Remembering Mt. Calvary: Old Fashioned Worship Service Today

October 17, 2009

Back in 1935, a group of faithful gathered on the shores of Pine Barren Creek to worship. They gathered under tents with sawdust covered floors to sing hymns, pray and listen to the Gospel preached.

This afternoon, the faithful will gather again to remember those meetings at the Mt. Calvary Tabernacle and Camp Meeting Day. This afternoon’s service will be held at 4:00 at Highland Baptist Church in Molino, sponsored by the Molino Mid-County Historical Society in coordination with the Highland Baptist Historical Committee. Just like the services of old, the event will include singing praises, reading from Psalm as well as prayer. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

The following “History of Mt. Calvary and Camp Meetings” was submitted  by the Molino Mid-County Historical Society.

The Mt. Calvary camp meetings began in May, 1935 as the result of the visions, prayers, and hard work of a few families. The goal was to provide a “beacon on the hill” to guide people to God. In the summer months a two-week revival was held with this interdenominational group. The revival was followed by dinner on the ground or in the dining hall. Some spread their dishes on a tablecloth on the ground and ate those wonderful meals as they visited with other guests.

Taylor and Florence Crabtree, Reverend Luther Horne, and Reverend Arthur Townley started the groundwork for this endeavor. At the first meeting, Sheriff H. E. “Hamp” Gandy provided a large tent for the first months. The people brought their tents as well before constructing their own cabins.

The Pine Barren site was chosen with other Christian families supporting the beginning of a great spiritual experience. People donated food items like sugar, shortening, peas, beans as well as chickens and pork for the dining hall.

Mr. “Bob” Butler volunteered the construction of the tabernacle and other buildings. Several families built their cabins across the road.

The Lord blessed the efforts of these families though many difficulties. Mrs. Florence Crabtree died a few weeks before the first meeting and Mr. Arthur Townley died a short time later. God continued to provide and sent others to support the work.

Many enthusiastic Christian people worked tirelessly to make the camp meeting years a success.


3 Responses to “Remembering Mt. Calvary: Old Fashioned Worship Service Today”

  1. Michael Beason on February 26th, 2021 11:11 pm

    We were cleaning up my stepfather, Norman “Duke” Carraway’s place at 790 Molino Rd. We found a large metal tent stake, and a child’s bracelet. The tent stake was so big, 2 feet long that it made me think about tent revivals. The bracelet has the name Leroy, and a very low social security number. I am going to try to find Leroy or his family, and return the bracelet.
    Is there any record of a tent revival at that location? Are we dates or other information?
    Thank you ,
    Michael Beason,
    Stepson of N.D. Carraway

  2. Rod Vaughn on April 7th, 2018 10:45 pm

    BTW-I live in Tallahassee but was born and raised on a farm in Barrineau Park.

  3. Rod Vaughn on April 7th, 2018 10:42 pm

    My mother sent me to summer camp at Mt Calvary Campground every summer. She was Bernice Crabtree Vaughn. Wonder if anyone has a photo of the Tabernacle back in the1940’s. Florence Crabtree raised my mother, I was born in 1935. Thanks for the article I recognized all the names mentioned.