Century’s Budget Up $1.4 Million

October 1, 2009

The Town of Century begins their new budget year today with a budget that is about $1.4 million higher than last year.

The total budget approved by the town council was $4,587,744 — an increase over last year’s $3,154,355 budget. The increase this year is due to $1.83 million for a water infrastructure project being funded by a grant.

Outside of the grant-funded water project, the town’s biggest source of revenue — $1,707, 600 — is from water, gas and sewer charges, and the biggest expense is $1,246,579 to pay for the costs associated with providing the water, sewer and natural gas service for the town’s residents.

The ad valorem millage rate for the town remained at .823 per $1,000. The ad valorem taxes are estimated to provide Century with $26,000 in revenue during the October 1, 2009, to September 30, 2010, budget year.

The budget passed the town council on a 3-1 vote. The negative vote came from council member Henry Hawkins. Council member Nadine McCaw was unable to attend the final budget meeting.

Click here for a Century budget summary (pdf).


3 Responses to “Century’s Budget Up $1.4 Million”

  1. Jack moran on October 1st, 2009 10:44 am

    I think the Economic Development amount is $0.00!!!

  2. Century Guy on October 1st, 2009 7:12 am

    Mr. Moran, just looking at the budget summary and not having the details, I see $4,587,744 spent on Life Quality improvements as Century works to make life better for its residents.

  3. Jack moran on October 1st, 2009 7:08 am

    How much of the Century budget is to be spent on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, or on Life Quality improvement?