Child Porn Sentencing Delayed For Former Century Correctional Sergeant

October 5, 2009

Sentencing has been delayed for the former Century Correctional Institution sergeant that pleaded guilty to federal child pornography charges.

blackpauledward.jpgPaul Edward Black, 42, of Century, entered the guilty plea in federal court back in July. He now faces a term of up to ten years in prison, a $250,000 fine and a lifetime of supervised release. He was scheduled to be sentenced Friday by U.S. District Judge Casey Rogers, but the sentencing was continued until mid-November after a motion was filed by Black’s attorney, Thomas S. Keith.

Keith told the court in a motion to continue sentencing that Black is undergoing counseling at Cordova Counseling as a condition of his release. About a month ago, according to the motion, Black’s lawyer asked the counselor to provide a detailed evaluation of Black to possibly be used at the sentencing hearing.

Black’s motion asked that sentencing be continued until October 19 to allow the doctor time to complete the evaluation report.

Deputies seized a laptop computer, desktop computer and 56 CD’s from Black’s residence while he was at work at the Century Correctional facility. When sheriff’s investigators later interviewed Black at CCI, he admitted to searching the Internet for child pornography, according to federal court documents, and admitted to specific search terms that he used such as “teen”, “lolita”, “PTHC” and “Bambina”.

“A forensic review of his electronic media located images and videos of child pornography on his laptop and desktop,” federal court documents signed by Black state. “A review of the compact disks (CD’s) revealed the same.”


11 Responses to “Child Porn Sentencing Delayed For Former Century Correctional Sergeant”

  1. ? on October 9th, 2009 5:31 pm

    This isn’t the first time his sentencing has been postponed. Like”friend from work” I also feel sorry for his daughter and also for his girl friend’s young daughters!

  2. friend from work on October 5th, 2009 6:44 pm

    As someone who watched this all unfold in front of my eyes. This is the question I need to ask…. Why would you ask for more time for a Doctor to evluate a person if you know that they are GUILTY. I would be worried about the children involved. He may be sent away for a while and the last thing on his mind and his attorney’s mind is ‘How do I take care of my child from prison’. He’s more worried about himself. I feel sorry for his soon to be ex-wife and child. God bless you in this hard time.

  3. Protect our Children on October 5th, 2009 6:43 pm

    I for one have been searching the wed and came across a child porn site in the past… the best thing for people to do when they come across a site like that or one that you think might have underage children on it, is to do like I did, report it to somewhere like 1-800-THE-LOST ….. for missing and exploited children…… they will check these type sites out and shut them down if there are any under age children on them.

  4. SuvivorofSexualAbuse on October 5th, 2009 3:02 pm

    If Black admitted to it there will be NO jury trial! He will be sentenced according to the law. It is also sad to know when someone like myself goes for counseling at the Cordova Cousneling Center, we just might be sitting next to a scum bag as Black in the waiting room.

  5. bleh on October 5th, 2009 12:15 pm

    First you need to understand the difference in child porn, and porn listed as “teen” or “lolita” porn sites are out of make money, or whatever. The sites listing this material have to follow the laws as well.

    keep in mind that 18/19 is legal and falls under “teen”

    If he really had child porn i’m not defending the guy, but I hope the jury will have the sense to recognize the difference in a child, and a 40 year old in pig tails

  6. EMD on October 5th, 2009 11:05 am

    Child porn is an abomination and should be, and is dealt with. However,
    killing unborn children and children being born is murder, and should be dealt with. But, it is not dealt with. Have we become a schizophrenic society, or what?

  7. Tired of Trash on October 5th, 2009 10:09 am

    Actually, federal law says that it doesn’t matter the age of the child. All that matters is whether or not a party appears to be a minor. It can even be a cartoon. If you draw a picture of a child involved in a sexual act……it is considered child pornography. This is a very specific law and is nearly impossible for these perverts to beat.

    Also sounds like bleh has searched for some of this. I would like to remind you that it does not matter your intent for searching. If you have searched for child pornography and found it. You are technically in possession of child porn because it is stored on your computer. If you have done this, I would suggest trashing your computer and getting a new one.

  8. always bizzie on October 5th, 2009 8:42 am

    He plead guilty. There will be no jury or anything for a court to decide. The judge just has to decide what his sentence will be. I just wish they could find the child porn producers to sentence along with him. This destroys the children’s lives.

  9. chain free pensacola on October 5th, 2009 5:59 am

    re: responce by *bleh* “Hope the jury can use proper judgment in determining what is and isn’t child porn”

    That should not be too difficult to determine.

  10. bleh on October 5th, 2009 2:07 am

    And just think he was a “Century Correctional Institution sergeant” But that aside, a few of those search terms doesn’t mean it is child porn. Tons of porn sites have women listed that way.

    it will be up to the courts to prove the age of the people in the images. Guess we will see how it pans out. Hope the jury can use proper judgment in determining what is and isn’t child porn

  11. random on October 5th, 2009 1:06 am