Man Arrested As Accomplice of Home Invasion Suspect Shot By 81-Year Old

October 19, 2009

A Brewton man has been arrested and charged with taking part in a burglary and home invasion gone bad that left his partner dead, shot by an 81-year old man.

huntermadden.jpgHunter Madden, 24, was charged last week with burglary first degree. Authorities said Madden dropped Jeremy Paul McCall, 35, off at the home of Ralph and Shirley Burkett on Highway 31 north of Brewton about 3 a.m. on Monday, October 12. McCall  threatened the couple and demanded money, but 81-year old Ralph Burkett shot and killed him with one round from a .357 Magnum.

Madden reportedly watched from nearby as emergency workers responded to the scene on Highway 31 north of Brewton. He was being held in the Escambia County (Ala.) Detention Center on $50,000 bond.

McCall had been released from a Nebraska jail less than 48 hours before the incident. He was jailed on narcotics charges. Authorities said he had a crack cocaine addiction, and that he was facing two pending drug cases in Escambia County (Ala.). His rap sheet includes several drug crimes, assault, domestic violence and theft.

The shooting will go to a grand jury, but the sheriff does not believe either of the Burketts will be charged.


9 Responses to “Man Arrested As Accomplice of Home Invasion Suspect Shot By 81-Year Old”

  1. concerened citizen, on October 22nd, 2009 6:38 pm

    yes grandmother thats what alot of people are wondering, hope yall and them babies get closer, hold your head up high, a concerened citizen, i read the rules,of this comments, so you no when they called jeremey a thug well thats talking bad about a person, cause he was not a thug, thats calling the kettle black ain’t it,

  2. Billy on October 20th, 2009 2:54 pm

    I have all my teeth,

    What facts do I need to have straight. I gave my opinion and in FACT that is my opinion. Oh yeah, before you start talking about education (I have a master’s degree by the way) you should proof read your blog. And I do support our president, I just don’t support nearly every decision that he has made……wait a minute he hasn’t made a decision on anything yet. I actually hate discussing the presidential problems in this country so please don’t respond. My dumb, toothless self will have have to write you back.

  3. I have all my teeth on October 20th, 2009 2:07 pm

    Billy, what the heck that does that have to do with this. He’s are president move on, maybe you should have voted, or better yet do you even no how to read dan cause your blog post shows no education and whats happening in the real world. They have given Nobel piece prizes to people that seemed to the average person to be nothing. Plus OUR PRESIDENT has done something. is been in office almost a year and he has stopped the bleeding of the recession. It cant be fixed in one day. or a month, or hell maybe a full term. before you speak have your facts right.

  4. Dan H. on October 20th, 2009 9:35 am


    These days, anyone can get the Nobel Peace Prize, why not them.
    I heard Obama’s getting the Heisman Trophy for watching college

    Way to go !

  5. idunno on October 19th, 2009 7:27 pm

    To the Burkett Family: All us “Good Folks” are behind you 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Just An Old Soldier on October 19th, 2009 10:51 am

    Coward Madden should be the one charged by the grand jury with the homicide of the thug McCall, not the victims of the crime. Along with whoever supplied the deceased with a weapon.

    Kudos to the great police work of the Sheriff’s Dept.

  7. billy on October 19th, 2009 10:17 am

    Its a shame that Madden didn’t go in and get it too. I think the Burketts should get the nobel peace prize.

  8. Cynical on October 19th, 2009 9:33 am

    “…81-year old Ralph Burkett shot and killed him with one round from a .357 Magnum.”

    No more clear case of self-defense could possibly be presented.

    Here’s hoping that Hunter Madden can get some help for his problem of being a witless idiot. Robbing the elderly is uncool.

  9. Old Cherokee on October 19th, 2009 8:44 am

    If the Burketts are charged, the prosecution will NOT want me on the jury.
