MOPS: Mothers Of Preschoolers Tackle Mommy Issues

October 5, 2009

Diaper changes, runny noses, sleepless nights, first steps and learning to use the potty are just a few of the common threads that bring a group of moms from Atmore and North Escambia together twice a month for a group called MOPS.

MOPS — Mothers of Preschoolers — is for women with children from birth through kindergarten.

“It’s a time when your children are being taken care of by other loving people and you get some amazing mommy time,” said proud MOPS member Angela Attalah of Bratt. “We eat, visit, listen to a speaker, have a discussion time about the speaker’s topic, and then do a creative activity. The speaker will talk about practical things in your life, everything from budgeting to dealing with depression.”

Topics can range from those runny noses to fun things to do with kids on rainy days, handling mommy anger, meal planning, coupon shopping and more.

Children are welcome at MOPS meetings; they are involved in MOPPETS, a volunteer children’s department serving children from birth through 11. There is also a homeschool classroom for children 7-11.

MOPS of Atmore meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.; the next meetingMeetings are held at the Grace Fellowship Church on Highway 31 in Atmore. For more information, contact Janalyn Pomeroy at (251) 937-5793.


One Response to “MOPS: Mothers Of Preschoolers Tackle Mommy Issues”

  1. Terri Sanders on October 6th, 2009 5:57 pm

    We had a GREAT turnout this morning and a speaker to motivate us.I just wish this outfit had of been around when my kids were moppets!!! I sure could have used some help those many years ago….this morning I took my grand daughter and my great grandson to the meeting and they let me stay!!! Course I was the oldest one in there :(