Billing’s Murder Suspect Gonzalez, Jr. Charged With Stabbing Inmate

October 23, 2009

Patrick Gonzalez, Jr. the alleged mastermind of the Billings murders, has been charged with stabbing another jail inmate.

Gonzalez, Jr., was charged with aggravated  battery for stabbing inmate Kevin Dale Wilkins,29, with a pencil. Gonzalez. Jr. left his cell with permission to use the telephone and asked Wilkins to hold some paperwork. Wilkins refused, and Gonzalez. Jr. stabbed him with the pencil in the shoulder, according to the arrest report. When Gonzalez. Jr. returned from using the phone, he stabbed Wilkins once again in the shoulder with the pencil. The second stabbing was witnessed by a detention deputy.

Wilkins is jailed awaiting trial on a charge of  sexual battery on a minor victim over 12 years old. He was arrested August 28.


4 Responses to “Billing’s Murder Suspect Gonzalez, Jr. Charged With Stabbing Inmate”

  1. Tax payer on October 24th, 2009 7:58 pm

    Why are we wasting tax payer money keeping this animal alive he needs to be euthanized !

  2. Wild Bill on October 23rd, 2009 7:37 am

    Guess he is trying to build up a little “street credit” before he heads to the big house for an extended stay.

  3. Dan H. on October 23rd, 2009 7:36 am

    Gonzalez has again proven that he is a viscious animal.
    A quick trip to the death chamber is what he needs!

  4. idunno on October 23rd, 2009 4:38 am

    Maybe….just maybe, they’ll finish each other “OFF”.