One Step At A Time: Chiles Begins Florida Awareness Walk In North Escambia

September 22, 2009

chiles-walk-18.jpgCentury was the first step for Lawton “Bud” Chiles on a one million step — 566 miles — walking journey across Florida to raise awareness of children’s health, education and safety issues in the state.

Chiles is retracing the steps of his father, former Florida Governor Lawton Mainor Chiles, Jr.

The journey of One Million Steps started quietly at the Alabama-Florida line Sunday afternoon, honoring the historic 1970 walk of Gov. Chiles as he ran for the U.S. Senate. Bud Chiles, who often traveled with his father on his journey, will walk across Florida in an effort to inspire one million Floridians to become involved in volunteering and making Florida a better place for children.

chiles-walk-11.jpgThe walk got into full swing Monday in Century, with stops at the Camp Fire USA Childcare Program, where Chiles received a warm welcome from the children as he read books to the VPK class, learned about the vision and hearing screenings and had lunch with the three-year olds as they sang the “Green Song”.

“We had a wonderful visit,” said Tammy Bryer from Camp Fire. “Early childhood education, increasing child care subsidies so people can work, and prevention programs were discussed as part of his awareness campaign.”

Chiles visited the Century Pharmacy, a sponsor of the Imagination Library and other children’s programs. Children 0-5 were registered for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library that provides a free, age-appropriate book delivered to their home monthly. Free books were also handed out to children at the pharmacy.

chiles-walk-15.jpg“Our children’s education should come first in the state of Florida. We should be leading the nation in offering the very best education to our children not being in the ‘worse’,” said Moran.

Chiles also visited New Life Baptist Church to read to children during his stop in Century.

Chile’s organization, Worst to First, seeks to move Florida away from the bottom in education and other children’s issues.

By walking across the state and talking one on one with Floridians about issues facing the state, Chiles hopes to find solutions for Florida from the people.

“I saw first hand the unique bond he forged as he listened to people,” Bud Chiles said of his father’s walk and his desire to help children and families. “In the past 10 years, sadly, we have suffered from a lack of that leadership from our state’s politicians.”

“I want to help tell your stories about what is working and what is broken,” Chiles said of his desire to listen to Floridians as he walks across the state. “Florida’s politicians are out of touch, and we can’t count on Washington to fix what is broken. With your help, we will make Florida a place for children again.”

Late Monday afternoon, Chiles had walked down Highway 29 to just south of Bogia. His journey will take him into Pensacola by Wednesday.

For more photos from Chiles’ walk, click here.

Pictured top: Lawton “Bud” Chiles on his One Million Stop walk in North Escambia Monday afternoon. Pictured middle: The children at Camp Fire USA made this sign to welcome Chiles. Pictured bottom: Children reads to Camp Fire students. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “One Step At A Time: Chiles Begins Florida Awareness Walk In North Escambia”

  1. La-Vonne Haven on September 24th, 2009 4:42 pm

    Camp Fire USA values children and youth and recognizes them as contributors to society by honoring their journey from birth to adulthood; fostering their development from dependence, to independence, to interdependence; and recognizing and supporting the roles of family and community in the youth development process.

    Camp Fire USA is over joyed with Mr. Chiles visit to have hands on to see what is working in Northwest Florida and set his Goals to help what is broken in the State of Florida for all children.
    La-Vonne Haven, Executive Director, Camp Fire USA Gulf Wind Council, Inc.

  2. Tina on September 22nd, 2009 7:01 pm

    God bless you for what you are doing.