Salvation Army Accepting Applications For Christmas Assistance

October 20, 2009

Christmas is just around the corner, and the Salvation Army is getting ready to help North Escambia residents in need with application days scheduled in Walnut Hill and Century.

“We expect the need to be greater this year,”  Yvonne Warthen, Christmas and volunteer coordinator for the Salvation Army’s Pensacola Corps.

“With the economy, we believe that more people will need assistance,” she said. “This comes at a time where our donations are down, also due to the economy, so it is important that people register for assistance early and not wait to the last minute.”

Applications for assistance will be accepted from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, October 31 at the Walnut Hill Community Center on Highway 97; and Saturday, November 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Century Ag Building on West Highway 4.

For more information call (850) 432-1501 or email

The following requirements for assistance were provided by The Salvation Army:

In order for The Salvation Army to process the application for Christmas assistance, applicants must bring the items listed below.

  • Photo ID of all persons 18 years and older
  • Social Security Card(s) for everyone in household
  • Birth Certificates/Proof of legal custody of all children 13 years and younger
  • Proof of all income for the last 30 days
    •   TANF/Cash Assistance
    •   Social Security/SSI statement
    •   Food Stamps statement from Department of Children and Families
    •   Child Support statement
    •   Pension statement
    •   Paystubs for the last 30 days
  •  If no income, please provide a notarized statement verifying no income (Note: If a family member or friend is helping with bills or income, you must provide a notarized statement from that person, verifying that they are assisting you.)
  • Proof of all expenses
    • Rent/Mortgage (copy of lease or mortgage statement)
    • Home Owners Insurance/Taxes statement
    • Gas/Sanitation bill
    • Water/Sewer bill
    • Electric bill
    • Cable/Satellite bill
    • Telephone/Cell phone bill
    • Car payment statement
    • Car insurance bill
    • Health insurance
    • Dental insurance
    • Medical expenses
    • Life insurance
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank/student loans statement
    • Proof of childcare expenses


8 Responses to “Salvation Army Accepting Applications For Christmas Assistance”

  1. idunno on October 23rd, 2009 4:35 am

    sandy……come on girl…..get spellcheck ok?!!!!!!

  2. sandy on October 22nd, 2009 12:23 pm

    about the salvation army i have been thair did that i was on hard times real bad
    i had no where to turn to be thair i work in town at the stores i with my on eyes seen them put close in the garbage some bags thay diding look at .at all the
    people that work thair pick the good things the rest goes insside thay take it free
    i no this if it is throw away thay want let you have it or eneyone else
    thay also need to clean some mgs out of thair

  3. idunno on October 20th, 2009 7:44 pm

    There’s still some of us TOO PROUD to ask for a handout. 95% of the ones who register can work & are in better shape to work than US others….. yep!!!!!! Live it up YOU BUMS!!!!!!!!! It will all come back to ya!!!!!!!!! Those that are TRULY in need, I hope it’ll all work out for you!!!! Keep your head up!!!!! Mama says” that after every rain, there is Sunshine”…..For you other ones…….I hope you get a bag-o-switches.

  4. me on October 20th, 2009 7:12 pm

    Chickfilady you are being a grinch. This is to put a smile on a childs face.

  5. Chickfilady on October 20th, 2009 4:23 pm

    Surely I am not alone in asking, “Whose birthday are we celebrating?” Why is He the only one not getting gifts? He gives us gifts if we want them and ask, even when it’s not our birthday. I would really appreciate hearing from others who have had thoughts like these, and would like to hear how they are handling it. And, it seems that in the light of these tough times, we need to be helping folks with food, shelter and clothing, not just wants that we will have to build bigger barns in which to store the loot we cannot afford. I am not a grinch at all, and these thoughts and questions have been building for a long time. I finally just had to ask them. I sincerely want to know.

  6. Cynical on October 20th, 2009 10:36 am

    I think we ought to remember that in addition to OFFERING assistance this Christmas, the Salvation Army could use some assistance of its own.

    Drop folding money if you can spare it, or change into a kettle at whatever location you might encounter one. Your donation will be used wisely and visibly.

    When the bell is heard to ring, step up and answer the call.

  7. S.L.B on October 20th, 2009 8:47 am

    I was pleased to read about this program this AM being offered to the northend residents who could use a helping hand with Christmas gifts. In the past, if you need help like this, the northend residents would have to drive to Pensacola or just do without.

    I’m pretty certain not many like asking for help like this, but when life has thrown you a curve ball and it’s all you can do to just keep a roof over your head and food in your childrens stomach’s, help like this is a big blessing and appreciated by many.

    Thank you Salvation Army for helping the northend residents by offering this program and to William for letting everyone know the who, what & where.

  8. hard times on October 20th, 2009 12:48 am

    I have never asked for asst. but so glad to hear thier maybe some help . I just thought my kids would get an I.O.U . We have always been blessed this year is going to be a little diff. thank you for any info on help thru the holidays . we are haveing hard time just to pay rent , electric, water . I dont know what to say other than thank you again for the info.