Christian Coalition Gives Evers Top Marks

September 30, 2009

State Rep. Greg Evers has received the “Faith and Family Award” from the Christian Coalition of Florida.

evers.jpgThe award was presented during the 20th annual “God and Country”  banquet in Orlando. Evers received a score of 100 percent during the 2009 Legislative Session for his work on behalf of the Christian organization.

“I am humbled and honored to be recognized by the Christian Coalition of Florida as a recipient of its 2009 Faith and Family Award,” said Representative Evers. “As a man of faith serving in the Florida Legislature, I hold very seriously my duty to uphold our Northwest Florida values, faith and traditions in Tallahassee. I am glad that my votes reflect my commitment to God and our community.”

Evers, a farmer and small businessman from Baker, represents District 1, which includes parts of Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties — including North Escambia. He was first elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2001.

He serves as chairman of the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee of the Florida House & Florida Senate and serves on the Economic Development Policy Committee, the Agriculture & Environmental Appropriations Committee and the Agriculture Policy Committee.


3 Responses to “Christian Coalition Gives Evers Top Marks”

  1. Pumkin on September 30th, 2009 1:08 pm

    I called Evers’ office when all of this was going on. He did the bill because he is Chairman of the Escambia Delegation. We will have the right to vote on it ,if and when it is put on the ballot, that is my understanding. I voted for him before and will vote for him again. No elected official does exactly what I want in everything but, I do want someone that has most of my interest in common with me.
    I will vote No on consolidation and I will vote Yes on Evers.

  2. Kay Nevels on September 30th, 2009 6:15 am

    I am so thankful for men of faith like Greg Evers in politics. That faith holds him to a higher standard that shows when he serves the people. As Christians we need to take a more active stand in the way our government is being run. Check out the people running for office and VOTE! Be informed on what is going on and let your voice be heard and become involved. We can make a difference and rescue this great country God has blessed .

  3. Oversight on September 30th, 2009 6:09 am

    I’m not so sure about Evers’s “good” intentions. Remember, he’s the one that sponsored and rammed the consolidation commission legislation through for downtown Pensacola, even though he’s not their representative – he’s ours, and I don’t believe he represents our interest. All Evers did with this move was pander to the Greater Pensacola “all for one” machine for its money to support his senate bid. In the process, he abandoned us for the all mighty dollar. I don’t know anyone in North Escambia that wants the big city government that consolidation will bring. Vote NO on consolidation, and vote NO for Evers!