Two Suspects In Molino Store Robbery; One Arrested In Century For Burglary, Escape

September 15, 2009


Two suspects have been questioned in connection with Monday morning’s robbery of the Molino Tom Thumb; one is jailed after stealing tires for the getaway car and then trying to escape from deputies.

ewingantonio.jpgAntonio Demetrius Ewing, 19, of West Highway 4, Century, was charged with burglary, escape and larceny. He has not yet been charged with the robbery of the Tom Thumb; deputies say they are awaiting those warrants to be issued. He is being held in the Escambia County jail on $15,000 bond.

A second suspect, a 15-year old middle school student,  has also been named as a suspect in the convenience story robbery and was questioned by deputies Monday afternoon. Warrants are expected to be issued for his arrest soon. does not identify juveniles.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies found Ewing trying to fit tires onto a Pontiac Firebird with no tag in the parking lot of the Gospel Light Temple on Alger Road in Century about 9:20 Monday morning. The Firebird — the alleged getaway car from the robbery of the Tom Thumb in Molino at 6:10 a.m. — had a flat tire. Deputies said Ewing had taken the tires and tools from a nearby shed, and he was trying to fit tires onto the Firebird — including tires that had no rims.

tomthumb31.jpgWhile deputies were questioning Ewing about the stolen tires in Century, a deputy that was not in Century at the time realized he had read a comment on’s story about the Tom Thumb robbery. The comment posted by someone with the name “me” mentioned a teal green Firebird with no tag being seen off the road on Sunshine Hill Road shortly after the robbery.

The deputy call Sheriff’s dispatchers on the the telephone, and dispatchers talked on the phone with deputies in Century — alerting them that they possibly had the Tom Thumb robber in custody. In the meantime, was able to provide contact phone numbers for the poster “me” to deputies in Century. Deputies spoke to the poster’s husband in Molino, and he exactly described the car in that deputies had found in Century.

tom-thumb-robbery-42.jpgWhen deputies searched the location provided by the reader on Sunshine Hill Road at Cedar Springs Road, they found  part of the cash register (pictured left) from Monday morning’s robbery of the Tom Thumb, as well as parts of the vehicle where the suspects had apparently hit a stump.  Money, cash register and vehicle parts were recovered at the Molino Sunshine Hill Road location.

Ewing was taken into custody and transported to the Century Precinct of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for questioning about the tire theft and about the Tom Thumb robbery.

When deputies walked Ewing out of the Century Precinct to place him a cruiser to take him to jail, he ran. Deputies said Ewing ran across Highway 29 toward Century Woods Apartments where he lives. After a brief foot chase, Ewing was taken back into custody, and escape was added to his list of charges.

For a photo gallery from the robbery investigation at the store in Molino, the vehicle recovery and suspect arrest in Century, and the investigation on Sunshine Hill Road, click here.

Pictured top: Escambia County Sheriff’s Investigator Frank Way photographs a vehicle located in Century Monday morning that may have been used in a Molino robbery earlier in the morning. Pictured below: The robbery scene early Monday morning in Molino. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.



14 Responses to “Two Suspects In Molino Store Robbery; One Arrested In Century For Burglary, Escape”

  1. Hello on September 16th, 2009 6:42 pm

    In response to ab, if they are still reading comments, the article states this individual lives at CENTURY WOODS APARTMENTS. Government subsidized housing. I guess that may be what led John to leave his remarks. He just commented on what he read. It was you who jumped to the conclusion that he was referring to the person’s skin color.

  2. Note on September 16th, 2009 1:00 pm

    Wow! Thinker, I wish we could all be as perfect and insightful as you “think” you are.

  3. ab on September 16th, 2009 12:06 pm

    It appears that “Thinker” missed the point. My mentioning the level of education that these individuals have, brings up the point that their education has afforded them well paying jobs..and my mentioning of this is pertinent information which debunks past comments stating that the has “survived” off of taxpayers, gets food stamps, subsidized housing, etc… so you’ve missed the point, however you did make me realize that I did leave out the fact that they have been wonderful parents who from what I have observed, have disciplined and provided guidance…I can only speak of what I have seen with my own two eyes. Anyway, I will retire from this post…..hopefully, if he is found guilty of the crime, that he will learn a lesson.

  4. Thinker on September 16th, 2009 10:54 am

    In response to ab: To assume that because parents have Masters level and Doctorate level education, that they are good parents is a bad mistake. High aiming parents that work too long and hard (or preachers that spend more time with their flock than their own children) sometimes neglect proper communication with their children. That’s all I have to say…except: There has LONG been a double standard in this country: Look good to the world and hide your sins. Put it any way you want. It’s a matter of values and the weight you give them in your life.
    Give this kid access to a computer and let him chime in on why he did this. Otherwise we’re just guessing, I suppose.

  5. Accidents happen on September 16th, 2009 7:44 am

    Wow….I agree…this young man has made a ridiculous decision and will pay his price through the court system. We are not to judge him…it is not for us to do as we will all be judged for our individual actions before the Lord one day. As for assuming he is a product of welfare…..well…..that is just pure close minded…we can not assume this by seeing his photo. People make bad decisions all the time that does not mean their parents are responsible. My daughter is always in trouble and messing with stuff she has no business messing with, but it is not for the lack of us disciplining her when she was at home or restricting her. .Sometimes no matter what a parent does the child will still go astray.

  6. ab on September 15th, 2009 10:40 pm

    In response to John’s comment stating that the individual has survived on taxpayer’s federal tax dollars, that taxpayers have fed him,subsidized his housing, paid his utilities etc etc. I would like to know how you’ve come up with this assumption? Actually, I know, I just don’t care to open up another can of worms. However, Ignorance is bliss. I happen to personally know the parent’s of this individual. He comes from a middle class family, both who have college degree’s at the master’s and doctorate level and based on their lifestyle, assets and status, I have never seen him want for anything. Ultimately, the assumption that “blacks” are all on food stamps, Section 8, and whatever else you mentioned is dumb to even make mention of on your part, John. What world are you from? Oh I forgot, this is the South. Meanwhile, what he has allegedly (I’m speaking from a journalist point of view) done is irresponsible, stupid to some, or maybe even a pure opportunist venture, I don’t know but can not always be blamed on the parent’s which based on the comments, no one assumed he had any guidance, just by looking at the guy. Tori Amos is the daughter of a preacher, yet she sings about sex, is vocal about her pregnancies and miscarriages which are the result of unwed marriage and has an album entitled Abnormally Attracted to Sin, yet, would any of you say that she had no discipline or guidance coming up. When it all boils down, sin is sin, there’s no sin that’s bigger than the other, the punishment may be stronger, but who’s the judge of that. This guy and this world as a whole needs prayer. Everyone make’s mistakes. If there are any christians on this blog, read your Bible when it says, judge not lest ye be judged. The Bible says, All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Pray for this young man that he learns a lesson as i pray for him and you and your families as well. If you believe in prayer, that is.

  7. Century girl on September 15th, 2009 10:36 pm

    Wonder if this may be the same guys who robbed the parade gas sation in century awhile back…. SImilar action..grabbed the register and ran, if I remember correctly

  8. SJ on September 15th, 2009 1:29 pm

    This guy is apparently not that smart. Instead of proceeding in a career or going to college to make a better Life, he steals. He had a choice and I don’t care about how hard he may have had it at home. We all have choices. It is what you make of it in Life. And to escape from Law Enforcement just to run home. Sounds like that is where you should have had your tail in the first place studying or going to work Like the rest of us. If you needed money that bad. Why didn’t you pawn that bling bling that is hanging around your neck in the picture of you sitting in Law Enforcement potrol car. Now you are going to have a good Life! Doing LIFE in prision if found guitly.

  9. Thinker on September 15th, 2009 12:28 pm

    Behavior like a frightened wild animal was displayed. I’m assuming he was cuffed when he ran. That’s pathetic. No way he could hope to escape.

    Parents, talk to and teach self discipline to your children or get parenting help. This one must have been ignored and left to his own devices. Acting out brought him help now, I hope. I wonder if this is a Gang wannabe and his crime an initiation kind of thing?

  10. Jay Sparks on September 15th, 2009 9:15 am

    Residents of North Escambia 1 Criminals 0
    way to catch the bad guys!!

  11. Lynn on September 15th, 2009 8:47 am

    Good work to William for posting the story so quickly, to Me and husband for being alert citizens and contacting the police, to the police for following through with the information, and of course to the smart deputy who also reads!!

  12. T.R. on September 15th, 2009 7:08 am

    Good Grief!!!! What is a matter with this picture? The one is only 15. Where are the parents!!!! Did the concept of discipline totally elude America today? Crime seems to commited by younger and younger people.

  13. John on September 15th, 2009 7:08 am

    You know how he has survived. On our federal tax dollars, we have fed him,subsidized his housing, paid his utilities etc etc. And this is the thanks we get.

  14. JJ on September 15th, 2009 2:29 am

    Hmmm…. trying to put tires without rims on the car? I knew he was dumb from his actions of the last few days…. however, I believe that stunt wins the contest as the dumbest person in Escambia county. How has he managed to survive to the ripe old age of 19?

    Darwin is slipping…..
