New Reading Books For Ernest Ward, Ransom

October 19, 2009

The Escambia School District has approved the purchase of $236,378 in reading materials for county middle schools.

The “Voyager Passport Reading Journeys” is a comprehensive reading program for middle school students who are reading two to four years below grade level.  It is designed to accelerate the learning goals of below grade level readers.

Ernest Ward Middle School will receive $18,853 in materials, and $26,177 will go to Ransom Middle.

The district had wanted to purchase the program in the past, but did not have the funding. The  $236,378 cost this time will be paid for with stimulus dollars.


3 Responses to “New Reading Books For Ernest Ward, Ransom”

  1. David Huie Green on October 20th, 2009 10:36 am

    No, there is another catch: the money is being provided by loans from China.

    At some time in the future they will want their money back and in the mean time they are wanting interest payments on its use.

    Right now we are borrowing money to make payments on money we already borrowed.

    It’s gonna be messy when it all collapses.

  2. Bill on October 19th, 2009 1:51 pm

    “Two to four years below grade level”. How are we passing children thru the educational system, earning “A” ratings as well, who are at this level? Secondly, why are not funds of this large amount being spent on those perhaps working at 2-4 years above thier level? It is not always only those not performing who need help, but many who excell need continual challenges as well.

  3. Mr. Little on October 19th, 2009 1:05 am

    I hope the only catch with the stimulus money is that the materials are used to educate the kids. so many of the other stimulus packages have hidden agendas with them and very specific guidelines of “you get this money but you need to do this to be compliant” that is not really a quote but just the only way I knew how to seperate what I was trying to say. I hope it is just to benifit the kids who need the help and not something else.