$10 Youth Sports Fee Won’t Pass Commission

September 3, 2009

Escambia commissioners Kevin White and Wilson Robertson both say they will not vote to support a $10 per child, per youth sport fee. With only four commissioners expected at tonight’s commission meeting, the so-called “kiddie-tax” is expected to fail.

Commissioner Gene Valentino is not expected to be at tonight’s commission meeting due to a death in his family. With two of four commissioners voting against the plan, it will fail. Commissioners Marie Young and Grover Robinson did not indicate how they plan to vote at tonight’s meeting.

Both commissioners made their comments against the $10 youth sports fee at this morning’s Escambia County Commission agenda review session.

For more on the proposal, click here for a Tuesday NorthEscambia.com story.

For a NorthEscambia.com blog where we spoke out against the proposal, click here.


6 Responses to “$10 Youth Sports Fee Won’t Pass Commission”

  1. William on September 3rd, 2009 10:30 pm

    As expected — this did NOT pass the commission Thursday night. We’ll have the complete story Friday morning. — William

  2. Volunteer,Northwest Escambia LL on September 3rd, 2009 10:27 pm

    Thank you William for keeping us informed. I do see a glimmer of hope in our local goverment. There are better ways to get money into the local goverment than this method at this time. Tag fees going up this year is enough for 1 year don’t you think. Lets catch our breath after that one, before we get hit with another.

  3. Arty Kleinatland on September 3rd, 2009 8:16 pm

    I would like to thank the commisioners for making the right decision and not passing the proposal. It would not only strained the families but also put a strain on Recreational atheletic programs across the county. This was a good decision for all…….

  4. interested reader on September 3rd, 2009 1:41 pm

    Hopefully this miserable way to get more money will fail with all commisioners voting against it. In the event some vote FOR the tax I hope voters in their district remember to vote AGAINST them at election time.

  5. William on September 3rd, 2009 10:26 am

    The thanks, Ronnie, goes to the readers of NorthEscambia.com that took the time yesterday to email and call all of the commissioners. They noticed the blog, and they noticed the large number of people speaking out against the plan.

  6. Ronnie Faulk on September 3rd, 2009 10:23 am

    Thank you William for running the blog on this crazy tax. I hope everyone understands that their voices can be heard and decisions made with all goverment issues if they will only speak out for what is right. Elected officials that want to be re-elected will listen when they hear the voice of the people they were elected to serve. Thanks again for all of your help for all the kids that would not have gotten to pay baseball and other sports because of this tax.