Back On The Chopping Block: Century Courthouse Slated For Closure Again

September 6, 2009

The Century Courthouse is back on the chopping block due to low utilization, with the clerk of the courts office set to be closed by the end of this month unless the funds are found to keep it open

Escambia County Clerk of the Courts Ernie Lee Magaha needs $65,000 to keep the office open. At best, Magaha’s office has told commissioners, the office conducts an average of one transaction per hour, in Century.

The commission expects an estimated $450,000 to be generated by increasing a surcharge on traffic tickets from $15 to $30. District 5 Commissioner Kevin White wants to see some of that money go toward keeping Century’s Billy G. Ward Courthouse open.

courthouse.jpg“I want part of that money to keep the Century Courthouse open, because under state statute, that money can be used for that,” White said, pointing out that the increased fines would be new revenue, not dipping into the county’s reserve funds.

“I understand that, and I agree with you on that,” Commissioner Wilson Robertson said.

But county finance officials say the $450,000 is already spoken for, and already written into the current proposed budget. They say keeping the courthouse open would mean cutting funds from some other department.

Commissioner Grover Robinson said he is opposed to keeping the office open due to the low transaction volume.

“It seems like an awful expensive thing to do,” Robinson said. “I understand and absolutely empathize with what is happening in the north end.”

Robinson said he believes the answer in North Escambia lies in the renovation of the old Molino School and the placement of county offices in Molino.

“People think that Molino is the north end of the county; you’ve got to go a long ways to get on to the other end of the county,” Robertson said, citing a high number of people in Century without transportation. “You are talking about a lot of people up there that absolutely have no transportation.”

“I believe that the Molino location will be the right location when we can have this, and we can have a better economy of scale and have people in a newer facility,” he said. “I do want to support that…I just don’t know that I can support the Century Courthouse.”

“It’s in Century where it is located now, right?” Commissioner Marie Young asked. “How far is Molino from Century?”

“Twenty-one miles,” White replied.

“You are not really serving Century in Cantonment,” Robertson added. “Have you stopped to think about what services that end of the county receives?

Escambia County Tax Collector Janet Holley pulled her office out of Century back at the end of May to save an estimated $200,000. She cited low utilization as her reason, and she consolidated the Century office with her office in Cantonment.

The clerk of the courts currently keeps two employees in the office in Century at all times, according to Deputy Clerk Lisa Bernau. One is a full time person and one is a part time Northview High School student.

“There is a security issue,” she said.  “It is imperative for public service that you have more than one person available for safety reasons that probably are best not to do into in a public meeting.”

“One transaction per hour, I’m wondering how we can afford to keep that open,” Robinson said. “You are really offering absolutely nothing to that very end of the county. And I know a lot of taxes don’t come from there…I guarantee you if it’s all about who pays, there are a lot of these things be eliminating.”

White suggested that perhaps the clerk of the courts could keep the office open just a few hours per day a few days per week.

But Bernau said changing a courthouse  hours  requires Florida Supreme Court involvement.

The commission will revisit the courthouse closure at a public hearing at 7 p.m. on September 17.


39 Responses to “Back On The Chopping Block: Century Courthouse Slated For Closure Again”

  1. District 5 tax payer on September 9th, 2009 9:25 pm

    I think the Northend Needs to be made it own County. Do away with being part of Escambia. So we can keep our taxpaying Dollars in OUR coumminty. I tired of all of my money going to Pensacola. And the County Officials gets to decided how to spent my money. ………………….. But yey Our County Commissiorers Can’t bargen that ECUA Pensacola Needs the NorthEnd supply of Water. I save Cut there Water off till we get some of the taxpaying money that we help payed for.

    I Vote that we start our own County. so the buck stops here!!!!!!!

  2. David Huie Green on September 8th, 2009 5:53 pm

    Open or closed, it has always been my experience that Wilson Robertson is a good man

  3. S.L.B on September 8th, 2009 2:11 pm

    Mr.Wilson Robertson, thank you for taking the time to respond to the Century community citizens feedback concerning this issue. We all need for this public service to remain in Century and we need to have our other services that were taken from us returned back, please.

    We also need for something positive and beneficial to take place up in the northend in order for Century to grow and prosper. We have dollars to spend and just want the opportunity to keep our dollars up in the northend, which means we need new business for growth.
    If we could somehow, someway get a Walmarts, Inc. built on the outskirts of Century,Fl on Hwy.29, I can assure you it would stay busy and it would promote new business to come to our area, which would mean…JOBS for the unemployed!

    PLEASE help us to fight for our town and it’s survival, so that we may prosper for a change. We are proud of Century, Florida and it’s citizens and all those who live on the outskirts of town.

  4. T.A. G. on September 8th, 2009 1:28 pm

    There are a lot of people in Century, Byrneville, Bratt that don’t have transportation. There are also a lot of folks who don’t have computers or don’t use computers ……… seems the people in the southern end of the county just take it for granted that everyone drives & uses or has a computer.
    It’s true, this area is a depressed area for numerous reasons, but if you keep kicking them down…..they will never be able to get up.
    The area has improved…. I’ve lived in the extreme north end for 20+ years…..raised my kids here (who are successful, productive members of society), & have no desire to deal with the hustle & bustle of Pensacola. We have always had to ‘drive to town’ (Pensacola) to take care of business matters.
    Molino would be much better than downtown…..but, why not keep 1 extreme North-end & 1 extreme South-end office….and put the main office in the middle of the county??? Food for thought!!!!

  5. Wilson Robertson on September 8th, 2009 11:52 am

    To my friends and fellow citizens of Escambia County that live in the Century
    area and other locations in the nothern part off the county. Mr. Magaha has
    never suggested he was in favor of closing the Century Courthouse, in fact
    he has always told me we are doing the right thing to keep the services his
    office provides available and he supports the commissioners 100 percent.
    We also have a sheriffs sub station there that needs to be open. I do not
    think you will see this facility closed. Good Luck.

  6. David on September 8th, 2009 11:12 am

    Why do’nt we reduce our budget by getting rid of the county administator position which was made by the Sheriff and the G O B network in 2000 there is a savings of more than 100k.
    Everyone needs to take a look at the salaries and assistants of these people who are crying about budget constraints.


  7. Northend resident on September 8th, 2009 9:43 am

    I think it’s be a great idea to have a vote for the Northend to be it’s own county!! Not right for all our tax dollars to go to Pensacola businesses and schools….they should be used up here! Why should we be paying Pensacola’s way, and our children and community not benefit any from the money we pay in?
    We personally do have transportation, but still don’t think it’s right to have to take and hour and half (or longer depending on traffic) travel time, plus wait in a 2 hour or longer line to get things done. Esp when ones in Pensacola only have to go a few minutes to get to where they need to get business taken care of. How many people actually have a job where they can take off for 4 or more hours just to go get a tag or their license renewed?? So, if some one works M-F 8-5, they can’t just go on their lunch break to Pensacola or even Molino!
    Most of Pensacola don’t even know where the Northend is, they think the Northend is 9 mile road. Lord forbid you tell some one you’re from Century, Bratt, or Byrneville….good number of people in Pensacola think these places are in Alabama!

  8. Tina on September 8th, 2009 8:14 am


  9. Concerned citizen on September 7th, 2009 7:52 pm

    I say lets remember who pulled their offices out and who closed what, and do the same for them. Lets put them out of Office. Janet Holley, bye bye Ernie Lee Magaha, your next. Anybody else want to go, keep turning your nose to the people of the north end of the county. What do we have to do up here to get a fair shake. All we ask is to be remebered and considered. To have to go to Cantanonement now for license, tags, etc is crazy. You have to schedule to renew your license. This is not a user friendly system, and it should be remebered next election. Janet Holley’s gotta go. Ernie also if he follows her.

  10. S.L.B on September 7th, 2009 5:35 pm

    The article says: The commission will revisit the courthouse closure at a public hearing at 7 p.m. on September 17.

    Since this public hearing involves the Century Courthouse location, I believe that this Sept. 17th hearing should be held in Century,Fl where the public (Century residents) can attend and have their voices and opinions heard. The Courthouse is not closed yet, let’s put the building to good use!

    Does anyone else agree?

  11. sick of politics on September 7th, 2009 2:20 pm

    WE should all vote to become a part of Alabama or become part of Santa Rosa
    county where they still have a tax collector office in Jay. They seem to be interested in doing things (for the most part) that make sense. We would be better off becoming part of Alabama since no one in downtown Pensacola seems to know or care that we exist in the north end of the county. We are not a bunch of dumb rednecks, we have actually worked in major business and have no more crime (probably much less) than they have in Pensacola. The level of crimes in Pensacola seems to have increased greatly and we are now hearing more about it in the news. If the county officials would take an interest in Century and not want to cut all ties with us it would be great. Pensacola needs to realize that everything should not be built in downtown P’cola…county services should be moved north to the new industrial park they spent money on but they don’t want to move any services there. It would make sense to move everything north to a central location that would better serve everyone in the county and not just the “downtown crowd” who seem to still do business by rubbing each others backs.

  12. molino jim on September 7th, 2009 9:52 am

    one more idea. Move every thing to Molino or Century. Sell the downtown buildings and use the money to build new a central country complex. If it’s in Century it would sure help them. Plus I feel sure some one would give Ms. Young a ride to “where’s it at”.

  13. Curious on September 6th, 2009 10:46 pm

    First: Since the closing of all these different businesses means “savings” according to Janet Holley and some commissioners, I would be curious to know IF they really saved the money they thought they would in the long run.

    Second: I’m totally agreeing with the comments that the “North End” of Escambia County is WAY past Cantonment. Maybe ALL the commissioners and ‘powers that be’ should move to Century and live there for a year so they can see just what resources “are and are not” available there.

  14. S.W. on September 6th, 2009 9:50 pm

    it sounds like there trying to make THE NORT END SOUND LIKE SOME KIND OF EVIL, WICKED, MEAN AND NASTY PLACE, WHAT THE HEACH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , IF THE BOCC would get off there butt and learn adout the county thay live in ( THE NORTH END ) THAT IS NORTH OF MOLINO!!!! , I LIVED IN CANTONMENT FOR 18 YEARS THEN MOVED TO MOLINO FOR 7 YEARS THEN TO ( THE NORTH END AS THE CALL US ) IN BRATT FOR 15 YEARS NOW , THIS IS GOD’S COUNTRY ! ! ! , Tim, John ,and Susan do you live in the NORTH END ??? , ( that is north of HWY 97 ) , the court house in centry is owned by the county and is the office of the E.C.S.D. ALSO . THE TAG OFFICE IN CANTONMENT IS RENTED THIS MAKES ME THINK SOME ONE IS GETTING A KICK BACK OR SOMTHING THING ??? , WHY HAVE part of the building set ther empty ???, then spend tons of money to remodle another one ? , The survice is grate there , why should we have to drive 30 to 50 miles to get the same services ??? , MAYBE WE SHOULD VOTE TO SECEDE TO ALA. Then thay do not hvae our tax money to wast !!!!! ,

  15. BGA on September 6th, 2009 9:32 pm

    This mess is a sham

  16. Dog napper on September 6th, 2009 7:45 pm

    I’m sure Alabama wants what century has to offer if they “secede” to them. lol And TR, I’m sure tim was “joling” to.

  17. Nice Woman on September 6th, 2009 7:11 pm

    I think that it is sad that Century has been here for so long, doing so much and now it has people that seem like they are trying to just make Century disappear. This is shameful!!! The people of Century pay taxes just like everyone else. I have lived in Century all my life. Yes I have worked for years and I pay my County taxes like everyone else and for the county to act like Century has nothing to offer is just wrong. The Elementary School has been closed. Why not use that building instead of renovating the building in Molino. This will cost money that they say they are trying save.

    For someone to say that if they don’t won’t go to the Century courthouse because they might have their “dog” taken by the people across the street is also just wrong. This could happen anywhere from Flomaton to Atmore to Brewton to Pensacola. Stop trying to make Century out to be a bad place.

    It seems that no matter how hard it is to say but, it would not seem to be a bad idea that Century would secede to Alabama. Yes they have their faults but they don’t forget about any parts of their County.

  18. T.R. on September 6th, 2009 6:41 pm

    Hey Tim ,your joling right? I sure hope your joking.

  19. T.R. on September 6th, 2009 6:35 pm

    Amen John Peavy , I think they get payed way to much ,if we cut their pay we could save a lot of money We could vote them all out and put others in who want to as serve us and not themselves.

  20. Jack Moran on September 6th, 2009 5:32 pm

    Susan is 100% RIGHT.

    Do it on-line if you can – even what they are doing in Pensacola.

  21. Oversight on September 6th, 2009 3:31 pm

    Ok folks, we already own the building in Century, so why should the county pay additional dollars to build an new facility somewhere else, which will provide what’s already in place? Oh yeah, that right for the downtown crowd… send everything north of the Atmore cut off to Alabama. Maybe we can take a vote and the “North End” just may secede to join Escambia County, Alabama. At least we know we’ll be a part of the county and community that wants us and we’ll not some outcast from Pensacola, which only wants us for the tax revenue.

  22. Jack Moran on September 6th, 2009 3:31 pm

    The School District is wanting $150,000 a year rent on the old Century High School. I wonder how much the county wants for rent on the old Court House?

  23. Susan on September 6th, 2009 3:13 pm

    Most of the things that can be done there can also be done online. I renew everything online and suggest that others do the same. Why pay to air condition and upkeep a building, plus the employee salary, when they average ten transactions a day? Thats wasting our tax money. Move it to molino where you would get more customers.

  24. John on September 6th, 2009 3:03 pm

    Tim is right. But he’s wrong about leaving a dog in the truck. I did that one time and the dog got stole…..if youre gonna do that I’d recommend leaving a pit bull or a rattler in the front seat if you want it to be there when you come out. Century is a depresing place to drive to just to get a tag, I’d much rather go out to molino.

  25. NF on September 6th, 2009 2:58 pm

    I too agree that Century is safe to go do business. Matter of fact, I grew up in Molino and there are many more places around there that I would be leary of going to. Also, why move to a different place when the building they are in now IS PAID FOR!!!!

  26. S.L.B on September 6th, 2009 2:37 pm

    Tim, their are “thugs” as you have so nicely put it, in the town of Pensacola, Fl. and Molino too. Crime is everywhere, so why target Century with that comment?

    I have lived in Bratt, Florida for 12 years now and take care of most all of our personal business in Century,Fl and have never been robbed or assulted. I or my family do not feel scared or have had any reason too.

    Do you have a personal experience to share with the public that would back up your claim? If not, then I would think that remark was rude and not called for!

  27. Tim on September 6th, 2009 2:21 pm

    Molino is the best location. It’s centraly located in the county so more people will have the convenience. I’m sorry but Century is the extreme north end and if you go to that tag office you’ve got to leave your dog in the truck. Otherwise the thugs from across the street will steal you blind. It wont hurt the good citizens of Century to drive down to gods country and do a tag renewal.

  28. S.L.B on September 6th, 2009 2:19 pm


    It took me a total of 2 seconds to locate this information. Maybe all of you Commissioners should take the time from your demanding schedules of trying to kill Century,Florida and learn a little about what the town has to offer and why it’s citizens are so passionate about saving what little they have left and realize why they are fighting so hard for their rights and town.

    I challange you all to learn about Century’s history, about their citizens and help them to grow again. Forgetting the history and the people is just not acceptable.

    I don’t live directly in the town of Century,Fl, but on the outskirts in Bratt, Fl, but I call the town of Century,Fl our hometown and I will do whatever I can to help the citizens fight for their rights to continue to be a striving town, as their ancestors have worked hard and have earned them that right!

  29. S.L.B on September 6th, 2009 1:44 pm

    Commissioner Marie Young asked. “How far is Molino from Century?” “Twenty-one miles,” White replied.

    Are you kidding me? How long has Century been a part of Escambia County Florida? Shame on this particular Commissioner for having such a position and not even knowing the distance from one area in the Esc.Co.Fl area to another. These Commissioners make good money to do their jobs and should do their homework before attending such meetings.

  30. Kim on September 6th, 2009 12:00 pm

    Yes I agree with John. They sure want our taxes every year but they don’t want to give the northend any services. How would they feel on the other end of the county if the shoes were on the other foot? We had to buy our car tags last week. My husband stood in line in Cantonment for 2 and a half hours after driving 30 miles to get there. Alot of the people at the Cantonment office waiting in line was from the Century area combined with the people from the Cantonment area. Now you tell me waiting in line for 2 and a half hours does not confirm that they are trying to serve too many people over a large area. They’ve slowly taken everything from our community one by one.

  31. molino jim on September 6th, 2009 11:13 am

    you are right on target George—Ala. does have a lot of problems ie-sales tax on food and so on but you don’t have to drive 30-40 miles to take care of county business. White is trying to do a good job but gets little help. It sounded as if one member had no concept of where Century is, that would help explain part of the problem. Ref. the supervisor from Century who now is in Cantonment—she is not the most public minded person around.

  32. george on September 6th, 2009 10:11 am

    can we on the north end secede from florida and go to alabama? taxes are lower and brewton is closer. we sure don’t get much representation from pensacola.

  33. Maggie on September 6th, 2009 9:50 am

    The $450,000.00 “is already spoken for”. Wonder what area got that money?

    Grover Robinson proposed to renovate the Molino School to accommodate these offices. That is absolutely brilliant! We don’t have the money to keep an existing building in operation, but we can afford to shell out tens of thousands to bring Molino School up to code to house these offices.

    All of us in the north end should get involved and attend the commission meetings. If we can’t do that much, we have only ourselves to blame for blatant mismanagement of OUR TAX DOLLARS! Next election, let’s get rid of the “good ole boy” mentality that has been the norm for so many years.

  34. David Huie Green on September 6th, 2009 9:33 am

    “can we vote to cut the county officials pay and let them work 20hrs. a week!! ”


  35. Nikki on September 6th, 2009 9:00 am

    I agree that to cut county officials pay. AS USUAL, the north end of the county doesn’t exist. Why don’t they let the people who use it decide. Just like with Janety Holley moving out. If the individual who now runs the Cantonment office hadn’t been in Century, they would have had more flow in that office. Honestly why not cut the budget on all of the NON offical staff that drives county vehicles home that we have to pay for the maintance and gas for?????? WE ARE THE TAX PAYERS, WHY NOT LET US DECIDE!!!!

  36. Carl on September 6th, 2009 7:50 am

    I think the Commissioners have it right. Close the courthouse in Downtown Pensacola and move Eveything to Molino. It is not right having Everything down there. Sell the Down town offices and move to Molino. The Commissioners have finally seen the light.

  37. Jack Moran on September 6th, 2009 7:35 am

    For years, even before the mid-night vote to renovate the “White Elephant on Palafox”, the suggestion was to provide many of the services provided by the county through computer kiosk located in municipal offices, and perhaps even banks, real estate offices, and other high traffic locations.

    At the time, a private survey discovered that commercial locations would have actually paid to put unmanned kiosks in their establishments. The goal is to provide services to the people – not hurdles and obstacles to meeting the legal mandates of the rule of law.

    Now a Pandora’s Box has been opened – that is the COST JUSTIFICATION OF WORKERS AND LOCATIONS. Will our elected officials be able to cost-justify their own jobs and those of their staffs? My, My. The things that make you go Hmmmmmmmm!

  38. Oversight on September 6th, 2009 6:23 am

    For the fine increase on traffic tickets, I quote the story, “…county finance officials say the $450,000 is already spoken for, and already written into the current proposed budget.” Holy smokes, did I read this correctly? Mr. White, tell us more; just where will the BOCC specifically spend this windfall, if it is already spoken for even before it’s approved or the first citation is written?
    Century, now would be the time to get your ACLU lawyer because the BOCC and the Clerk of the Court are conspiring to limit citizen access to the courts because they’re going to take away the judge who comes to town twice a month to hold court.

  39. john peavy on September 6th, 2009 2:47 am

    Hmmm…We do pay taxes up here but yet the county don”t want us to have ANY services, can we vote to cut the county officials pay and let them work 20hrs. a week!! :-)