‘Mayor’ Of Bratt Issues Permit For NHS Homecoming Parade

October 1, 2009


The unofficial mayor of Bratt has issued an equally unofficial parade permit for Friday afternoon’s first ever Northview High School Homecoming Parade.

De Facto Mayor Donnie Bass issued the “Community of Bratt Parade Permit” to the Northview High School DCT Class for the parade at 12:30 p.m. Friday from Bratt Elementary School to Northview. Marion Cooper took time off from his duties at Cooper’s Store in Bratt to sign the permit as a witness.

Bass is among a group that meets everyday at the Bratt  store to discuss everything from politics, to sports, to marriage advice, Cooper said. Bass earned the title of unofficial mayor because of his “input” on local issues. Cooper’s Store is a popular hangout for Northview students before and after school. The students often just refer to the store at North Highway 99 and Highway 4 as just  “Coops”.

“I always support the school,” said “Mayor” Bass from his office — a seat at the end of the checkout counter, right next to the honey buns and boiled peanuts in a can.

Cooper said the parade permit was a way to let the school know just how much the community supports the Northview Chiefs.

There currently about 35 units entered in the parade.

Everyone is encouraged to support the Chiefs and line the parade route. There is still time to enter the parade, call the school at (850) 327-6681 ext. 254. There is no charge to enter, but all entries must be approved by the sponsoring Northview DCT class. Candy throws are welcome; no beads or necklaces.

The DCT class will be throwing candy during the parade, and they are also selling parade t-shirts for $10. Contact any member of the DCT class to purchase a t-shirt.

Pictured top: Tommy Weaver, Northview’s DCT class sponsor, looks on at De Facto Bratt Mayor Donnie Bass signs the “Community of Bratt Parade Permit” for Friday’s homecoming parade. Pictured below: The parade permit. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



22 Responses to “‘Mayor’ Of Bratt Issues Permit For NHS Homecoming Parade”

  1. random on October 5th, 2009 12:47 am


  2. David Huie Green on October 2nd, 2009 7:29 am

    Cousin Donnie!

    Bluff Springs has Ronnie Fischer, I appointed him myself

  3. bmb on October 1st, 2009 9:29 pm

    Nice to see all generations enjoying this event. Makes me think of all the years Mr. Bob popped popcorn and put it in bags for us to buy with our soft drink, old and young, enjoyed by all. Can’t buy paradise, Bratt has always been where it is at. Go Chiefs!!!

  4. tara on October 1st, 2009 9:16 pm

    All the grandchildren would like to say, “Way to go, PawPaw Tommy!”

  5. slimshady on October 1st, 2009 8:55 pm

    You know that is right!!!

  6. Bob on October 1st, 2009 8:34 pm

    Life is good in Bratt … One of my greatest friends in life Mr Miles Horn gave me some advice as a young man which I shall never forget.”Take care of the little things in life and the big things will take of themselves.” So goes the way we live in this little oasis.

  7. William on October 1st, 2009 6:06 pm

    EWMS students can be checked out excused for the parade per Mrs. Perry. There will be no tests given Friday. I will post this in a story in the morning.

  8. parent on October 1st, 2009 6:00 pm

    Would someone tell me if a student at Ernest Ward will be allowed to be checked out or the parade. I believe the Atmore schools are out for a half of a day tomorrow because of the homing game etc. in Atmore tomorrow night. i understand the students at Bratt will be be allowed to stand out side the nschool with their teachers and staff to watch the parade as it leaves the Bratt schhool grounds.

  9. onyr on October 1st, 2009 5:54 pm

    Wahoo!! You the man Daddy Weaver!!

  10. Fred B. on October 1st, 2009 4:16 pm

    The Parade is a great idea. I am surprised that Donnie didn’t authorise one sooner. Donnie runs a tight council meeting and does honest work. I am a member of the defacto council but do not have voting rights as I am a relative
    new comer having only lived in the community 40 years! If we all would not take every thing so seriously it would be a lot more fun.
    Love you in Christ

  11. YELLAR HAMMER on October 1st, 2009 3:59 pm

    I rember growing up in Myrtle Grove when Readies Store by EHS was just like Coopers store is. Its just wonderful living up here now, my grand kids go to both Ernest Ward and Northview how much better can it get.

  12. JILL on October 1st, 2009 3:03 pm


  13. Idea on October 1st, 2009 1:34 pm

    Donnie B. for President
    Marion C. for V. P.

  14. Howard Bloodsworth on October 1st, 2009 12:37 pm

    Says: Save him a candy bar Donnie….don’t eat em all! LOL

  15. robert on October 1st, 2009 10:40 am

    Donnie Joe Bass is a card there needs to be more like him. he has known my family for years and has watched me grow up and graduate from Northview in 1997. it is always a pleasure to sit and talk with him. there just needs to be more time to talk with the older people in the community it would do a lot of good things for the kids today to just sit and talk to people like this. they will get to learn a good life lesson from these people.

  16. ewalum on October 1st, 2009 9:09 am

    Living out of the area now, I miss Cooper’s store! It’s such a fixture in my childhood memories and it’s great to know that’s it’s still open and going strong. Don’t take it for granted, people…you can’t find places like that very much anymore.

  17. The Bloodsworth's in Bratt on October 1st, 2009 8:42 am

    Such a priveledge and blessing to live in the country and to be around good country people. (smile)

    Country people have good attitudes and character (most of the time) and enjoy the simple things in life. Just take things as they come, deal with them the best way they can and try not to stress out over the things they cannot change.

    Moving up to Bratt,Florida 12 years ago from Pensacola to raise our children was the best decision our family ever made.


  18. Juanita Sanders on October 1st, 2009 8:34 am

    YAY!!!! GO Mr. Bass!!!! I love that man so much!! What a great person he is!!
    I’ll tell ya what, he’s the best neighbor in the whole world!!! What would we do without him? Thank you Mr. Mayor!!!! I hope he’s in the Parade as well!!!!! I’ll be watching!

    BRATT ROCKS!!!! :)

  19. Brattman on October 1st, 2009 8:23 am

    We got the spirit at Northview! Now that Mayor Bass is involved, we are good to go! Will he ride that cart thing that is always at Coops in the parade? That would be neat.

  20. Terry on October 1st, 2009 7:25 am

    Well than I guess its official. Cant wait to see the parade. I’m so glad that they are putting on one. We had so much fun in Centurys parade each year when I was in school. Hope the kids enjoy it as much as we did back then. Goooo NHS. Beat them Gators.

  21. NHS Mom on October 1st, 2009 7:10 am

    We really need folks like Donnie Bass in government. He’d be great on the commission. If you have ever met Donnie, think about Donnie and Gene Valentino together at a commission meeting. We all know Donnie is smarter than Gene, but imaging listening to that one!

    If you don’t know Donnie and you live anywhere around Bratt or Walnut Hill, you need to go meet him. Grab a Cooper’s biscuit (they are good!) and sit a spell with him. You will (1) Spit out your biscuit you will laugh so hard (2) Still be laughing when you live (3) Be a heck of a lot more educated than you were when you went in.

    See ya there, about 8:30 – 9:00 am! You don’t want to miss meetin’ Donnie Bass!

  22. RESIDENT OF BRATT on October 1st, 2009 5:19 am

    Mr. Donnie Bass is a GREAT DEFACTO MAYOR, lives an HONEST LIVE, gives HONEST ADVICE.
    Mr. Marion Cooper is also a GOOD MAN. He has to listen to Mr. Bass, ALMOST DAILY about the affairs of the Community, County, State, Federal Govennment and a little foreign politics.