Already A Competitor For Bay Minette’s New Auto Plant?

October 7, 2009


Just two weeks after Benjamin Yeung announced his HK Motors would bring a hybrid automotive plant and 5,000 jobs to Bay Minette, his former business partner has announced a similar $1 billion plant in north Mississippi.

Charles Wang, CEO of GreenTech Automotive, Inc.,  unveiled four prototype hybrids in Tunica the company hopes to build as soon as they secure $1 billion in funding.

Wang and Yeung are former business partners that, according to court documents, had planned to build the Tunica plant together. After a disagreement, Yeung announced plans for Bay Minette and Wang stayed in Tunica.

Yeung’s Alabama  plans — which locates a massive plant just on 3,000 acres just  a few miles from North Escambia — calls for initial production of all model lines to begin in 2013, with a Phase 1 capacity of 300,000 vehicles, while creating more than 5,000 direct jobs.

Want’s Mississippi plan a $1 billion facility on 1,500 acres with an 1,500 jobs and an initial production of 150,000 vehicles annually.

That’s not where the similarities end — both men say their companies need the $1 billion in funding to get cars rolling of their assembly lines. Both have said they are confident they will secure funding, but neither has provided many details. GreenTech has said that they play to pursue a fast track government immigration program that provides citizenship to foreigners investing in U.S. businesses.

“We are excited to be bringing the latest in automotive innovation to Americans, made by Americans, and we look forward to the very significant impact that our project will have on the local and regional economic landscape,”" Wang said Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the Baldwin County Commission and HK Motors signed a letter of intent Tuesday on the 3,000 acre parcel near Bay Minette, allowing HK Motors to move forward towards securing funding.

Pictured above: An artist rendering of one of the GreenTech vehicles announced Tuesday in Mississippi. Submitted for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Already A Competitor For Bay Minette’s New Auto Plant?”

  1. EMD on October 7th, 2009 2:39 pm

    Fast Track = Infiltration= Trojan Horse.

  2. Randon on October 7th, 2009 11:30 am

    I don’t believe that the plant will ever be built, not here anyways.

  3. atmoredude on October 7th, 2009 9:16 am

    escambiamom, where have you been??? That has been around for a while and was set to expire, but it has been extended for a bit. I’m not sure that I am completely sold on the idea either, but it is intended to encourage non-resident aliens to invest in our economy…thereby spurring growth in our economy while giving them something THEY desire – U.S. citizenship.

  4. escambiamom on October 7th, 2009 8:24 am

    “GreenTEch has said that they play to pursue a fast track government immigration program that provides citizenship to foreigners investing in U.S. businesses.”

    So they can *buy* their own US citizenship?? huh? That doesn’t sound … um…American! I think it is great that they are investing and everything, but “fast track”? Hmmm…