Jay Grad Takes The Field For USA Jaguars

October 19, 2009

A 2009 graduate of Jay High School  is part of the first ever University South Alabama football team — a team that is now 4-0.

dustinjames.jpgDustin James, who graduated seventh in his class at JHS, is a 6-foot 290 pound member of the Jaguars’ offensive line. He is on the scout team this year, and he has had several tackles so far this season.

James earned four football letters at Jay and was twice named all-state and all-area.  He lettered six times in track and field and was fifth at the state 1A meet in the shot put as a senior. He also lettered three time in weightlifting.

He is a civil engineering major who enjoys working on cars in his spare time.

James, 18, is the son of Brian and Tracy James of Jays. Brian James is a professional wrestler that once the Intercontinental champion and was a five-time tag team champion known as the “Road Dogg”.

He has two younger sisters: Amberly, 13, plays volleyball, basketball and softball; and Hanna, 6, who plays tee ball. Both attend Jay School.


8 Responses to “Jay Grad Takes The Field For USA Jaguars”

  1. (: on October 20th, 2009 10:16 pm

    Go Dustin! I’m so proud of you. No longer a yucky royal, a big strong jaguar! Good job bud

  2. Karissa M on October 20th, 2009 10:32 am

    Congrats Dustern! Can’t wait to come see you play!

  3. John West on October 19th, 2009 1:59 pm

    Whoo, Go Dustin!!!

    love ya brother, see you soon, keep the faith.

  4. Samantha C. on October 19th, 2009 12:54 pm

    Congratulations Dustin!!!! I am totally going to come watch you play!!

  5. mom&dad on October 19th, 2009 12:23 pm

    go dustin, we are so proud of you

  6. Jake S. on October 19th, 2009 11:24 am

    left side! you know u miss me at guard, lol. nice job man, keep it up

  7. Travis W. on October 19th, 2009 8:57 am

    This guy is a beast! I feel sorry for anyone he’s blocking!

  8. Paige on October 19th, 2009 8:55 am

    Im so proud of you :D