Government Consolidation Panel To Meet Today In Century

October 6, 2009

The full 25-member Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission will meet this afternoon at 5:30 in Century, and Century’s mayor is encouraging the public to attend and let their voice be heard in the process.

“I want everyone to come out and speak against it,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall said. “I hear that they are stacking the audience with their people to speak in favor of it, and I am not in favor of it.” McCall added that he was speaking for himself personally, not officially for town, in his opposition to consolidation.

The Commission is expected to continue discussions of major questions concerning consolidation, discuss the drafting of preliminary legislation, hear reports of sub-committees and special advisory committees and conduct a public forum

The 25-member Commission, composed of appointees from various governmental bodies throughout Escambia County, as well as appointees from other stakeholder groups, was formed after the Florida Legislature approved a commission to study various unified forms of government. The Commission is expected to issue a report by the end of the year. Should a unified form of government be recommended, that question would be expected be put before the voters of Escambia County in 2010.

The meeting will be held at the Century Agricultural Building on West Highway 4, just west of Industrial Boulevard.


2 Responses to “Government Consolidation Panel To Meet Today In Century”

  1. robert Hudson on October 6th, 2009 1:23 pm

    As a person who plans to vote no on this, I do not care what they have to say. So I will not attend this meeting. If you plan to vote no , and your mind is made up , I would urge you to do the same.

  2. robert Hudson on October 6th, 2009 10:04 am

    If you are interested, in what they have to say, go. But I am not for consolidation, at all, nothing that they can say will make me change my mind. I have stated many times how I feel about this issue. No matter how they dress it up, or what they promise, it does not change the fact that this county will inherit the city debt.The city has made bad choice’s, and will continue to do so. They will spent us in to even more uncontroled debt. They ( the city) are broke and everyone that reads a paper or goes on line know’s it. Do you wish to be ruled or governed by the city ? Do you wish to pay for the maritime park? Do you wish to have your voice in government diluted? Well NO of course not. One thing left to do. VOTE NO ON CONSOLIDATION