Walnut Hill Couple Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison On Drug Charges

September 2, 2009


A Walnut Hill man and his wife have each been sentenced to a mandatory 15 years in state prison for drug trafficking.

In addition to the minimum mandatory 15 year sentence imposed last week, Circuit Court Judge Joel W. Boles ordered  Stephen Eugene Freeman, 43, and his wife Monica Lassitter Freeman, 37, to pay a $50,000 fine, $2,500 surcharge and $518 court costs — for a total of $53,018 each. Attorney Patrece Cashwell has filed a notice of appeal on behalf of Stephen Freeman.

In June, it took an Escambia County jury just 50 minutes to convict the Freemans on the trafficking charges involving 14 to 28 grams of illegal drugs.

Monica Freeman faces additional charges of possession of of methamphetamine with the intent to distribute and an additional drug trafficking charge. She is due back in court at the end of September.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said the Freemans were originally arrested by Escambia County Sheriff’s Deputies on June 4, 2008, following an undercover operation. Spokesperson Ted Roy says ECSO arrested the pair following an undercover operation where deputies discovered prescription Lortab and other pills in the couple’s home on Garrett Road in Walnut Hill.

Stephen and Monica Freeman both remain in the Escambia County Jail without bond.


25 Responses to “Walnut Hill Couple Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison On Drug Charges”

  1. Shelley on March 28th, 2010 1:35 am

    This breaks my heart. I know the Freeman family and can imagine how hard this is for them. I will keep praying for them all, thank God for forgiveness and second chances. When I knew Steve Freeman, he was a young man full of hope and promise, drugs can so easily take hope away.

  2. hahahahahahahahahah on September 8th, 2009 6:41 pm

    I am praying for you both an for the familey as well just because i know all of you. all of familey is in my prayers.

  3. Wild Bill on September 6th, 2009 5:48 am

    Since you have spent the last 30 years in the medical field cetainly you have seen EVEN MORE serious ramifications caused by the use and misuse of the two most commonly used LEGAL drugs, alcohol and cigarettes?

    Why are these two potetentially harmful drugs somehow legal and okay to use, yet marijuana, cocaine and other now illicit drugs are not? Why is perfectly okay for me to down a 12 pack of beer or a 5th of liquor or smoke a couple packs of cigarettes in order to relax, yet if I pop a loratab that was not prescribed to me I am a criminal and could potentially face 15 years in prison?

  4. JUDY C. MASEK on September 5th, 2009 11:37 am

    im addressing my FINAL comment, on this event, to the “family” (who last posted)…. i must admit that i do come to this public forum w/a strong personal opinion regarding drugs, drug users and drug peddlers….i have NO tolerance for ANY of it…..very sadly, two of my own GROWN children made some VERY poor choices regarding illegal drugs…ABSOLUTELY, they werent raised that way, but they got involved w/it, nonetheless…did i bail them out of jail?..NO……….did i make excuses for them? NO……did i pray for them, encourage them and still love them?..YES……but, it was vitally important that they feel the harsh consequences of their bad decisions, take ownership for their actions and struggle their way back to becoming a productive member of society…God was merciful to them in so many ways…but, its because of that gut renching anguish (worry, public embarrassment, courts, jail visits, NA meetings, etc) that my whole family and myself went through, for about the last 10 years, that i carry this very intolerant attitude towards ANY drug activity…being in the medical field for over 30, ive definately seen alot more than most, the tragic ramifications that drugs DO have on EACH of us…..i know that im NOT the only one that feels this way, just maybe more vocal…btw, you may have missed my previous posts, wherein i mentioned that i DID feel as though the 15 yr (each) senctence was excessive, based on the reported offenses…

  5. Fam. on September 4th, 2009 10:29 am

    NONE of you know these people personally. They are FAMILY to me, so all of you that are bashing and trying to say that they got what they deserve, you are WRONG. Get over yourselves and grow up. I know for a fact I am younger than all of you, and yet Judy continues to try and argue thinking she is right and knows everything. Judy, you weren’t there, you don’t know the situation or even if they had EVIDENCE. Also, you should find something better to do with your life rather than stalking this website trying to post back on what others say. So, get off your high horse since we can all clearly see that you are a wayyyy better parent and you think that justice was served. HAH. Okay, wake up sweetheart. Our world will never be as perfect as you. :D hahaha.

  6. Flordia on September 3rd, 2009 11:57 pm

    Glad to see the state of Flordia send out this message, In Alabama they will bust the meth users and get no time. They do not call the parents of the children that are in the home at the time of the bust. Department of children and family was not even called. Children are still in this enviroment.

  7. A. Davis on September 3rd, 2009 11:02 pm

    It is sad that these people got 15years, Only because it is not right for people not to be treated the same. But I do not know if some people have ever been around the problems that drugs can cause. Meth is not the same thing as what people give their children or theirselves. All meds can be abused in whatever way a person would like to use it for. I wish people would understand that the use of meth, crack or other things people let control them does cause serious crimes. It also breaks families apart money that could be spent on children and loved ones is spent on drugs. When that money is out then they have to find a way to get what they need. As far as people telling on each other yes most people find out the hard way who there friends are. But its the way it is maybe if the police would stop using snitches to do there work they could cut down on all the crime that most of the snitches do, they are the real problem selling pills, drugs and what else they have to just to get high I know some people will doubt thats the way it happens but I have no problem showing are telling what goes on.

  8. Concerned on September 3rd, 2009 8:05 pm

    Injustice! I feel you on this one. I have a sister that was sentenced to 18 yrs in prison because someone said she sold them drugs to get the sentence reduced. She ws not caught with anything but word of mouth. So I know first hand how messed up the system could be. These people in no way deserve 15yrs in prison. But hey Kill or rape a child and get a slap on the wrist with probation or maybe 2 or 3 yrs. YES PLEASE WAKE UP AMERICA. WE NEED TO WEIGH THE CRIME AND LET THE NON-VOILENT CRIMES BE EVALUATED AGAIN.

  9. rodney on September 3rd, 2009 6:44 pm

    Might just do this Pill Popper…..you don’t know what the beep you are talking about, you hear and see what you want to and you don’t know these people personally so get somewhere with your opinion. Have you ever thought about what migt have happened to them throughout their lives/childhood to make them this way? I know a whole lot of people that medicate to try to cover the hurt and pain they suffer inside for whatever reason. Let’s just hope you don’t have kids that get into this, then you will see the OTHER SIDE……

  10. Pill Popper on September 3rd, 2009 8:51 am

    These aren’t innocent upstanding citizens folks, never have been, they have been in trouble since they were teenagers. Stupid is as stupid does, I hope all their friends take note of this and think twice about breaking the law. Maybe they are getting more than the others, but probably just what they deserve. If all of their supporters think it was harmless, you try it and see what might happen.

  11. riversunshine on September 3rd, 2009 8:36 am

    This makes me sick to my stomach….15 years is insane. You can shoot someone and get away scot-free, but they are going to lock up two parents for making a stupid mistake that I’m sure they regret.

  12. rodney on September 3rd, 2009 1:37 am

    Oh I forgot….. you could not have said it better justsaying!

  13. rodney on September 3rd, 2009 1:31 am

    Judy C- you are absolutely right, I went to the doctor told him my symptoms he told me I had ADHD and I took it for a short period of time.My next visit I explained to my dr that it almost killed me and he never “diagnosed” me with anything else after I had made that statement. I think the problem we have here in America is that doctors prescribe these addictive medications knowing people are going to come back for more. If we want to try and curb the war on drugs we need to start at the doctors offices when it comes to narcotics. I know numerous people that go to the doctor in the area and say my back hurts and they walk out with a prescription for a controlled substance. Just that easy. Then when people like this couple get addicted they are punished for life you might say. I think they should have to do some time-not 15yrs-then rehab for maybe 15yrs and probation but for goodness sakes this is just insanity.

  14. judy c masek on September 3rd, 2009 12:01 am

    rodney- thank you for your comments…it caused me to do some further investigating…ADDERALL, i believe, sounds like the “amphetamine salt” prescription that youre doctor prescribed for you….most commonly, it is prescribed for conditions of ADHD or narcolepsy (a certain sleep disorder)…it can be VERY addictive and must be taken as prescribed…now, from what ive gathered, it HAS been referred to as a “legal meth”, of sorts….but, its MUCH less potent than the mexican import or homemade version of METHamphetamine….which is exactly what drug the defendant was charged/convicted with —>intent to distribute…….but, no….i would not say that youre a horrible “MOM” for being on your prescribed amphetamine salts…..BUT, if you (or anyone) would find yourself charged/convicted with possession and intent to distribute METHAMPHETAMINES, you may just have alot of explaining to do to your kids someday….and, i might just question your fitness as a responsible parent, as well…..mandatory 15 years each, ok…..ill concede that in view of “the big picture” it does seem to be a rather steep sentence for what ive understood the crimes were….but, thankfully, in our system of justice, that is why there are appeals that can be initiated…..on a side note: ADDERALL is the medication that the young football player in kentucky was taking when he collapsed and later died…consequently, his coach is currently being tried in court, on a homicide charge, related to the boys death…another side note: i believe that it was LILL LABORATORIES (maker of ADDERALL) that has issued a voluntary recall, in mid august of 2009, for a certain lot number of this drug…..the 20mg version….it apparently has a higher, more potent amount of the drug in each pill than what is suppose to be in it….you can google the info or discuss it w/your pharmacist…..

  15. Oversight on September 2nd, 2009 8:46 pm

    Having Meth with intent to distribute is not a small time crime. Look in the mirror and you should be able see the problem because if you’re a doper you need to be ready to pay the penalty. If you’re legal with your prescription drugs and are following the law you don’t have anything to be concerned about. Don’t give or sell your prescription medications to anyone because you’re not a doctor and you don’t know what underlying medical conditions the recipient may have and your medications could kill him or her. True meth is not a prescription medication, it is made from toxins like red devil lye, Coleman camping fuel, lithium batteries, iodine and a host of other volatile chemicals that only a knucklehead would inject or inhale into his or her body.

  16. rodney on September 2nd, 2009 6:54 pm

    Judy C-I have went to the doctor and have been PRESCRIBED Amphetamine salts, so a doctor actually gave me a prescription for “legal” meth. Does that make me a horrible MOM? I don’t think so. I don’t give a hoot who you are and how you feel about the situation glen is correct when he said he has been there every minute of it and most everyone sometime or another in their life have had someone give them a controlled substance for headache, toothache, etc…. What they did is wrong I am not defending that part of it but you and everybody else knows that it is unjust to give them 15 years. Look in the paper where the man that sodomized a seven year old girl is getting a new trial because someone on the jury gave an incorrect address. The system sickens me-now a child is mentally screwed for the rest of her life as well as the children of this couple….

  17. Meth is a prescription on September 2nd, 2009 6:54 pm

    Name brand meth is desoxyn. Look it up on google. It is a prescription drug. My last post didn’t post or was pulled, but I think people need to know this.

  18. Injustice...... on September 2nd, 2009 5:43 pm

    Really? 15 YEARS? Are you kidding me? These people get 15 years in PRISON for selling a few pills and being in possession of a small amount of meth. Some of you may call this justice, but I call it injustice? People commit murder and receive lesser sentences. That’s okay, sit back and judge others from your holier than thou pedestal while slugging back your beverage of choice, most likely alcohol based (which is a drug by the way), while puffing on your cigarettes (which is a drug by the way) . What damage to society have these people committed? Show me one life they have ruined. Look around you and ask yourselves how many lives have you known that have been ruined by people using alcohol and cigarettes. I can name many and so can you. But that is somehow okay because the idiot congress and senate passed laws saying some drugs are legal and okay, but others will get you 15 YEARS IN PRISON.


    People have been finding ways to escape reality since biblical times and that will never change. Animals in the wild do the same thing when given the opportunity.

    We have been fighting this “WAR ON DRUGS” for almost 30 years at a cost of nearly 30 BILLION dollars annually. What do we have to show for it? Are there fewer drug dealers on the street? No, just more people locked behind bars. Are there fewer drug users? No, numbers continue to climb or remain steady depending on the drug. Why do we continue to allow congress and senate to pick and choose which drugs are legal or illegal based on tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceutical company lobbyist contributions? Is society better off because of their decisions? Heck no!

    Prohibition did not work in the 1920s and 1930s anymore than it is working now.
    We need to stop locking people up and ruining lives over a few pills or a little weed and start educating people. Free the non-violent drug offenders from jail and prison to make room for the true criminals.

    15 years in prison for a few pills and a little meth is not justice.

  19. judy c masek on September 2nd, 2009 1:53 pm

    glen….i guess i dont understand, but i do sense that you are very close to the defendants and this may be a difficult time for you, perhaps….but, among other “illegal” drugs, the “Mom” was found to be in possession of methamphetamines….not just a possible lortab or darvocet, for example, which wasnt prescribed …..frankly, ANY mother or father out there in possession of METHAMPHETAMINES should really take a hard look at what kind of an example they are setting for their children…..these folks children are the biggest loosers here, in my opinion……..no responsible parent(s) now to actively guide them (except, from behind bars)…..and, a huge blow to the financial stability of whats left of their family….there are lessons to be learned here, for all of us

  20. justsaying on September 2nd, 2009 11:51 am

    It never ceases to amaze me whenever I read about an Escambia County criminal case. There is always some sort or hidden agenda. You have people out there beating the crap out of someone or are arrested for the 5th time selling crack and somehow the charges are dropped or reduced. Just check the newspaper for felony arrests and compare a couple of the names to the Escambia County website and you’ll see the same people get arrested all the time but seem to walk away or get a year in jail. What’s up with that.

  21. Bad Idea on September 2nd, 2009 11:43 am

    15 years is pretty harsh for selling pills. Especially when other repeat offenders get very little time/probation for much worse and more violent crimes… it does seem like an injustice to hammer them like this….

    However, on the other hand, I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for them as it seems dumb to be selling drugs (with constant traffic) up and down Garrett Rd. living next door to a ECSO deputy…. I think the state DA has relatives living on that road as well….

    How did they think that was gonna work?

  22. glen on September 2nd, 2009 11:20 am

    If everyone knew the real story behind this, we would all look at it in a different light. Has anyone out there give a friend a pill for a headache or toothache. If I know you had a perscription to controlled pills, all I would have to do is tell the ECSO, that I can get you to sell me a couple and get you for trafficking. We did not take two drug dealers off the street, we took a Mom and Dad and put them in prison under a law that was actually created for the drug cartrtel of Miami.
    I know everyone should be punished for a crime committed, but not slaughtered.
    There were six pills involved. The other pills were non-narcotic. I have sat through every minute of this case and if ever injustice was served, here it is.
    The jury did not diliberate 50 min., they diliberated for only 35, they did not listen to all of the evidence, the tape was 59 min long and at min 42 you can here only 6 bing counted out. Not the amount they are charged for. I hope no one out there has to go through what the family has been put through because someone was trying to do a favor to a person that was trying to save their own skin, because they were caught with drugs.
    Beware your friends, they will turn on you.

  23. judy c masek on September 2nd, 2009 9:41 am

    i wonder why only the husbands attorney is requesting an appeal…all i know is, fair sentence or not, there are 2 less drug distributors amongst us..and, THATS GOOD! hopefully, it will send a clear message to any other evildoers up this way, as well!!

  24. citizen on September 2nd, 2009 6:24 am

    I know what they did was wrong but why does another couple that could have blown up thier nieghbors with chemicals from making that dope only get probation, and they were repeat offenders I do not understand our system how they pick and choose who gets punished and who do not . maybe this will be a wake up for others 15yrs is a long time.

  25. rodney on September 2nd, 2009 1:42 am

    How sad. 15 years? What has this world come to? What were the “other pills”?