Oprah Winfrey Show On Billings Murder, Family To Air Wednesday With Daughter, Sheriff

October 6, 2009

An Oprah Winfrey show with Ashley Markham, daughter of murder victims Byrd and Melanie Billings, and Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan is scheduled to air nationwide Wednesday afternoon. The show was taped September 24.

Markham, her husband James, and Robert Beasley, their attorney, were in Chicago for the taping. The sheriff taped his portion of the program via the Skype Internet video chat program from his office in Pensacola.

The show “Oprah Exclusive: Inside the Home of the Florida Massacre” will air locally on WALA FOX 10 at 4 p.m Wednesday.

Pictured above: Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan waits to film a segment on the Oprah Winfrey show via an Internet teleconference from his office September 24.  Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge. 


4 Responses to “Oprah Winfrey Show On Billings Murder, Family To Air Wednesday With Daughter, Sheriff”

  1. A. Davis on October 8th, 2009 11:54 pm

    I don’t think anyone made them go on the show. I would think going back to the house this crime took place in would make them relive it but who knows the paint and repairs to the house may have made it all go away. I wonder if the kids think about it when they go into the room that they saw their mom dead in. I hope not. These people could have said no to Oprah if they had wanted to.

  2. sunsets on October 8th, 2009 12:10 pm

    geezzzzz shes a busy woman these days. I mean, she’s already back from Finland??? I thought she’d do a show on how they got turned down on having the olympics in Chicago. I mean heck, we all know how important that was at the time when everything else is in turmoil. And now she has time for a show to hash over this terrible crime and put this family through it all over again. I feel for this family.Its not like they have’nt made any arrest or anything, or she taking the time to hel them solve this, its done and over with. I hope she paid them good for reliving the worst time in their lives Oprah, she’s has time for everyone. She’s something else.

  3. William on October 7th, 2009 6:26 pm

    ?? — I can’t post the show on here because of copyright laws. Try the oprah website and see if they posted it.

  4. ?? on October 7th, 2009 6:25 pm

    Will you post the show on here??
    I missed it and would like to see it.