Northview Crushes Graceville 34-16 (With Large Photo Gallery)

September 5, 2009


The Northview Chiefs crushed Graceville 34-16 in the first game for Head Coach Sid Wheatley.

After long delay caused by lightning, the Chiefs stormed on the field in Bratt and never looked back with 381 offensive yards, 355 of those on the ground.

The Chiefs hit the scoreboard early, with 50 yards in the first three plays driving the Chiefs to a Dustin Yuhasz touchdown. Yuhasz was on fire for the Chiefs Friday night, racking up 15 carries for 159 yards and two total TD’s.

Click here for a complete photo gallery, including game photos, band, cheerleaders, mini-cheerleaders and the crowd. On Sunday, will have a complete audio playback from the game.

“I’m extremely proud of the win,” Wheatley said. “We wanted good things to happen early, and we were fortunate enough to get that. I think it was key to get off to a good start.” The early win, Wheatley said, will give the Chiefs confidence coming off a poor 2-8 season last year. “I am proud of the kids; they have really worked hard.”

At first and 10 from 40 for the Chiefs, Jeremy Jackson picked up about 12 to move Graceville’s 48. On second down, Jackson gained about five up the middle. On third down, Yuhsaz went up the left side for a 44-yard touchdown run. A good kick from Brad Lowery, and the Chiefs were up 7-0 with 10:47 to go in the first quarter.

After little gain by the Tigers, the Chiefs took over on their own 46 with 6:33 to go in the quarter. Yuhsaz picked up 30 yards to Graceville’s 25 on the Chief’s first down. Jackson went down the center for a gain of about six yards to the 19. The Chiefs fumbled the wet ball on third down, and the Graceville Tigers recovered with 5:19 in the first quarter.

The Tigers gained nothing on their play, with Levi Gideons bringing the ball carrier down hard. The Chief’s Lonnie Gardener brought the Tigers offense to a dead stop for no gain on second down. A bad toss, and Austin Reid recovered the pigskin for the Chiefs at the 11.

With four minutes to go, the Chiefs were first and 11 from pay dirt. NHS QB Brandon Sheets took the snap, and with a fumble, the ball was back to the Tigers. On second down, Graceville fumbled again as the wet field slip and slide continued, but the Tigers recovered. On fourth and seven, the Tigers punted with Knight and Reid back deep for the Chiefs. The Chiefs were first and 10 at their 47.

northview-graceville-019.jpgBrad Lowery was back in as QB for the Chiefs and tossed to Yuhasz. Yuhasz fumbled, and the Tigers recovered and picked up a huge gain down to the three yard line where they were stopped by Jackson. Then it was the Tiger’s Leron Hoover to White for the Tigers, where a big Chief’s roadblock named Austin Arrington put on the brakes. Austin Reid stopped the next Graceville play. Graceville was fourth and goal from the one on the next play with 41 second on the clock. The Tigers were up the middle with a Hoover touchdown.

The Tigers were in for two, for an 8-7 Graceville lead with 35 seconds left in the quarter. And that’s where the first quarter ended — four turnovers and Graceville leading by one.

With QB-keeper in the second, take it around the left down to the five yard line.  The Chiefs gained a couple for second and goal from the three. KaDaris Gace picked up about one to the two and a half. Lowery handed off to Grice for a Northview TD. A good kick from the Lowery, and the Chiefs were up 14-8 with 9:52 in the first half.

Graceville fumbled yet again, and  Gardner recovered for the Chiefs, his second  recovery of the night. With 8:26 in the half, the Chief were back in control of the ball at Graceville’s 37. Lowery handed off to Yuhsaz for a pickup of two.  Lowery to Montaio Mitchell, with Mitchell hit almost immediately. Third and seven, Lowery thew long. The intended receiver went down just tipping the ball, but Mitchell miraculously came up with catch. First down at the six yard line, Lowery took the snap to the one.

A hand off to Jeremy Jackson up the middle gave the Chiefs another touchdown with 5:50 in the first half. The kick was off to the side and no good, and the Chief were up 20 to 8.

northview-graceville-106.jpgA Shawn Knight interception with 27 second to go in the half gave the Chiefs control again.  A hand off to Jackson put the Chiefs in Graceville territory. NHS fumbled with 4.5 second in the half. On the last play of the half, Lowery thew the ball away, and the half ended with the Chiefs up 20-8.

A Lowery kick to the Graceville to start the second half ended with a Tiger hit hard by the Northview defense, and a fumble. Taylor Martin recovered the ball on the Tiger 25.

Yuhasz gained 20 on the first down to the five. First and goal  from the five for the Chiefs,  and Yuhasz picked up three for second and goal. Grice gained a little ground for about third and goal. Grice was in for another Northview TD. A good Lowery kick, and the Chiefs were up 27-8 with 9:17 to go in the third quarter.

northview-graceville-184.jpgGraceville made third and 12 before — no big surprise here — another turnover with an interception by Mitchell for the Chiefs. The Chiefs were first and 10 from their 48. The Chiefs marched to their 27. That’s where Yuhasz recovered his own fumble with 6:13 in the quarter. Kyles picked up 15 for a Chief first down.

On his third carry of the night, freshman Kyles carried it in for another Chiefs touchdown. Another successful Lowery kick, and the Chiefs expanded their lead to 34-8 with 4:52 in the third.

The Tigers managed to put eight on the board with 6:55 in the fourth to make it 34-16. And that’s where the game ended, with Northview beating Graceville 34-16.

The Chiefs will be at home in the first district game next week against South Walton. photos, click to enlarge.


46 Responses to “Northview Crushes Graceville 34-16 (With Large Photo Gallery)”

  1. Freshman on September 10th, 2009 6:37 pm

    GO CHIEFS GO !!!!!! GO #3 & # 63

  2. Amy Kite on September 8th, 2009 7:48 pm

    GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB DUSTIN!!!! GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Retired Military on September 8th, 2009 4:16 pm

    History and Our Family:
    The uniform or “suite” in question is a marching band tradition. yes Sousa was in the Armed Forces and his pride wearing the uniform is what started the tradition.
    Do a search on the internet and look at pictures of band directors from big colleges like Penn State, Maryland University, Ohio State, Purdue, Notre Dame, Yale ….. the list is really too long to go on
    this is an age old marching band tradition not intended to disrespect or mis-represent anything.

  4. William on September 8th, 2009 4:01 pm

    Let’s play nice — and remember we should support NHS. Go Chiefs!

  5. History on September 8th, 2009 3:56 pm

    John Philip Sousa served his country in both the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Navy Reserve and he wore the distigunished uniforms of both services. And he never pretended to be captian of the “Love Boat” either.

  6. our family on September 8th, 2009 3:34 pm

    Wondering – I am wondering myself just who you are, hiding behind the name wondering.
    let everyone know who you are and then call the parents and other helpers “brats”
    help like yours is never needed or appreciated and the “Admiral Suite” you mention is not admiral insignia it is civilian Captain insignia and this is customary uniform for band directors and has been since John Phillips Sousa started the tradition in the early 1900’s
    sounds like you don’t know all of your facts.

  7. nhs parent on September 8th, 2009 3:25 pm

    to “wondering”……remember there are two sides to every story, and it’s obvious you are only getting one side. Before you throw out your opinions, you may want to make sure you have all the facts first. Obviously, if your “wondering” you haven’t done that!

  8. just me on September 7th, 2009 7:51 pm

    To “Jeremy” thanks for letting us know about that adult person playing in the stands. Does make you wonder why she is up there playing with the band students? So she came from Carver and is a NHS teacher now???….. is she also another assistant for the band director? That would make 3 assistants. Or is she just an extra person? If she gets to play every game, hopefully this new director will let you and other alumni play too.

    I remember you as drum major. Did a fine job. You and your sister were a team one year – right? Did those running leaps onto the field. That was fun to watch!

  9. Jeremy (former drum major of nhs) on September 7th, 2009 5:05 pm

    nhs parent – Mr Slay had made a rule that the band wouldnt play any songs that were not written out on paper, and since the “War Chant” wasnt written on paper they could not play it. The students really wanted to play this so my sister (who was also drum major) and we wrote out all the parts, but have not had a chance to give it to him yet. Hopefully he will allow them to play it. That song is definitely one of my favorite pep songs.

    about the fight song – When he had originally changed it (at band camp) it sounded very different from the original fight song, but he did change it so it was closer to the original version. We are lucky to have it as close as it is…. and i doubt the original version is coming back. I don’t know how someone can change a schools fight song just because they feel like it.

    I heard from my brother (who plays trumpet in the band) that the lady is a teacher that came here from carver, but i dont know why she is playing in the stands. and yes as alumni i would enjoy occasionally coming back to play a song or two.

  10. William on September 7th, 2009 4:11 pm

    Lanie — You can print a NHS football schedule from here:

  11. randal on September 7th, 2009 4:07 pm

    band hasn’t done “We got spirit, yes we do, we got spirit how bout you” in 4 or 5 years or so.

  12. Lanie on September 7th, 2009 4:07 pm

    does anyone know where i can get a football schedule?

  13. Hashmir : ) on September 7th, 2009 3:56 pm

    yes i agree with the NHS parent and just me about the older lady playing with the band. i also saw her marching with them and i thought that it looked bad. its the KIDS’ band for goodness sakes!!! is she even alumni? or is she another assistant for the director?!?

  14. just me on September 7th, 2009 3:45 pm

    I thought I was the only one who noticed a extra adult up in the stands playing with the band. Who is she?

  15. nhs parent on September 7th, 2009 2:55 pm

    I was just wondering why there was an older person playing with the band on Friday night? I would think that if they needed extra players, they would have welcomed back some of the alumni to play with them. I know several of the alumni and they really enjoy coming back to play with the band from time to time. Also, just a note………….I think alot of people really miss hearing the “war chant” and the old version of the fight song…..any chance of getting it back?

  16. laura on September 7th, 2009 2:37 pm

    what happened to the fsu song the band used to play

  17. Art Vandalay on September 7th, 2009 12:22 am

    Great way to start the season. Good win. But Graceville was just a mediocure team. They might of ran 5 different plays the whole game.So keep workin hard everyday.

  18. NJROTC Parent on September 6th, 2009 10:27 am

    One more thing…so sorry but I forgot to mention in my last post how impresive the cheerleaders were tonight also. I was amazed by how many we have now at NHS and how organized and terrific they were with the mini–cheerleaders and their halftime performance. Kudo’s goes out to the Instructors for doing such a wonderful job with motivating the crowd and representing NHS.

  19. NJROTC Parent on September 6th, 2009 10:20 am

    The Northview spirit was awesome Friday Day/Night, despite the gloomy weather. Everyone pulled together to make Northview rock Friday night and let’s hope we can keep it going the entire season.

    Northview football players and coaches did an awesome job with not only the plays, but I was impressed by the positive attitude of the players and how they seemed to be enjoying themselves out on the field while getting thier job done.

    Northview band was so much better than I had expected and they have already come a long ways in a short amount of time and I was very proud and enjoyed listening to them. Almost like old times, but still a little ways to go! Would like to hear the “We got spirit, yes we do, we got spirit how bout you” song some too.
    Awesome half time show NHS band, keep it going and I look forward to more.

    NJROTC as always, gives their best representing Northview in the highest esteem and make us very proud. They should also be recognized for parking cars in the rain until the lightening started and got soaked to the bone and never once complained. Capt. Code & Senior Chief are such a positive influences in these young cadets/students lives and we are sure going to miss Senior Chief when he retires and leaves Northview at the end of this school year.

    Thank you to all those who supported the NJROTC unit with the doughnut fundraiser, the unit really appreciated it.

  20. December Dad on September 6th, 2009 9:59 am

    Great first step but a long way to go! This was the best example of an excited “Team” at Northview I have seen in a while. One step at a time and get better every week. Don’t start crowing too quick or someone will make dumplings out of us! The report card will come in December to see if the team, fans and community has what it takes to improve when facing success and failures. I hope the media and our opponents treat the Chiefs the same way they did the 79 Eagles. With no respect the whole season. After getting their butts handed to them the first week, those guys got better each week and wound up winning a state title despite all of the nay sayers. These guys have a foundation to go a long way if they make the choice to stick together as a team and not become a group of individuals. GO CHIEFS!

  21. Lisa on September 6th, 2009 8:55 am

    The kids did a great job Friday night – proving that all their hard work is worth it. Great job to all the adults who are in leadership positions. Thanks for all the time and effort on both counts. Also to the families that support them. Thanks William for the support and good news!

  22. Brad Lowery on September 5th, 2009 10:32 pm

    The whole Mr. football thing is cool. But people should for real see what our backs, O line, and entire defense did. Our line blocked great and fired off the ball.. They also can hit up some pretty beast signing during the game. HAHA Dustin, Buddy, KD, Mike, and Tay all ran hard and were elusive, and our defense was great.

  23. RC on September 5th, 2009 9:23 pm

    Great game last night. The team looked very good. PNJ and other news outlets had no faith. The team came out and showed that they are for real. great tun out by fans the atmosphere was a very good feeling. Keep up the hard work and come out next friday for another great game and victory. This team has a lot of depth that showed last night a lot of very good talent on the team. GO CHIEFS

  24. chief fan on September 5th, 2009 9:00 pm

    GREAT job to ALL the chiefs for a job well done…yes to BRAD LOWERY our QB… Mr. Football…but really, isn’t it a little too early for stuff like this? Let’s keep the comments positive to SUPPORT our chiefs! Brad did awesome as did they ALL! Teamwork boys! Keep it up!!

  25. M.Spence on September 5th, 2009 8:13 pm

    Northview’s special teams … WOW …. These guys were really awesome.
    Great job! You were fabulus…..

  26. shellcracker on September 5th, 2009 8:01 pm


  27. Keith on September 5th, 2009 6:13 pm

    Awesome game guys!Great coaching! PNJ did not pick us to win.They said we had to much rebuilding to do! Maybe they should pay more attention to us up here!Last year was just for practice! This year is for all the marbles! A speedy offense and a defense that swarms like bees will be a deadly combination for all of our opponents this year.Keep up the hard work and continue to silence your critics! And also, Big Sam Cooler is the only Northview player who has ever dove into the Gulf of Mexico and set off Tsunami alerts from coast to coast!Ha! Ha! Love you man!

  28. Northview Chief on September 5th, 2009 4:06 pm

    GO CHIEFS!!!

  29. Cheer Mom on September 5th, 2009 3:23 pm

    Soooo proud of everyone last night! The players, cheerleaders, band, color guard, majorettes and ROTC everyone did an awsome job despite the dreary start to the evening. Lets keep the team spirit going at Northview!!!

  30. M.Spence on September 5th, 2009 3:12 pm

    Our offensive line did a great job controlling the game. They were all over Graceville with every play. They did a stellar job.

  31. Ashley on September 5th, 2009 3:02 pm

    Great Job Chiefs!
    Can’t Wait till next Friday.
    Keep up the good work.

  32. Linus on September 5th, 2009 2:38 pm

    I would agree with some of the comments posted. The band should play more than three songs. What happened to all the traditional stands music and the original NHS fight song being played for touchdowns? The majorettes played with fire like pros and the color guard routine was better than ever. The Team played hard and it showed!! They won!! That is a great way to start off the season. Keep it up and congratulation to the team and all the coaches!! The spirit at the game was wonderful, the cheerleaders and their mini-cheerleaders did a great job performing. ROTC, you did great presenting the colors.

  33. Just Me on September 5th, 2009 2:28 pm

    WOOHOO, let’s keep this up!!!!!

  34. M.Spence on September 5th, 2009 2:06 pm

    Northview – you did great! We love you……. The cheerleaders, band, and football players really did an outstanding job. Brad Lowery did and awesome job as quarterback and our defense was really outstanding. Go Chiefs!…..

  35. =) on September 5th, 2009 1:35 pm

    umm the band play the fight song after the field goal. the only time they didnt was when they were on there break. and their new directors know what they are doing.

  36. kevin on September 5th, 2009 1:24 pm


  37. Future Marine on September 5th, 2009 12:36 pm

    The NJROTC Honor guard lookd so good. they really make me proud of our school. Senior Chief Coleman and Capt. Code are doing a fine job with their program. keep up the good work. they looked really god. I know they made everyone there proud.

  38. ... on September 5th, 2009 11:27 am

    when did brad lowery become mr. football… wonders never cease.

  39. what? on September 5th, 2009 11:25 am

    The band just played the same song over and over in the stands, go chiefs go, or I think that is what it was. Maybe these new directors do not have it together as much as we thought.

  40. what's up with that on September 5th, 2009 9:41 am

    What happened to playing the fight song after the football team scores a touchdown? I was confused last night.

  41. fan on September 5th, 2009 9:26 am

    great job guys, that away to start the season. one thing though. i think the band played Go Chiefs Go and Mighty Chiefs wwwwaaaayyyyyy to much.

  42. Julie Lowery on September 5th, 2009 8:43 am

    Way to go chiefs!

  43. Nikki on September 5th, 2009 8:02 am

    Good job Chiefs!!!

  44. Another Chief Mom on September 5th, 2009 12:32 am

    Fabulous Fun Football even with the rain. Everyone was playing, the game was exciting, and we showed our true colors and beat Graceville!!! The shakers, bells, and all the cheering was great!!!

  45. Deni Deron on September 5th, 2009 12:21 am

    Great game you guys! :)

  46. Chief Mom on September 4th, 2009 11:59 pm

    AWESOME game tonight!!! Great community support…now that is what football season should be. GO CHIEFS!