Molino Trio Arrested On Child Neglect Charges

October 15, 2009


Three Molino residents have been arrested on child neglect related charges.

The three, all residents of a Duxbury Avenue mobile home, were arrested on warrants after an investigation by the Florida Department of Children and Families.

Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, said the warrants stemmed from physical, not sexual, abuse allegations. The case, he said, involved five children — ages 1, 3, 5, 11 and two months — living in a mobile home that had no power at the time of the DCF investigation.

Tina Louise Ferrell,  46, was charged with child neglect and failure to report child neglect. She was released on her own recognizance. Carlton Edward Stackhouse,  32, was charged with child neglect without great harm and failure to report child neglect. He was released on $1,000 bond. Laraine Shirley Stackhouse, 52, was charged with failure to report child neglect. She was released on $5,000 bond.  All three are scheduled to be back in court October 23 for an arraignment hearing.

Ferrell was arrested on a child abuse charge May 21 with one count of aggravated child abuse and one count of aggravated battery in connection with an incident at the Duxbury Avenue mobile home.

Ferrell and her husband were asleep about 7 p.m. on May 21 when her 10-year old child tried to wake her to get help with a one-year old child in the home, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. Deputies said when Ferrell refused to help with the infant and went back to sleep, the 10-year old tried to wake her again with drops of water sprinkled in her face. That’s when Ferrell slapped her husband and threw a plate at him, deputies said; the plate missed the husband and struck a three-year old in the head. The three-year old was treated and released from Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola.  The 10 and one-year old were not injured.

Prosecutors dropped charges against Ferrell on August 18, saying there was not enough evidence to prove their case without a reasonable doubt.

DCF did not say if the children involved in the incident have been removed from the home.

Pictured top: (L-R) Carlton Stackhouse, Laraine Stackhouse and Tina Ferrell of Molino were arrested on child neglect related charges. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Molino Trio Arrested On Child Neglect Charges”

  1. John on October 19th, 2009 1:53 pm

    In response to Tracy’s comment; a bond is money that is put up to assure that the defendant returns for their court date, it IS NOT a fine or punishment.

    For those that blame politicians and society as a whole for the perceived inequity in the bond amounts for various crimes, blame the judges, they set the bonds. The are elected and retained by the voters. When the election rolls around again, vote to “not retain” them if you disagree with them.

  2. T on October 16th, 2009 8:47 pm

    People like this keep their children because it’s their children that gets them a check every month from the taxes that I am forced to pay to these messed up individuals!

  3. Tracy on October 16th, 2009 7:39 pm

    I did read about the $ 1 million bond for the lady that killed her child. Guess they wait until the child is dead before they get tougher with the punishment and fines. Too late!!!

  4. bfust on October 16th, 2009 7:10 pm

    TRACEY, I totally agree with you, children have taken the back seat for too long. And, I will tell also that part of the problem is that the people that do care about this are not vocal enough> AND, because the people that are worried that the govenment is gonna start telling them how to raise their children and stick their nose into famlies busness are very vocal…Just read comments on any parent that was arrested for “Disciplining” a child 11 or older – people are outraged that the parent or parents were arrested. They call the child the problem and will bad mouth the child saying they musta needed it, they were just bad eggs, etc etc. Those people are very vocal…So the politicians are not going to make any effort for better laws for children until they are forced to. It is easier if they don’t have to worry about the “Bubba’s” (sorry) that want to excerise their right to wale on their children.

  5. Tracy on October 16th, 2009 6:44 pm

    I have never written anything in, because I’ve just never felt the need. Now, is a different story. Does any one else see any thing wrong with this picture? Here we have a couple arrested on child neglect charges, etc… and on the same page, we have a couple arrested for animal cruelty. The bond on the charges for the animal cruelty are higher than the child neglect!!!! If I am wrong some one please correct me, but I think this is a sure sign that our world is in serious trouble. We need to get our priorities straight!!!

  6. bfust on October 16th, 2009 10:40 am

    please please please everyone who is reading and/or writing these blogs, please your county and state lawmakers. Social Service laws need to be changed.
    I grew up in a very abusive home. Myself and my siblings suffered physical, emotional and sexual abuse. At 13 I started begging teaches, family services and police for help. None was ever received.
    Out of the 10 siblings 6 of us grew up to be productive adults. The other 4 range from criminals to child abusers to just plain unfunctionable. Believe me that fact that 6 of us are “healthy” is not something that any of us give our parents credit for.
    I grew up believing I was Poor White Trash and it has taken me many many years of therapy at my expense not the governments. I am 60 years old, work hard to keep a job in an i ndustry where I struggle to keep up with people younger than my own beautiful daughter. But today I know and I believe I am not White Trash. In fact until quite recently had decided that was a term thah no one should ever be called. This story has changed my mind these people are White Trash.
    I pray that the children are given the support, kindness, love and therapy that they are sure to need if they have even a chace to grow into healthy productive adults.
    We don’t know what these children may be capable of if they are give the tools to becom healthy adults. Our children are our future. Whether we like it or not the young people, perhaps even these are the ones that may be careing for us as we grow older.
    God Bless these children with the health, love and support that they must have in order for them to become all that you want them to be.

  7. idunno on October 16th, 2009 6:06 am

    To BOB: Those pics would be hard to forget………

  8. The Truth on October 16th, 2009 12:27 am

    Children are blessings and should not be abused or have to live in homes where abuse occurs. If someone cannot be good to a child they should put them up for adoption. There are loving folks that would love to have a child and can’t who would give them good homes – safe homes. God Bless Little Children.

  9. bfust on October 15th, 2009 10:44 pm

    OMG…I guess I am glad I live so far away and have to be to work tomorrow or I just might drive down there all the way from NY and kidnap those children and bring them home and love them…..How can people not love their children?

    Guess I am stupid cause I just do not understand….and guess I am glad that I don’t understand.

    God, please protect, nurture, and guide these children, Allow them to grow and become all that you want them to be.

  10. fed up!! on October 15th, 2009 10:40 pm

    all I can say is that I have family on this same road and the cops have been called more than once on a couple of the children doing things they say their parents put them up to.Not only do these children need to be in a safe place but they also need someone to teach them right from wrong because I have saw for myself that they are being taught wrong.So the parents can’t get in trouble for stealing they have the kids do it for them and send them around begging for money. I hate to see things like this and would really hate to see these kids locked up one day for not knowing better.These children do not need to be placed back in the home with these losers.

  11. Bob on October 15th, 2009 7:15 pm

    I could be wrong but I think I’m seeing pictures for the second time around.

  12. anna on October 15th, 2009 4:56 pm

    I am so tired of hearing the no win situation comments. These are children that deserve a safe clean place to sleep and live. They didn’t ask to be brought into this mess. If we don’t speak up and make sure this doesn’t happen to children in our neighborhood, “Who Will.” As for DCF, remember they want what’s best for these children, and want them put back into their homes as soon as possible. Ha, Ha big joke. Just as the poor Wood’s children, remember ,DCF had been called numerous times and the children were still put back into that situation. They are so many families out there that would love to help these children out with a nice, clean, safe, and loving home.

  13. RSB on October 15th, 2009 12:26 pm

    Police, social agencies are in a no-win situation. They are either accused of overstepping their bounderies or not doing their job. Individuals are not held accountable for their actions – it’s always somebody else’s fault. Innocent children will continue to suffer unless government stops irresponsible people from bringing one baby after another into this world but are unwilling to nurture them.

  14. GG on October 15th, 2009 10:19 am

    I totally agree with you Florida Girl. That was my thoughts exactly, as I was reading your comment, then you said what you said. Trying to make themselves look better because of the woods children. I dont know about all of you, but I am sick of hearing of abuse of children. If you are going to treat them that way, dont have them. There are those that are out there that want a child very bad, and cant have them.

  15. Lynn on October 15th, 2009 8:44 am

    I’m confused as to who the parents of these small children are. This is a terrible situation, and I pray these children have been removed from the residence now and forever.

  16. Florida Girl on October 15th, 2009 8:38 am

    Looks like DCF is trying to make themselves appear in a better light by “arresting” these people, since they were a complete failure at protecting the poor little Woods children.

    “DCF did not say if the children involved in the incident have been removed from the home.”

    What do you want to bet that these children are still in that abusive home????