Little Local Interest In Government Consolidation Committee Meeting

October 7, 2009


Only a handful of people turned out for the meeting of the full Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission Tuesday night in Century.

The commission continued with their ongoing task of drafting a plan for consolidating Century, Pensacola and Escambia County under a single government. In addition to Century Mayor Freddie McCall, some of the town’s council and very few private citizens from North Escambia attended the meeting.

“We are able to control our destiny where we are at,” McCall told the commission about Century’s current governmental structure as a town. We haven’t had a lot of cooperation over the years…we are known as the forgotten end of the county.”

The study commission was formed when the Florida Legislature passed a bill sponsored by Rep. Greg Evers. The commission is tasked with studying various forms of consolidated government, and they are expected to issue their recommendations by the end of the year. If the commission recommends a consolidated government, the question would be presented to voters in 2010.

Pictured above: Century Mayor Freddie McCall addresses the Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission Tuesday night in Century. Pictured below: Only a small number of people, most of them not from North Escambia, turned out to hear the commission in action. photos, click to enlarge.



35 Responses to “Little Local Interest In Government Consolidation Committee Meeting”

  1. robert Hudson on October 16th, 2009 8:47 pm

    I and many others are going to vote this down, Pensacola is dead broke and we are not going to foot their bills. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION.

  2. David Huie Green on October 9th, 2009 2:42 pm

    “Pensacola has been unable to annex territory in the past due to the very same backwards looking thinking that you are displaying right now. My whole purpose for advocating consolidation is to do away with the existing governments and replace them with something more workable, accountable, and sustainable”

    Interesting. The only reason not to buy into any and all proposed change is “backwards looking thinking”? Lack of trust that just changing things inherently makes them better.

    You just gotta love the folks who think anyone who disagrees or even questions must do so simply because they are too stupid to see the light.

    Somebody has to love them, anyway.

    Don’t they?

    David for remembering the past and not assuming all trends are THE future

  3. Pensacola resident on October 9th, 2009 8:16 am

    > Simple question, will the county inherit the city debt, and the debt of the maritime park? Yes or No?

    The All For One Answer:

    No sir, the county will not inherit the city debt and the debt of the maritime park.

    ** the fine print: You and your children will inherit the debt plus millions in interest. And don’t for get about our fat pension checks…only in Pcola can you make more after you retire.

  4. robert Hudson on October 9th, 2009 8:12 am

    Simple question, will the county inherit the city debt, and the debt of the maritime park? Yes or No?

  5. ??? on October 8th, 2009 10:04 pm

    VOTE YES TO CONSOLIDATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  6. Century resident on October 8th, 2009 7:43 pm

    I have to agree with Bryan. Well written post sir.

  7. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 7:25 pm

    By the way, pensacola is going to vote on a strong mayor? Whow!!!!! Just like jacksonville. How odd , that is just what EAFO wants. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 7:20 pm

    Well why not see if those as you say , from the I-10 and down would like to join the city, And quit whining about how hard it is to annex those who would want to join. Problem is no one wants to join. The city is drowning in debt. And by the way , you need to answer my question. Will the county inherit the debt of the city and the maritime park? There is no leadership in pensacola. And a lot of us do not wish to pay for the low wage tourist projects that the city seem’ s to be obsess with. Yes or No, will the county inherit the city debt? No dancing.

  9. Bryan Bethea on October 8th, 2009 7:00 pm

    There is no dancing coming from here. I am simply addressing the arguments you keep raising about being taken over, not needing Pensacola, etc. Pensacola has been unable to annex territory in the past due to the very same backwards looking thinking that you are displaying right now. My whole purpose for advocating consolidation is to do away with the existing governments and replace them with something more workable, accountable, and sustainable.

    You are missing the entire point of the consolidation effort. You keep mentioning that the City will run the County the way the City is run today. That is false. The “City” will cease to exist and will be a consolidated entity along with the County. How can an entity that ceases to exist run anything? The entire framework of local government will be revamped.

    My personal opinion, and yes it is MY opinion, is that you are afraid of change. I hear you opposing the consolidation but with no concrete reasons for doing so. It seems to be an emotional response on your part. I was born and raised in northern Escambia County and have frequently heard the “us vs. them” rants from north-enders. Why does it have to be that way? Why can’t this be an opportunity for US to solve the biggest challenges facing our community? What is your alternative to consolidation?

    If Pensacola annexes everything south of 10 Mile Road then the tax base of the County is gone. I wonder what level of service the north end will receive then? Nothing. Services in the north end are already subsidized by the property taxes paid by County residents south of 10 Mile Road. If those folks start paying the City instead of the County what will Century, Molino, and Walnut Hill be left with?

  10. Century resident on October 8th, 2009 6:24 pm

    Well, thanks for trying Bryan but, as you can see it’s like talking to a tree. Once someone gets their mind wrapped around a problem in one direction, it’s hard to put the facts to them and force change. Sad actually.

  11. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 6:03 pm

    Simple question, will the county inherit the debt of the city, and the debt of the maritime park? Yes or No.

  12. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 4:52 pm

    And still you have not answered one question that has been brought up . If the city run’s the county the way they are now , we will be broke in no time and tax to death. What you and your pro-consolidation buddies need to do is learn how to ANNEX like most cities do, make the place some where that people want to live and not leave. You need to address the problems that the city has , to us and explain how we are not going to have tax increases. We will inherit the city debt, sorry no thanks. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!!!!!! P.S Nice danceing job on why we should join you.

  13. Bryan Bethea on October 8th, 2009 4:13 pm

    To Robert and other naysayers: Where exactly would Escambia County and the rest of northwest Florida be WITHOUT Pensacola? If Pensacola did not exist as the employment, economic, cultural, and population center of the western panhandle then Escambia County would be a dried up backwater place not unlike many of the counties between Tallahassee and Jacksonville (Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, etc.) If Pensacola suddenly did not exist the whooshing sound of residents fleeing Escambia and surrounding counties would be very loud indeed. 90% of Escambia County residents outside the city limits of Pensacola live south of Kingsfield Road. Do you honestly think that over 200,000 people live in that zone for any reason other than its proximity to the City?

    Apparently the meaning of the word “Consolidation” is lost on you. Pensacola isn’t asking you to “join” them. Civic leaders and people who actually care about the community, not just what is good for themselves, are asking residents of all three jurisdictions to COMBINE into one unified government. That is miles from what you are characterizing.

    The last time I checked Escambia County did not have its own power company. There are two power companies operating in the county: Gulf Power and the Escambia River Electric Cooperative. Neither have anything to do with Escambia County government.

  14. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 4:07 pm

    Well then, please explain it to me, and the rest of the county?

  15. Century resident on October 8th, 2009 2:40 pm

    Poor Robert…he just dont get it!

  16. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 1:50 pm

    Pensacola can not fund it’s ECAT , can not build their own librarys, can not fill their own pot holes, fund their own pension plans, or fund their own Christmas decoration’s. And how is that non- working port going for them? All the CRA’S will now go to toward the building of a maritime park in a fema declared flood zone on the water front of a hurricane prone city, and the ECUA for moveing the sewer plant which the county pitched in 7 million for. Also the population is steadly declining. Now pensacola wants to change it’s charter to a “strong mayor” . And we in the county will have no say in it. Just like we had no say in the maritime park. I am angry because , they keep trying to ram this down on us, it is always the city that wants us to join them. Why? Tax base, they need money, our money.Now I do not wish to be ruled or governed by the city. Our form of government may not be the best , but all I do is make one phone call and my voice is heard, or I go to a C.C meeting, which is much better than having coffee with the mayor. Now I have my own power company, water company, sewer system, garbage pickup or land fill, and my road is paved, which I help pay for. Now what do I need pensacola for? I do not. All one needs to do is see who is in the group of EAFO , and you will see this is a power play , for control and tax base for pensacola. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!!!!!

  17. William on October 8th, 2009 1:12 pm

    S.L.B. — the plan, if they write one at all, is not due yet.

  18. S.L.B on October 8th, 2009 12:45 pm

    I’m just curious and wondering what “GREAT CHANGES” would take place in the northend of the County if we were to consolidate? What exactly will Century gain to it’s advantage, that will help us move forward as a result of giving Pensacola ownership and the tax revenue?

    Has anyone seen the purposals and/or statistics yet?

  19. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 12:41 pm

    You know what? I would like to buy Pensacola for what it is worth and sell it for what they think it is worth!! VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION.

  20. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 12:34 pm

    Oh and just why is it that the city keeps asking us to join them? Money, that is all they need us for. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION

  21. robert Hudson on October 8th, 2009 12:21 pm

    Let me show you something, those who are pro consolidation will not address any single question that is put to them, they will talk all around it but will not answer your question, You see it is all smoke and mirrors. Go back and look that what I have posted and you will see just how broke they are. Does any one want to bail out their pensions? Do you want to pay for a Maritime park built in a flood zone? Penscola has driven it’s self in to the ground with all their tourism plans, and they really think that they can run the county? If it was not so sad it would be funny! The city needs to ANNEX like Mobile and other cities and leave the rest of us alone VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION

  22. W.R. on October 8th, 2009 10:53 am

    To EMD:
    I Vote NO!

  23. Jim on October 7th, 2009 10:50 pm

    “The Last Best Chance”?
    How is the last big “CHANGE” working for you?
    Can’t fix it so just make it bigger?
    Out of the pan, into the fire…………..

    The first change is to elect to county and city offices people that are qualified and serious about representing the will of the people.

    Voting for change is the lazy out.
    Just vote and hope someone else will make things better?

  24. Bryan Bethea on October 7th, 2009 9:41 pm

    Consolidation presents an opportunity to do away with the corrupt current governments of Pensacola, Century, and Escambia County and start from scratch. Why would anyone in their right mind oppose this? Participation in government is not about attending meetings that are convenient for you. Participation means having an honest discourse about shaping the future of your community. If it really means something to you then do whatever is necessary to attend the meetings. This is your opportunity.

    Escambia County seems to have paralysis and the attitudes of many residents reflect this. I hear from many people on the north end of the county that the “downtown” crowd is driving this effort. Well, then get on board and change it if it is going in a direction that you don’t like. I can’t imagine that anyone in northern Escambia County feels like the government is responsive to their needs. That being the case, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

    Consolidation is the last, best chance for Escambia County as a whole to wake up and join the 21st century. Otherwise it is going to turn into a post-industrial wasteland like much of the Great Lakes region has become.

    I hear a lot about ‘inheriting’ Pensacola’s debt. I beg your pardon, but the County has PLENTY of debt on its own.

    We will never survive as a society if we do not wake up and start taking responsibility not only for ourselves but for the well being of our communities. If that means consolidation and taking on some debt then so be it. At the end of the day, however, the existing arrangements are not sustainable. The Town of Century is a joke. The City of Pensacola does not get the respect it deserves in the eyes of business leaders because of it’s artificially low population count, and Escambia County is the laughing stock of the state (does anyone recall having multiple Commissioners ousted from office by Governor Bush for illegal activities?)

  25. century Citizen on October 7th, 2009 5:31 pm

    Im ALL for it! If we leave this town to the people who are handling it… This town will never get No where… Its so Crazy that THE TOWN OF CENTURY IS ALWAYS BEGGING FOR HELP but never want what is offer… IM for one is getting tired of being Rob by the town…. They dont do what we ask….. Or were always paying an arm and Leg for things around here….. SAY YES TO CONSOLIDATION

  26. Wild Bill on October 7th, 2009 3:48 pm

    Trust me when I say that consolidating with Escambia County and Pensacola will in no way help Century catch up to the modern world. We are no better off than you along those lines. You will need to travel about 60 miles east or west if you have the desire to live in a progressively thinking community with leaders interested in making the community a better place to live, work and play. Folks in Escambia County, FL as a whole are satisfied with status quo and appear to have little interest in community improvement unless it somehow benefits them directly.

  27. Tax Payer on October 7th, 2009 3:30 pm

    I went through a consolidation of governments in another state and it was the best thing that the county and city did. The problem here is that the old money power brokers do not want to give up their little kingdoms they have carved out for themself. Well…you are here and now given notice…..your time has gone and its time for out with the old and in with the new and more responsible ideas and decisions. Century will die a slow death if we do not consolidation does not go through.

  28. EMD on October 7th, 2009 2:36 pm

    I think it would be interesting to run a poll on this website, and see how many are for or against consolidation.

  29. Randon on October 7th, 2009 10:56 am

    Consolidation will probably be the best thing for the town of Century. Prehaps then it can catch up to the modern world.

  30. robert Hudson on October 7th, 2009 9:26 am

    They are going to try and sneak in consolidation the way they did in Jacksonville. Do not be surprised that when it gets ready to go to the vote that you will hear very little about it. That is why we must keep a very close watch on this group. This web site does a excellent job of keeping us up to date. Thank you William for staying on top of this. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION!!!!

  31. waterlady501 on October 7th, 2009 8:36 am

    Not only did they advertise the meeting in an obscure way, they scheduled the meeting for a horrible time. At 5:30 p.m. most people are either (1) on their way home from work, (2) picking children up from daycare, (3) trying to get everyone home, supper prepared, homework done, (3) children back and forth to sports activities, etc. The only worse time to hold a meeting would be during business hours (which they couldn’t possibly justify to working citizens). I think the poor attendance at the meeting is a loud and clear message to the committee that they are wasting their time (and trying to waste ours) by scheduling these meetings to promote a concept we don’t want.

  32. robert Hudson on October 7th, 2009 8:20 am

    Seem’s to me the meeting was stacked. What we need is a open honest debate. And by the way who wants to be like Jacksonville ? Just remermber, if we consolidate we will inherit the city’s debt, and the debt of the matitime park.

  33. robert Hudson on October 7th, 2009 8:06 am

    Well I had no interest in going because I am going to vote no any way. This whole consolidation is bogus way for the city to gain power and money. It is very plain and simple. The city is flat broke. And the player’s of EAFO are all from the down town crowd. I am surprised that they even found the meeting place. We are being lied to from the ferderal government level all the time, I sure do not wish to go, and in person hear the same thing on a local level. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION.

  34. S.L.B on October 7th, 2009 6:47 am

    Area citizens most likely cannot attend a scheduled meeting when they were only given a few hours notice…It’s that thing called scheduling issues and responsibities. Just because we couldn’t attend the meeting doesn’t mean that we don’t care about the issue at hand!

  35. robert Hudson on October 7th, 2009 2:19 am

    I believe that the commission has just been told ,we have no interest in what they have to say, or in consolidation.