County Passes Budget; Century Courthouse To Remain Open

September 25, 2009

The Escambia County Commission approved a $367.4 million budget Thursday night, including the $65,000 needed to keep the Century Courthouse open.

The budget passed 4-1 with Commissioner Kevin White casting the negative vote.

“I’ve said all along that I could not vote for a budget that included spending one-time funds and reserves,” White told after the vote. The $367.4 million budget  for the next fiscal year represents a reduction from the current year $391.6 million budget, but it does require the county to use one-time revenue.

The budget includes $65,000 to keep Escambia County Clerk of the Courts Ernie Lee Magaha in the Billy G. Ward Courthouse in Century. At a budget hearing last week,  Commissioner Gene Valentino question if the courthouse could be closed and the money be used to fund the Gulf Coast African American Chamber of Commerce.


3 Responses to “County Passes Budget; Century Courthouse To Remain Open”

  1. David Huie Green on September 26th, 2009 3:00 pm

    “AMEN!!! Guest your right. I know that when I go back to voting at the Local poll. I plan on voting against any that was not taking the residents of District 5 in considaration. And Mr. Valentino will be my first one!!!!!! ”

    You do know you only get to vote for your own district’s county commissioner, don’t you?

    For years the people of District 5 did not vote for the winner because the people of the other districts put in those who looked out for the south end. A judge decided that was unconstitutional because it kept dilluting black votes and keeping them out of office. When we finally went to district wide voting, we finally got to put in whomever we liked, even though some of them were real doozies. At least they were our doozies.

    District 1 Wilson Robertson
    District 2 Gene Valentino
    District 3 Marie Young (Chair) l
    District 4 Grover Robinson (Vice Chair)
    District 5 Kevin White (our guy, the one who did not vote for it)

    You also can’t vote for the senators of Hawai’i. Sorry about that, Chief.

  2. SJ on September 25th, 2009 10:37 am

    AMEN!!! Guest your right. I know that when I go back to voting at the Local poll. I plan on voting against any that was not taking the residents of District 5 in considaration. And Mr. Valentino will be my first one!!!!!! But not the Last!! I plan to make my Vote Count. Everybody need to make there Vote count this next Local election espically District 5.

  3. guest on September 25th, 2009 7:46 am

    Gene Vaentino must be coming up for re-election. They all get sweeter when it time to get re-elected

    Run them college boys out of office and replace them with some common sense people. Thats when the Government was really for the people

    Could I get an AMEN!!! for that