did they care – until now? Don’t worry, the woman human being will receive medical care. Not so sure about the animals though.

  11. BenSon on October 31st, 2009 1:53 pm

    This unfortunate lady wasProbably abandoned and betrayed by human beings just like the poor cats she took in. No where to go, no one who cares. What will happen to the cats now? Will they be killed as 75
    % of all cats who enter shelters are killed. Too bad the community waits until some tragedy is uncovered to help needy people and animals.

  12. AL on October 31st, 2009 1:12 pm

    ReneeJones asks “what took the Humane Society so long?? ”

    If there is any hope of criminal charges, a complete and proper investigation must be done. It takes a special type person to work cruelty, because first instinct is to charge in and rescue the animals. Then, of course, the case gets thrown out for all kinds of violations against the owner’s “rights”.
    If I remember correctly (and I may not!) Florida has some of the most difficult laws in regards to taking possession of someone’s animals.

    So rather thank knock the HS, send them a donation to help with the care and feeding of the new animals at their facility and include a “thank you” note for their professionalism – since it probably saves this case.

  13. EMD on October 31st, 2009 1:04 pm

    A Fellow Neighbor:

    PS. There are not a whole lot of folks older than I. I will soon be a great-grandparent. :) Be blessed. And, for goodness sake……..if you or anyone else out there has a need……….please let someone know. There are people who would be glad to help.

  14. EMD on October 31st, 2009 1:00 pm

    A fellow neighbor:

    I have never called anyone a “Bible thumper,” but I have been called one. Maybe you were referring to me. I do not know. You made the point I was trying to. Sure there are many who name The Name, and play the game. There are also those to whom their faith is not a game. They genuinly love and try to help whoever they can, whether they go to church or not. The “church” may not have known about this poor woman, and if some did, they may not have a clue what to do. I do know about this now, and still do not know what to do. That place looks beyond hope. It needs to be burned down and that poor woman placed in a clean place where she will be cared for. We may be on the same team here, but we all need to be a little slower jumping to conclusions about others……..myself included. The church gets blamed for many things, by more people than it does helped by them. I say that if the church is below what is supposed to be its purpose, and there are those that know this, and know how it should be, then please get into it and make a difference…….ala Rom. 12:1

  15. a fellow neighbor on October 31st, 2009 1:12 am

    Mr. EMD, it’s not blame that I am pointing out, it’s responsibility.,
    From my heart, I am sure I am a lot, maybe lots older than you. I wish I could go help her. I really do. I am going to go ahead and say it for you. Bible thumper. It does say, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I’ve also read, “Love thy neighbor as thy self”. And much more about this subject.
    There is a church in the Bratt Community who have a group who does, RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS. RAK Team for not only their church members BUT other fellow neighbors in the community. What an impression for the Lord. from the Lord and for the Lord
    Just to get one of those suprise, “Hello Mr, & Mrs Elderly, or ailling, or no equipment neighbor we thought we could help…….. What smiles God will have.

  16. EMD on October 30th, 2009 11:09 pm

    “and can’t go to church so they too ignore you.”

    You know this for sure?

    Ready to blame it? Ready to change it?

    I wish more that saw the wrongs would pray and work for change.

  17. A. Davis on October 30th, 2009 10:34 pm

    I do not believe nobody knew about this. someone had to see or smell somthing it is so sad no one tried to help her. I hope she is doing ok this is probably like loosing a child for her. this did not just happen overnight, Drs sometimes act like this behavior is the persons fault along with others. It is clear that its not her fault she has a problem and people need to try to understand how hard it is to live like this.

  18. bleh on October 30th, 2009 8:37 pm

    Wow! how very sick and horrible. They need to send her for a mental exam and if fit, she should be charged.

    if she is not mentally fit, then I hope she gets the help she needs, this is really horrifying.

  19. a fellow neighbor on October 30th, 2009 5:19 pm

    Why didn’t the neighbors or relatives do something for this lady. I think they are the ones who need a citation. This day and time it is so easy to let those that need to know a situation know, without telling who you are. Call a kin folk or another neighbor a church.
    JUST DO SOMETHING. AND yes it is bad about the pets but don’t you know from the way it sounds these were her only “friends”.
    It’s really bad when you get older and your relatives and friends die away and your neighbors don’t know you and you have had to quit driving and can’t go to church so they too ignore you.

    pray for her please.

  20. E.W. on October 30th, 2009 4:41 pm

    I agree with :( …..The only thing inhumane about this is utility workers having to go in homes such as this and the people living there act like nothing is wrong.Keep the stinking cats and dogs outside or at least clean up after them.

  21. SouthernBelle on October 30th, 2009 3:50 pm

    OMG!!!!! That is just so gross!

  22. A HoT MeSS!! on October 30th, 2009 3:04 pm


  23. an observer on October 30th, 2009 2:38 pm

    I can just imagine what she has contracted from living in this environment, I hope they took her to get checked out…

  24. ReneeJones on October 30th, 2009 1:52 pm

    what took the Humane Society so long?? They had tried repeatedly to make contact with no success, but once contact was made and investigators could smell and see (just thru the door) how bad the conditions were AND coupled with the owners refusal to bury the dead cats, the Humane Society spent a few days talking with various agencies exploring alternatives to criminal prosecution. Ultimately, however, that was the only avenue open for rescue of the animals and, potentially, court ordered evaluation and restrictions. A responsible animal welfare agency understands that animal protection and people protection are the same thing……..neither being more important than the other.

  25. KEE on October 30th, 2009 12:54 pm

    Thank goodness that the animals and the lady are out of that horrible situation. I know they must all feel better just to breathe fresh air! I feel badly for all of them, especially for the ones it was too late to help. I hope all the rest are getting all the care they need now and can go to good, loving homes. It is obvious that the woman has problems. I hope she can get the help she needs. Even her living in jail is better than her living like that. As for the house, from looking at the pictures, it doesn’t seem like it could ever be made fit for habitation.

  26. Pat on October 30th, 2009 12:03 pm

    God help her, there has to be something wrong with this person if she is who I think she is. I knew something was not right. We never know what’s going on with people that we come in contact with each day. I do understand that you can get attached to your animals, but to live like that is no excuse for any human that has pets in the home and to know that they are dead and you don’t have them buried and let them continue to live with you. I once had an inside dog, but buddy I can say that having animals inside where you eat and sleep, they have to be clean ,no other way. Wondering how one can live like this. I have never in my life seen anything like this, and to know that one can live with fleas, cats stuff, I can’t imagine. After all of the complaints, what took the staff of Humane Society so long? Whatever, it was bad, cruel on that person and the animals. God help them all.

  27. observer on October 30th, 2009 11:51 am

    yes i hope this woman gets the help she needs, but still for her to live like that makes no since. The pictures tell all. i feel sorry for the poor animals that had to live in that. No telling what kind of other problems those animals might have. Well since all this has been found out maybe now the lady can get well and get back to a healthy life that she so well deserves. Good luck to her and GOD BLESS.

  28. AL on October 30th, 2009 11:04 am

    Seriously? the “cruelty” charge comes in from the living animals, not the dead, folks.

    ” The living cats were dehydrated, emaciated and infested with fleas and the dog was heavily matted, according to authorities.”

    I do hope this poor lady gets the help and support she needs to lead a healthier lifestyle, safer for her own wellbeing. What a sad statement because for her to live this way either people knew and looked the other way, or she had nobody -neighbors, church, family- looking in on her and visiting.

    Hope the animals are healthy enough to find great new homes where they can be well cared for and protected.

  29. ghendricks on October 30th, 2009 9:34 am

    It never ceases to amaze me the people that get lost in the semantics of the term “Animal Cruelty”. This is probably the best thing that could happen to this woman. The charge will be the vehicle by which this woman can get some badly needed help. It will most likely be by court order. I doubt seriously that she will being do time in prison! Or, would you rather see her continue to live like this?

  30. tara smith on October 30th, 2009 8:20 am

    The above picture is horrific. And disgusting. Neither human nor animal needs to dwell in that residence. While taking the animals to the shelter they needed to take her to a home. She evidently cannot take care of herself.

  31. whitepunknotondope on October 30th, 2009 8:14 am

    Animal cruelty? Did she KILL the cats herself? If not, it seems like this woman had the opposite problem: she loved animals to the point of mental impairment. Many people fit into this category. They don’t have normal human associative development, so they prefer dogs and cats: their “babies”. Most of these people would make lousy parents to real human children.

    I’m with the others: is it cruel for an animal to not be buried after it’s dead? Heck no! Disgusting maybe, but cruel? Come on! And I can’t imagine an animal knows or cares one way or the other whether it has fleas, or whether the place smells like urine.

  32. Molino Mom on October 30th, 2009 8:04 am

    You can’t look at those pictures and say the woman does not have some mental issues. Living like that is not nomal. Did you see the picture of the stove? Just one element was uncovered. The rest is covered in feces or whatever that mess in the picture is.

    I would hope that charging her with animal cruelty would be the first stop in getting her some much needed help. Living like that, she is a danger to herself.

  33. mommy2beautifulgirls on October 30th, 2009 7:22 am

    i would like to make a comment on this story cause there’s many of us in this world that really honestly don’t want to see something like this cause they don’t know the “personal circumstances”of WHY this poor little lady did i’m going to make a comment about this cause i hopefully make everyone somewhat understand this women.this women isn’t mentally ill,she’s doesn’t hate her animals and foremost she’s a person that probably doesn’t have no one but these animals and the only way she wanted to have companionship was through them and no one else,yea the conditions was very unbearable,probably the worst seen in the county,BUT,she’s probably an older lady hanging on to whats left,and not being TAKEN from her and when you get that age,you will try to hang on to whatever that is,feel sorry for her,she probably has NO ONE left,and if she does,well she doesn’t trust them..all she wanted was her animals,their trust,their love,just like everyone else wants from an animal…but like i said,these animals we’re HER’S and no one else’s,at least until today,this is a sad story,and i’ve seen it many times before,i wouldn’t blame her whatsoever,she’s fragile minded and tired of things being taken from her,and this is an unfortunate thing that has happened,BUT i’m glad to see theirs help and she’s TAKING it. if you guys look at the part in this story it said,there was 4 decomposed cats 2 of which was right in front of her,and she wouldn’t let the men in there to “bury” them…she’s hanging on to what WAS her’s,and yes thats sad but she has been through a lot,like most of us…but all she really needs is someone to trust and the community should come in and help her.the story does make me cry but i KNOW in my heart why she had done this,i hope everyone else does too.

  34. Kim on October 30th, 2009 6:22 am

    That is such a shocking story! My goodness someone could not be in their right mind to do something like that. It is very sad that someone gets to that point. I hope the animals and the lady gets the help they need…..

  35. Cheryl on October 30th, 2009 6:07 am

    The way the article reads, I have to imagine that she has some mental disease issues. If that’s true, I hope she gets some help from the “system” instead of a witch trial. But if she’s allowed this abuse on purpose, then she should be punished just like all the others.

  36. :( on October 30th, 2009 5:33 am

    Why??!!!! Why do we live in a world where animals are more important than humans? This woman is clearly mentally ill. Yet, instead of receiving medical attention, she is being charged with animal cruelty.