Updated: Local Veterans On Today’s Emerald Coast Honor Flight

October 21, 2009

(Updated 4:40 p.m.) The Emerald Coast Honor Flight departed Washington’s Reagan National Airport at 4:40 this afternoon and returned to Pensacola a little before 7:00.,

Veterans on today’s Emerald Coast Honor Flight visited the Vietnam and Korean war memorials this afternoon.

The World War II veterans on the  Honor Flight arrived in Washington at 9:18 this morning. They headed to the World War II Memorial. At noon our time, Billy G. Ward of Walnut Hill said they enjoyed a nice lunch at the World War II Memorial. Afternoon events include a visit to the Korean and Vietnam war memorials.

This afternoon, the veterans visited with former U.S. Senator Bob Dole of Kansas. Dole was severely injured during his World War II service, thanked the veterans for their service to the country.

“It’s real nice,” Ward said from Washington about today’s trip. “They are treating us very well.”

Veteran Billy G. Ward of Walnut Hill has a NorthEscambia.com camera on today’s Emerald Coast Honor Flight to Washington. We will have exclusive photos from the trip to share with our readers Thursday morning. Below is an earlier story about the Honor Flight.

Billy G. Ward thought he would be building bridges across Europe as an engineer during World War II. Uncle Sam had different plans for the young man from Walnut Hill.

wardbilly10.jpgDrafted in July 1943, Ward was shipped off to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for basic training. He had hoped to spend time in combat engineer school. Instead, he had a one week crash course on building bridges. Then it was off to Europe and battles at Omaha Beach, Paris and Berlin.

“It was two years, six months, 29 days and 30 seconds,” he said.

He returned with his wife of more than 50 years, Lois, to Europe in 2001. He and Lois have been to Washington, but their trip was prior to the opening of the World War II Memorial.

Today, that will all change for Ward. He is one of about 100 WWII veterans on the Fifth Annual Emerald Coast Honor Flight headed to Washington. The flight will take the veterans from across Northwest Florida to their memorial in Washington and return this evening.

“I’m so excited, I don’t think I will sleep tonight,” Ward said Tuesday afternoon.

Ward, who served as Escambia County’s probate judge from 1973 to 1989, said he is looking forward to the trip and reminiscing with other veterans. And he is looking forward to seeing the War War II Memorial.

Other North Escambia area  veterans expected to be on today’s Emerald Coast Honor Flight include Robert Joiner of Molino, John Clarence Smith of Jay, James Ward of Jay, and Morris Clarence Ward of Jay.


5 Responses to “Updated: Local Veterans On Today’s Emerald Coast Honor Flight”

  1. Nancy Rust Sutherland on October 24th, 2009 11:04 am

    My Dad, Charles “Bud” Rust participated in the Emerald Coast Honor Flight on October 21, 2009. I live in New Jersey and made the trip to DC to meet him at the WWII Memorial. What a wonderful experience for everyone involved! My deepest grattitude to all who help plan the event, the “buddies” helping those in wheelchairs, the teachers and school children who drew pictures, wrote letters and sang to the vets, to your State representatives and to Senator Dole who came to meet, greet and talk with the vererans at lunch. I will always cherish this day.


  2. J. P. on October 21st, 2009 11:14 am

    God bless the veterans of our greatest generation. If not for their sacrefice, the
    world would be a much worse place. We should all thank a veteran each op-
    portunity we have to do so as, sadly their numbers are dwindling as time passes.

  3. Mr. Billy's Friend on October 21st, 2009 10:37 am

    Mr. Billy is a good man. I wish they were all like him.

  4. c.spence on October 21st, 2009 5:17 am

    Billy is a good neighbor. You are right Mr. Little, he is an un-official ambasador of good will for Walnut Hill. I too, hope he has a wonderful trip.

  5. Mr. Little on October 21st, 2009 1:31 am

    Mr. Ward is an asset to the community. he is an un-official ambasador of good will for walnut Hill. He is kind and honest and just a good guy! I can’t wait to see the photos. have a good trip Billy!