Graduations To Remain At Civic Center, Except For Northview

October 7, 2009

Six Escambia County High Schools — not including Northview — will use the Pensacola Civic Center for graduation exercises in 2010.

The Escambia County School Board has approved the $26,630.88 rental fee for the Escambia County owned facility for June 2 and 3, 2010, for graduations for Washington, Pensacola, Escambia, Tate, West Florida and Pine Forest high schools.

Northview High School will not use the Pensacola Civic Center for its 2010 graduation; the school traditionally uses the gym with an overflow crowd watching the event on a video feed in the school theater.

The rental fee includes the use of the building and items like security, medical and event staff.


14 Responses to “Graduations To Remain At Civic Center, Except For Northview”

  1. NHS Senior on October 10th, 2009 10:01 pm

    I love having graduation at Northview. This year we are trying to have our graduation outside in the stadium, so to all you people who are saying its ridiculous, stop criticising. Yeah, our school is small and parents should be able to their kids graduate, but it’s tradition.

  2. Lauren on October 9th, 2009 9:46 pm

    You know used to all graduations were held at the high school you attended and there is no way that it would cost that much 26K to put on graduation. Its time these kids learned that life also comes with some disappointments and they can’t have every thing they want just cause their friends have it. My pinion

  3. EMD on October 8th, 2009 12:26 pm

    Yes, Uncle, There are usually pros and cons in all situations, but I think that in this case, I Dunno’s statements are the most accurate on this page. It is an embarrassing shame, uncomfortable, undignified and impossible to see, (if not sitting in the bleachers), without a periscope. What should be one of the most important an memorable events in a persons life, is not even as tolerable as a sporting event in the rain. IMHO!!! It is too late for change to benefit my grandchildren, but not too late for those who graduate from NHS from now on. Whoever is in charge of change, I plead with you to change this for the future graduates.

  4. uncle on October 8th, 2009 8:55 am

    My niece and nephew both graduated from a large school that only gave them four tickets,two for mom and dad and two extra. My parents nor I did not even make the trip. Even though the ceremony was held outside they limited the sitting because if it rained they would move into the gym. I guess you should feel lucky that they don’t give tickets at Northview.

  5. i dunno on October 8th, 2009 4:52 am

    Northviews Graduation protocol is ridiculous!!!!! It’s sad when a grandparent, who is disabled, in a wheelchair, makes it to the auditorium, then can only hear some of the ceremony, and can’t see any of it due to “standing-room only” in the aisles. Talk about fire haz? And temps of 90+……and has paid taxes to support Escambia Schools all their lives…..and then attends with NO ACCOMIDATIONS…Yes Northview…..I’m ashamed of and disgusted with your PROTOCOL!!!!! Carry it to SOMEWHERE,…ANYWHERE,…… with professionals in charge pls!!!!!

  6. EMD on October 7th, 2009 10:40 pm

    I sure agree with you, NHS Parent. Graduation is a big deal. It should be done much better than what I’ve seen at Northview. It is hard to enjoy the ceremony for wanting it to be over so you can get out of that cramped, noisy “sardine can.”

  7. NHS Parent on October 7th, 2009 10:06 pm

    I surely hope my childs graduation is a wonderful day for him and I both! The class of 2010 deserve nothing less and so do the parents of the graduating class for if it was not for the parents and students there would be no need for the schools lets not forget who graduation is for. I have not been to a graduation at Northview maybe we should consider what our seniors would like it is for them after all they earned this special day !!!

  8. EMD on October 7th, 2009 2:33 pm

    I have attended 2 graduations at Northview, and it was so crowded one could barely move. I could not see well at all down on the floor of the gym. The whole scene looked like a fire hazard to me. The acoustics were bad too. Graduating from high school is a big event. A very special occasion A place like the old auditorium down on the bay front seems to be a nice size and all could see fairly well. Isn’t there a place not as big as the civic center or as small as the gym to be found around here? I was glad to see kids graduate, but it was still an uncomfortable and frustrating situation. At the civic center, at least one could get better pictures and breath and go to the rest room without so much hullabaloo.

  9. an idea on October 7th, 2009 2:13 pm

    Just a thought for saving money on rental fees from the civic center, is there not a church in the P’cola area big enough to accommodate the necessary number of people for graduation ceremonies? Some schools in other big cities use local churches to hold graduation. Yes, they require the use of tickets, but each student is given between 8 and 11 tickets a piece. Just a thought.

  10. gatorgirl 01 on October 7th, 2009 10:47 am

    i like the idea ,with someone saying about the football field ,i still have 3 years before my daughter has her graduation , but when she does have it i dont want to be watching it from tv ,thats just not right ,,,and i heard they charge alot for their senior fees why ?

  11. Parent of 2 on October 7th, 2009 9:03 am

    We had our on the football field and it rained…we had to move to the gym and nothing was ready and every student received 2 tickets. Due to space so many families did not get to go. It was a mess. Also in today’s world, I like the idea of the gym due to safety reason. Just a thought.

  12. NHS Mom on October 7th, 2009 8:26 am

    Just a thought…but why not have graduation ceremony at Northview on the football field. The football stadium can accomodate more people! That way the overflow crowd doesn’t have to watch it on video feed. I’m sure people who attend graduation would rather see the graduate walk across stage in front of their eyes instead of viewing it on a television screen. Also, for the crowd that can’t handle the warmer weather due to health reasons, maybe they can be allowed to watch the live video feed in the theater. But, like I said….just a thought! =)

  13. Parent on October 7th, 2009 8:12 am

    I think they should have them at the schools. I’ve been to graduations where they have it at the football stadium for more room.

  14. bama54 on October 7th, 2009 7:32 am

    We need to start using the public school facilities for graduations, and not the civic center. Maybe we can save a portion of the $26,630.88 of the cost of renting the civic center. It seems that Northveiw maybe on the right tract of using their on facilities and keeping their activities in house. Let save our communities by having more functions in house instead downtown. Plus, if you live north of 9 mile rd (Cantonment/Molino area) then you save the drive of at least 20 miles to attend a graduation.

    “Bring Graduation Home”