Molino Family Leaves U.S. On Two-Year Mission Trip

October 23, 2009

The Kent family of Molino departed the United States Thursday to begin what they have termed the “God-sized” adventure of becoming missionaries in Guatemala.

kentfamily11.jpgWe first introduced you to Max and Julie Kent along with children Megan and Justin back in June. They were holding a weekend yard sale, selling all of their belongings as they prepared to head to the mission field. From their furniture, to their house, to their car, to their household furnishings — it was all for sale.

In July, they arrived at the International Learning Center (ILC) in Rockville, Virginia, to train for their upcoming mission service. They were commissioned as Southern Baptist missionaries on September 23. And Thursday, they boarded a plane headed for language school in Costa Rica before continuing to Guatemala in the coming weeks.

The Kents were able to spent the last couple of weeks at home, visiting with friends and family before departing the United States. Sunday night, they had the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings with their church family at Cottage Hill Baptist Church.

“I had spent much of the service…looking over the crowd to see if there was any person that had not had impact on our lives. The truth was that in the eleven years we have attended, everyone there has had a meaningful impact on our family. I guess that’s why we call them our church ‘family’,” Max  said about Cottage Hill Baptist.

“So many have asked how they can help us and the greatest way that we know of is in prayer! Pray for us as we work towards learning and polishing our language and cultural skills. In order for us to be effective, we must learn the heart language of those we are going to. First we will acquire the trade language (Spanish) in Costa Rica and then must acquire the local language (Pokomchi) on the field. Pray for the hearts of those the Lord is preparing ahead of our arrival,” he said.

While Max assists another missionary in a small village near Cogan, Guatemala, Julie, who was a fourth grade teacher at Molino Park Elementary, will assist another missionary in Guatemala with teaching math.

This will be the first missionary trip for Justin, 6. For Megan, 12, it will be her third, having been on two international mission trips to Honduras and Ecuador.

“I am looking forward to the unknown and to see what He’s got in store for us,” Max said.


5 Responses to “Molino Family Leaves U.S. On Two-Year Mission Trip”

  1. Beker M. on October 23rd, 2009 8:16 pm

    That is wonderful news Mrs. Kent!! Mrs. Kent was my 4th grade teacher. That is awesome!! :)

  2. interested reader on October 23rd, 2009 5:19 pm

    Your family will be in our prayers. May you have a wonderful GODLY experience. Please keep in touch with so we can get updates. God be with you in this huge undertaking and send His blessings to you daily. Stay safe.

  3. Lost Soul on October 23rd, 2009 4:02 pm

    I wish I had the guts to do that. Get rid of everything and start fresh with God at the wheel. Maybe one day soon.

  4. mark on October 23rd, 2009 9:08 am

    Mrs. Kent was my 5th grade teacher.

  5. Ardnas Sonlin on October 23rd, 2009 2:10 am

    How exciting Kent family. I will pray for you often. I also will be listening ro hear if we can help with some supplies or anything elso. God’s calling is such a blessing.
    Maybe you can send some pictures to William for NE News.
    God’s grace be with you all.
    A fellow Christian Sister