Man Arrested After Firing Shots Near Deputy

September 30, 2009

A 25-year old was arrested early this morning after firing multiple shots from a moving vehicle on Kingsfield Road, including four shots that were fired near an Escambia County Deputy who had just started his patrol shift.

Deputy Rudy Brown had just started his shift at about 6 a.m. Wednesday and was headed toward the Century Precinct in his marked patrol car when he heard gunfire in the area of Kingsfield Road and Bob White Lane.  From the sound of the numerous shots, Brown wrote in the  Escambia County Sheriff’s Office incident report that he could tell the shots were moving toward him.

“A maroon Chevrolet vehicle came into my view and passed in front of my patrol car. At the same time, I heard at least four more shots in rapid succession coming from the maroon Chevy,” Brown wrote.

brownjoshualee.jpgDeputy Brown pursued the vehicle to the Tom Thumb at Kingsfield and Chemstrand roads where he made contact with the driver, Joshua Lee Brown, 25. of Kingsfield Road. Joshua Brown (pictured left) told Deputy Brown, no relationship, that he heard the gunshots as well.

When Deputy Brown questioned a female passenger in the vehicle, she said “I told him not to shoot that gun,” according to the report. A search of the vehicle recovered a 380 handgun that was found to be stolen according to a report filed with the Pensacola Police Department.

Joshua Brown was booked into the Escambia County Jail on charges of discharging a firearm from a moving vehicle and theft of a firearm. He is being held on $22,500 bond.


21 Responses to “Man Arrested After Firing Shots Near Deputy”

  1. meth lab gets probation on October 1st, 2009 9:19 pm

    meth lab can blow up and kill the entire neighborhood. Selling meth can kill the people using it. I hope they do not let this guy go a easy as the let the meth lab dorks.

  2. molino jim on October 1st, 2009 2:56 pm

    SUNSET—It was reported stolen to the Pensacola P.D. NOT FROM THE PPD.

  3. Doug Masters on October 1st, 2009 1:13 pm

    I hope someone told that idiot “Here’s your sign”.

  4. sunsets on October 1st, 2009 8:27 am

    Excuse me…. I must of read it wrong. Please excuse me for my mistake, I do make some from time to time…

  5. joseph ryan on October 1st, 2009 4:55 am

    too bad he never spent years at a florida sheriff’s youth ranch and learned about personal responsibility. maybe he can recover from those “lost years of potential.” aren’t there any deputies who would care enough to give this young man a bible and explain the gospel of jesus christ to him ?

  6. A. Davis on September 30th, 2009 8:53 pm

    He is to old to act like this . Just stupied. You can’t help people like this 25 he is not a child. He could have killed someone. It only takes a second for somthing bad to happen.

  7. concerned citizen on September 30th, 2009 6:22 pm

    twenty five is no kid. He had no business firing the gun, anyone around could have been hurt, or killed. This is the reason it’s getting illegal to own a firearm. I am glad no one was hurt.

  8. RED TAIL HAWK on September 30th, 2009 6:12 pm

    The truth is, when he was little he needed someone, preferably his mother or father to take a belt to his butt, every day if necessary. That is where most of the trouble starts with these kids who are now becoming adults, in the home. you spare the rod, you spoil the child. GOD said it, and he has never been wrong. So now he’ll get whatever he gets, hopefully it’ll be enough to wake him up and make him grow up. Unfortunately, most people like this either end up dead or in prison for the rest of their lives.

  9. redneck123 on September 30th, 2009 5:32 pm

    What ever happen to being proven Guilty before being Hung.

  10. Another parent on September 30th, 2009 5:24 pm

    25 is legally a man, but certainly not mentally. He IS a kid or he wouldn’t have been stupid enough to do something like this.

  11. NCD on September 30th, 2009 3:40 pm


  12. interested reader on September 30th, 2009 3:33 pm

    EXCUSE ME! A 25 year old MAN is not a KID! He probably has a record or has so far been extremely lucky. Whereever the gun came from has nothing to do with the reckless use of it. He should spend some time in jail to think about the fact that he could have killed someone. The girl should RUN as far in the opposite direction as fast as she can.

  13. riversunshine on September 30th, 2009 3:05 pm

    wonder what they were doing out at 6 a.m.?

  14. A HoT MeSS!! on September 30th, 2009 1:32 pm

    Well if at first u dont succeed, dust yourself off and try again….STUPID!!!!! I know he had to see the police car in plain view..But yet he kept shooting..OMG, what has this world come too? He probably was a straight student in school being that he has NO street smarts at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. David Huie Green on September 30th, 2009 1:20 pm

    This kid’s 25?

    Kid, please take note: law enforcement officers tend to be narrow minded about being shot at, so please refrain from such idiocy in the future–assuming you have a future.

    David the amazed

  16. Stuart on September 30th, 2009 11:53 am

    Don’t get onto this poor boy, he’s just trying to impress the ladies.

    Ladies, aren’t you impressed?

    Lesson #1 – Don’t fire a gun out of the window of your car
    Lesson #2 – If you going to lie to the cops, make sure everybody in the car has the same story.
    Lesson #3 – This guy is an idiot.

  17. BP on September 30th, 2009 11:39 am

    The gun wasn’t stolen from the PPD. It was stolen from a citizen and that person filed a POLICE REPORT with the PPD. For example; if someone stole your car from your house, you would report it to either the ECSO or the PPD depending on where you live.

  18. JJ on September 30th, 2009 11:37 am

    I don’t know this kid, but I’m going to point out a couple things… first of all they just said there was a REPORT filed at PPD that the gun was stolen….. not that it was stolen FROM the PPD…

    Also, the kid very easily could have purchased the gun from someone else, not knowing it was stolen. Seems like if he’d known it was stolen, he’d have taken the serial number off at least… still could be in trouble for possessing stolen property, but a lot different than HIM actually stealing the gun…

    Still an idiot for driving around shooting out the window, but maybe not a career hardened criminal like some are implying….. who knows, we’ll have to wait and see.

  19. JJ on September 30th, 2009 11:25 am


  20. sunsets on September 30th, 2009 11:21 am

    He fired a gun and his bond is 22,500??????????? Is it me or is this a little low?
    There is really something wrong with this whole thing. And how did he steal a gun from the Police Department? This whole country is so out of whack, it makes me so mad. From the White House to the smallest of Cities.
    Its all craziness.
    Geeezzz, what if a small child had been in a car near this idiot and was shot by him because he just wanted to fired a gun he stole from the Police Department?
    I’m glad the Sheriff happened to be there and is ok, but think about if he hadn’t been???

  21. Cynical on September 30th, 2009 11:20 am

    Come on, kid. Where are your brains?

    Good catch Deputy. This youngster will undoubtedly get an attitude adjustment by the end of this episode in his life.

    Early retrieval of this weapon may have saved the idiot doing the shooting from a much more serious charge.

    My advice to the girlfriend — dump this loser and get a guy with a lick of sense.