81-Year Old Man Kills Home Invader

October 13, 2009

An 81-year old Escambia County (Ala.) homeowner shot and killed an apparent home invasion suspect early Monday morning.

The Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office responded to a 911 call on Highway 31 north of Brewton about 3 a.m. Monday. The caller told dispatchers that someone had broken into his house and that he had shot the suspect.

mccall.jpgWhen they arrived, they found suspect Jeremy Paul McCall, 33 of Brewton, dead inside the home from a single gunshot wound.. He was dressed in dark clothing and a ski mask. McCall had been released from a Nebraska jail only about 48 hours at the time of his death.  He had been jailed in Washington County, Nebraska, on drug charges.

The elderly man’s wife was reportedly sitting with a shotgun in her lap when deputies arrived.

“Deputies were in the immediate vicinity of the residence and responded. Once on scene, they found a subject lying on the floor, unresponsive, inside the residence with a gunshot wound to his person,” the sheriff’s department said in a press release. “The owner of the residence and his wife stated that they were awakened by noises of someone forcing their way into the home. As they began to get up, a subject burst into their bedroom and pointed a gun at them. The owner of the residence was also armed with a handgun and fired one round at the subject. ”

Sheriff Grover Smith and his department’s investigators, and a K-9 unit from Fountain Prison responded to the scene. McCall’s body was transported to the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences in Mobile for an autopsy.

Smith said the incident will be presented to a grand jury, as is require by law, but he said he does not expect charges to be filed against the homeowner.

The incident is still under investigation by the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Department.


57 Responses to “81-Year Old Man Kills Home Invader”

  1. BDM on May 1st, 2010 6:09 am

    Its almost been a years since he has been gone…. I really hope that the police get to the bottom of this… I honestly think there is more to it…

  2. David Huie Green on October 17th, 2009 10:56 pm

    “what about the gun he had that was not even loaded, whats wrong with shooting the boy;s somewhere elese not killing him, ”

    A man breaks into your home wearing a ski mask, points a gun at your wife and you and you are supposed to wing him?

    Picture it: “I’m pointing a gun at your wife but it isn’t loaded so don’t shoot back. Just give me all your money before I kill you because this gun is loaded and that’s why I’m pointing it at you.”

    The actual action probably took place before he could have said “I’m point..”

    For that matter, how do you know the response wasn’t an attempt to hit his trigger finger and the shooter simply missed?

    “yall dontn; hear his kids cry day, and night, you donn;t care, but i hope and pray that there will be judgement one day, people like you don;t care about a 10yr old and a 8yr old that worshiped the ground there dad walked on, jeremey has never hurt a soul in his life time, thanks for nothing,”

    He didn’t care enough for his children to avoid getting killed and you want strangers to care more for his children than he did?

    His children worshiped him? Maybe they’ll pattern their lives after him, then.

    He never hurt a soul? He hurt his own soul and he hurt his children and he hurt anyone who cared for him and he hurt those he frightened.

    Rejoice that he hadn’t gotten around to killing anyone yet and that the old couple didn’t suffer a heart attack due to his actions and now all they have are nightmares but are still alive.

    David for assuming all guns are loaded and can kill

  3. Been there on October 17th, 2009 7:54 pm

    This is old news by now and probably noone will read this nor even care, but, ten years ago, we were home and broken into. No one got shot. No one got hurt. He did some time~ it was his second time at our house…the first time guns were taken…that we could not prove, but we were told by someone he tried to sell them to. Thing is, we were treated like we were the ‘bad’ guys for pressing charges, and tho’ he served some of his sentence, word on the street is he’s back and back at his old tricks. My granddad instilled in me as I was growing up…the motto…”I don’t mess with what’s yours and you should not mess with what’s mine!” Kind of a “Live and let live” attitude. That is how I try to live and it makes me fighting mad for people who have not worked hard to have a little something in this world to take from those of us who did. I am only saying that having been there, it’s a scarey feeling…you don’t over it for a long time. I feel for the family, for their loss, but no one knows the number it does on the person who is broken in on unless they have been there. These are hard times for many people, people do desperate things, but, when you become the victim, you don’t know what you will do until you are in that situation. God help us all!!!

  4. grandmother on October 17th, 2009 8:05 am

    hey c.t. we no the facts who ever you are, you told the gods truth, when someone is a addict, its kinda hard to get off when someone is there to shovel it out to them kinda of like taking a baby off a bottle and then teasing them with it, but you no i thought we only had one god but i can;t believe for the life of me, how many we have, bet if it was there loved one they would feel different, they need to open there eyes, there is still more to the story, and i am not talking about the homeowners, but i do believe, i could have wounded him, instead of taking his life, , and yea they are bragging at the steady hand , hu; anyway my babies will get through it , god will see to that, my granddaughter has a birthday the 24, wow what a birthday, i believe she had rather saw him in the hospital than where he is, , yall really disgust me,…………………

  5. the grandmother of his 2 wonderful children, on their moms side on October 16th, 2009 5:45 pm

    well first of all there is always 2 sides to everything in life, and you people that are the first to judge jeremy, didn;t no him at all, what about the gun he had that was not even loaded, whats wrong with shooting the boy;s somewhere elese not killing him, you no the judgement will not come out here on earth, but god will get it all strightened, out yall dontn; hear his kids cry day, and night, you donn;t care, but i hope and pray that there will be judgement one day, people like you don;t care about a 10yr old and a 8yr old that worshiped the ground there dad walked on, jeremey has never hurt a soul in his life time, thanks for nothing,

  6. David Huie Green on October 15th, 2009 2:19 pm

    ” Regardless of what he did he was someones family member and he meant something to somebody… I cant believe the things people say!”

    Please understand that the people he tried to rob are also “someones family member” and mean “something to somebody”.
    They were not just a source of income for making the next illegal drug purchase. They have a right to be left alone.
    They have a right to not worry someone will decide to kill them for a fix.

    Yes, he was the son of someone and the brother of someone when he endangered the lives of people he mistakenly assumed were helpless.

    He probably assumed many things would go his way in life and his assumptions didn’t pan out.

    His worries are over. Be happy for him as he faces an all knowing judge.

  7. Billy on October 15th, 2009 11:21 am

    Everyone also needs to realize that you don’t enter an occupied home with the intent to just sneak around and steel things. People have presumed that he was only trying to support a drug habbit. We have no idea what his intent was. It may have been murder, rape, theft, torture/murder. Who knows. The fact that Mr. McCall was armed proves that he had intent to harm and/or kill. It is sad for his family but also a milestone for justice. I do wonder why he wasn’t in jail. He was just arrested by Brewton PD after fighting them a few weeks prior and escaped custody after his arrest. He was apprehended shortly after escape. I have concerns about why a judge would give someone a bond when they have proven to be an escape and/or flight risk and also a violent person.
    It appears that an 81 year old man and woman have a better understanding of justice than most people with a law degree. Pretty ironic. Where has our common sense gone people?

  8. Just An Old Soldier on October 15th, 2009 10:59 am

    One shot, one kill. Good job, Sir. Evidence of good marksmanship training. And at 81 a steady hand. Again, good job. (Though I would have gone with “center of mass”).

    It is interesting to see that our gun control laws are so well enforced – a criminal home invader released from a Nebraska jail 48 hours before, and ARMED with a firearm? How did he get that weapon? Who supplied him with it? Family? “Friends”?

    I hope that they get tracked down, arrested, and thrown in the stockade for a long sentence for their contribution to the death of this young (criminal) man, may he rest in peace.

    To those that advocate for more gun control, I would say that this story is a good reason for an Armed Citizenry thanks to our 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms. Dogs and cameras don’t do much when an armed and clearly dangerous criminal is intent on doing evil. But a good pistol in a trained hand can.

  9. ex-n-law on October 15th, 2009 7:16 am

    good morning , today we lay to rest our friend our brother jeremy macall, as isaid before may he rest in peace and may god have mercy on his soul ,

  10. BDM on October 15th, 2009 12:43 am

    This is ridiculous that people would say things like this. Regardless of what he did he was someones family member and he meant something to somebody… I cant believe the things people say!

  11. CENTURY RESIDENT on October 14th, 2009 11:16 pm


  12. vanessa on October 14th, 2009 10:41 pm


  13. JJ on October 14th, 2009 9:48 pm

    Hmmm… So Terri, let me get this straight. The fact that the old man was able to defend himself and his wife properly and the very rare occurrence of the bad guy getting what he deserved and the victims being alive and well at the end of the story doesn’t qualify as a happy ending…… yet the county being able to save a few dollars on a trial does…. WOW…

    I’m sorry, you’re wrong. The fact that county saved a little money on a trial pales in comparison to the fact that it is not the HOMEOWNER’S family who is grieving their parents/grandparents.

    And CT…. you need to pick your friends a little better. Those kids are better off without a dad, than being raised by one who is running around in ski masks and guns robbing old folks two days after getting out of jail. Stealing someone’s 4-wheeler for drug money, I can understand…. Making an armed home invasion in the middle of the night? WAY OVER THE LINE…. Defending said criminal? Insane…. I’m trying hard to feel sorry for him…… nope…. nothing….

    I’m still happy.

  14. Jim Stanton on October 14th, 2009 9:45 pm

    Just wondering bleh, where you might be from, since you make the statement that it’s good that they are an older couple, or they would be prosecuted for murder if they were young. That might be the case in places like Boston or New Jersey, but here in Florida and Alabama along with several other states, we have what is called a “Castle Doctrine”. In both states it removes the “duty to retreat”. If in doubt, just do an Internet search for “Castle Doctrine” with your state name in the search.

  15. wonder on October 14th, 2009 9:35 pm

    This man has been on drugs for years and years. His Grandmother is from Atmore Alabama. They have did every thing that they could do to help him. At least now she want have to worry about him now. I will pray for his Grandmother . Again his family had did every thing that they could to try to help him.

  16. Cantonment on October 14th, 2009 5:26 pm

    It is about time that someone showed the bad guys who is really in charge. Take note , “We country people will take up for our family at any cost.” I just feel sorry for the older couple for having to clean up the mess this made in their house. I think the people who feel so bad for this jerk should offer to help clean it up! There is no telling what this guy could have had in mind to do to this couple! Remember if they break in to your home they are not coming for good reasons and there is no telling what they plan to do to you and your family! Protect yourself! Remember the Billings!

    The children are better off with him out of their lives!

  17. Joe on October 14th, 2009 4:32 pm

    David Huie Green – (for me) happiness is reading your comments and agreeing with them 100%.
    When citizens say “We will be victims no more”
    the criminals will have to think twice about who they target. I wonder if this thug knew it was the home of elderly people? Was that the reason why their home was chosen to rob? Did this Thug think the older couple would be easy victims and offer little to no resistance? I guess we will never know his thoughts and reasons.
    let this be a warning to all of the “would be thugs” and criminals:
    We Will Be Victims NO MORE!

  18. bleh on October 14th, 2009 3:05 pm

    Great that he owned a gun huh? they would both be dead right now if not for gun ownership.

    Good thing they are elderly and not a young couple, or they would be on trial for murder

  19. David Huie Green on October 14th, 2009 11:48 am

    Note to self: don’t try to rob those who may be armed.
    Since that pesky Constitution retains the right to be armed by law abiding citizens, wait until it is done away with and the people are armed and helpless. Until then, assume anyone may be armed and work for a living rather than stealing the lives of others by taking what they earned.

    Happy endings happen when your spouse is unharmed by home invader.
    Happy endings happen when your neighbors don’t have to go to your funeral because a dope head killed you while robbing you.
    Happy endings happen when those who care more for the thieves than the victims are not in charge.

  20. Laura Taylor on October 14th, 2009 10:34 am

    If this type of ending happened more often, then maybe intruders would be a little less apt to break in. This guy had already been in jail, had only been out 48 hours, so why should anyone feel sorry for him? The homeowner’s did the right thing in my book. I’d sure do the same if someone were to break in my home and threaten my family & myself. Jeremy all ready knew the consequences when the idea entered his head to break in in the first place. He got what he deserved.

  21. redneck on October 14th, 2009 10:09 am

    my hats off to the homeowner . I would have done the same thing. Criminals look out and take notice we are not gonna stand for ya’lls crap anymore.

  22. leggrizer on October 14th, 2009 9:28 am

    Think what would have happened to this elderly couple had our goverment revoked his right to bear arms ! That’s right dead instead of the robber .My hat is off to you sir !

  23. W.R. on October 14th, 2009 8:59 am

    He got what he deserved! The home owner was dead on RIGHT to protect his home. Come to my house and you get the same

  24. Dan on October 14th, 2009 7:03 am

    According to the news report, Grampa put one right in his forehead.

    Not that’s “gun control”. Hitting what you aim at !!!!!

  25. SJ on October 14th, 2009 7:00 am

    For all that feels sorry for Jeremy because he left three kids behind. He made that choice when he choose to invade someone elses house and use a gun to Point at someone. Yes it will be hard on his kids to lose there father but it sounds like to me. If he is robbing or stealing for DRUGS. Then apperantly He doesen’t get Father of the year award. It is bad that is has gotten that you can’t TRUST people anymore. But it is where we have gooten in our Society. This is the facts of witch we live in in todays world. If people we trust-worthy anymore than people would’t need guns to protect themself and there families or homes. This eldery couple has the right to protect what is there’s at any cost. Even if it takes a human Life. The young man was entering there home uninvited. We all where born with the same capabilities. It is just a matter of Choice in Life. Good or Bad.

  26. Wayne on October 14th, 2009 6:41 am

    To make a few things clear, I will say only a few things.

    1. The couple of that home do own dogs that they said were barking. That’s what originally woke the two up.
    2. Mr. McCall entered a home, not his own, forcefully and carried his own weapon in with him which obviously shows the had the intent in using it or that he meant business.
    3. The “old man” did not have much time to think because he awoke to someone entering his household and flashed a gun at him. The man was forced to use his only defense. That’s called self defense, not violence.

    Jeremy made multiple mistakes. Unfortunate for him, entering that house was his last. That’s also unfortunate for his family he left behind. I’ve had a sister that was on drugs and is now clean and sober for three years. I still believe to this day that no one can “force” you to start or continue to do drugs. My thoughts and prayers go his family.

  27. Vic on October 14th, 2009 5:56 am

    Thinker : “Dog + Camera could protect and provide police with information.”

    How well did it protect the Billings couple?

    Camera=evidence not protection

  28. marcus on October 14th, 2009 1:53 am

    I’m happy to hear that… seriously. Hopefully the other children will have good loving homes also.

  29. ME on October 14th, 2009 12:17 am

    To Marcus. There is no Mom for his oldest kid. She has not been an active part of his life for years, since she to has a drug problem. Instead, he is being raised by a good Christian family who truly cares for him.

  30. Joe on October 14th, 2009 12:16 am

    Thinker- Do dogs and cameras bring back dead people? do they un-do violence that has occured?
    there is no question this a very sad and a family is dealing with the loss of a loved one now.
    A dog and a video camera would probably show the crime unfold and serve as a record of how the old people and their dog died. look at the billings case. several security cameras and state of the art security system. did that save them, no it only provided the family and police with a very distrubing account of what really happened there.
    citizens need to be alert and prepared to protect and defend themselves. no one ever wants to be put in that kind of situation but as we see more and more often it happens lots, and yes even in our own small towns. I hope I never have to take another persons life and hope I am never in that type of situation, but if I am, I hope I am able to do what I need to do to protect myself and my family. Remember, When seconds count the police are just minutes away!

  31. good 4 grampa! on October 13th, 2009 10:47 pm

    this is to Thinker: in a case I read about a few years ago…a burglar broke into a persons home who had a dog and the dog attacked the burglar who then went to the hospital and then the police department and pressed charges against the homeowner because they were attacked by the dog while breaking into their home!! and guess what!! the criminal won the case!! now tell me something…is that justice?? i think not!! this grampa done exactly what he needed to do to protect himself and his wife from danger! I have two small children and my husband works out of town and is gone most of the time.. do you think i’m not protected?? I am and i plan on being ready for anything!! so burglars beware!! i’m taking lessons from the grampa’s in this world who stand up for themselves!! and as far as the video surveillance goes…that only shows what happened..what if they hadn’t been protected and the invader shot them?? thats what the video would have shown…

  32. Steven rose on October 13th, 2009 7:59 pm

    Please pray 4 everyone on both sides of this,god loves us all the same!!

  33. marcus on October 13th, 2009 7:48 pm

    Anyone that thinks the so called “murdered victim” didn’t get what he deserved is on the same kind of dope that makes people crazy enough to break into an elderly couple’s house. I’m personally proud of the old man and his wife. His actions remind me of what my paw-paw would’ve done. I only hope that one day I will have his courage if I’m ever put into his situation…….Oh yeah this is definitely a happy ending. Seriously now the mom won’t have to lie and tell the kids their sorry father is dead, because he really is dead!!!

  34. letmespeak13 on October 13th, 2009 7:10 pm

    You can tell that grandpa and grandma really loved each other – if grandpa didn’t get him grandma was ready. I still feel more sorry for the victims; I cannot think how awful it would be to have to shoot someone. And yes, we all feel sorry for the dead guy’s kids but what if he did steal something and got some drugs and overdosed in front of the kids??

  35. nobody on October 13th, 2009 6:02 pm

    to thinker
    Good idea the dog will let you know someone is there this will give you time to get your gun and protect yourself the camera will back you up and shoe it was selfdefence. Good idea

  36. Dan H. on October 13th, 2009 5:27 pm

    Good For The Homeowners !

    Would be burglars, home invaders, rapists and murderers should start
    to fear their victims. We need more of this “instant justice”! If this happens
    more often, criminals will start to think twice !

    Good Shot, Grampa !

  37. Thinker on October 13th, 2009 2:57 pm

    Good to hear a gun was used for this purpose and not found and misused by a juvenile. A good dog might have sufficed to turn the guy around. A $200.00 video surveillance camera is cheaper than a lot of guns. Dog + Camera could protect and provide police with information.

    It’s over but it’s not over: The senior couple still have to live with this memory and in fear of the future. Killing somebody, no matter how justified, is tough. I hope they’re tough too.

  38. Billy Boy on October 13th, 2009 12:48 pm

    It ashamed he did this with kids. Or maybe he didn’t do it. Maybe it was the drugs. But at some point in life, he was not on drugs and made a decision to start. There was a really bad decision made at some point.

    Plus the homeowner was a pretty good shot for an 81-year old. Glad he stood up for his wife!

  39. molino jim on October 13th, 2009 12:31 pm

    Yes it’s to bad for the bad guys family—but better this fellow than the old couple being hurt or killed. I hope the old couple can get help cleaning their house up from the mess this would have made. My personal feeling is that I would be willing to buy the old man some more ammo if needed. Let us see—-hand gun V shotgun.. sounds like poor planning.

  40. Old Cherokee on October 13th, 2009 12:05 pm

    Terri Sanders: There is one other good thing about this affair. The old man and his wife are still living.

    CT: How do you “Force” someone back into drugs?

  41. CT on October 13th, 2009 11:18 am

    Hey JJ, Jeremy was a great person and a great friend. And while my family was going through some hard times Jeremy would always let us know that he was there if we needed anything. He left behind 3 young kids, all under 12 and one not old enough to call him daddy. I know he made some bad decisions in his life, but after his recent jail time he was planning to get off the drugs, until someone I won’t mention forced him back into it. So this story does not have a happy ending….not for his daughter, or his son, or his little baby that will never see her daddy. But if you still feel that this had a happy ending, then I feel sorry for you.

  42. Billy on October 13th, 2009 11:07 am

    Thanks to our president, it will cost this poor old man and woman $5 or $6 dollars to replace that bullet.

  43. Ben on October 13th, 2009 11:03 am

    All you LOWLIFES Take NOTICE!!!!!!!!

  44. ckn on October 13th, 2009 10:13 am

    This is exactly why we can not let them take our guns away from us. I am sure this couple would never have harmed a soul unless in fear of their lives and they are very upset that this happened and they had to defend themselves. My prayers are with them and the family of the man who committed this act of violence.

  45. Terri Sanders on October 13th, 2009 9:40 am

    JJ, I cannot understand how you can say this had a happy ending. Jeremy McCall got exactly what he deserved to get for what he was doing,but somewhere there has to be a mother and father and possibly siblings that are heartbroken at the way Jeremy’s life took a turn and ended like it did.Quite possibly there is a devastated wife who had no idea when she married Jeremy things would end like this.There may also be children who are robbed of a father who for some reason made really stupid choices on his life’s path. Then there is the homeowner who has to live with the fact he has killed someone,self defense,home protection or not,he cannot be happy about this,nor can his wife.Then there are people like Mr.Murphy who grieves because Jeremy took a fatal step and possibly ended up in hell for all eternity.Happy Ending?? No way.The only good thing in all of this,if it can be called good is that we the tax payers will not have our hard earned money squandered on Jeremy’s defense in court or his incarceration.

  46. Billy on October 13th, 2009 9:36 am

    Larry, you are right….he was a good shot. Your comment actually made me laugh.

  47. Jose on October 13th, 2009 5:59 am

    Why rob a house with people in it? This guy was an idiot and a Darwin award he gets for getting schooled by grandpappy. This old man’s generation is the one that made this country great, lived through the great depression, fought wars for this country. Nothing like today’s generation of losers strung out on drugs and zoned out into their own little world with their mp3 players and game consoles. Without great people we end up with bad presidents, bad leaders and really bad thieves.

    God Bless America….I did not know that my own grandfather had been in the military, much less fought in the Korean war until the men dressed in uniform placed a flag over his grave and played taps. Grandpa never said a word. Great generation great people.

  48. Kenneth Murphy on October 13th, 2009 4:13 am

    I am a missionary and I grew up with Jeremy. I preached at him while being “detained” in Brewton in July of this year. He was flippant to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ye shall all likewise perish if ye do not repent. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and ye shall be saved. The wages of sin is death!

  49. Simple Man on October 13th, 2009 1:20 am

    To the cynical minded…The Homeowner used a firearm to defend his wife
    and himself…violence would not be in a law abiding persons mind..in his/her
    own home , property or vehicle…or otherwise..

    Yes.. the once (armed) intruder will be buried…and the living law abiding citizens
    will be armed…. waiting to defend themselves…

    Maybe the cynical minded can scream out….”hope and change”.. when their
    home is invaded in the dark of night.. by armed person(s)……

  50. Larry on October 13th, 2009 1:19 am

    Billy this has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. It is all about being a good shot.

  51. Brewton resident on October 13th, 2009 12:35 am

    These are my neighbors. Such good people, quiet and keep to themselves. The bad guys better take notice. We are not going to stand for this crap anymore. The good guys are going to win!

  52. Cynical on October 12th, 2009 10:43 pm

    I feel sorry for the family and friends of the slain home invader. He was a human being who made a really bad judgement call.

    I also feel bad for the homeowner forced to defend himself with violence in order to protect his home and family.

    This all comes back to drugs; the unending need for them and the willingness to take reckless chances and cause unending harm.

    We cannot continue this way.

    Humanity is a causality of this unending war between desperate drug users and law abiding folks.

    I doubt, by the way that the Grand Jury will return a bill against the homeowner.

    The dead will be buried and the living can only hope history does not repeat itself.

  53. Billy on October 12th, 2009 10:07 pm

    Finally some good old fasion justice that WORKS. What is sad is that in some parts of this country these inocent people would be prosecuted. Even though Sheriff Smith is a liberal, I don’t think he will try it.

  54. sylvia Godwin on October 12th, 2009 9:08 pm

    That is a scary thought of someone breaking in your house. I am so glad the home owner was ready for him. I am glad they are safe.

  55. / on October 12th, 2009 6:06 pm

    needs to happen more often

  56. jecarnl on October 12th, 2009 5:21 pm

    Good for the Homeowner.

  57. JJ on October 12th, 2009 4:41 pm

    I’m glad this story has a happy ending.