Vehicle Registration, Driver License Fees To Increase

August 5, 2009

It’s going to be more expensive to drive as a Florida resident after September 1. The fees for vehicle registrations, renewals, titles and driver licenses are about to go up and, in some cases, more than double.

tags2.jpgThe initial registration fee – the fee paid for a vehicle registration on an additional vehicle not replacing a current vehicle — will jump from $100 to $225.

Tag and registration fees will go up as much as 66 percent; the exact amount depends on the weight of the vehicle. Transfer fees for titles will more than double from $29.75 to $75.75. Motorcycle registrations will also increase, from $24.60 to $41.65.

Reinstating a suspended driver license will increase, late payment fees on driver license renewals go up 15-fold, from $1 to $15, and the cost of the original driver license will go from $32.25 to $54.25. Renewing a driver license goes from $25.25 to $54.25.

But there’s a chance to avoid some of the fee increases for some Florida residents.

If a registrant’s birthday falls between July through October, they can renew at the current rates. Beginning Saturday, persons with November birthdays can also renew early because registrations can be renewed up too three months in advance. Persons with December birthdays will not have the opportunity to renew early and save.

“There’s that chance for some people to renew now and save,” Escambia County Tax Collector Janet Holley said. “It is like a two-for-one deal if you can renew now and you do.”

Holley stressed that the increases were mandated by the state legislature for all Florida residents; the increases are not specific to Escambia County.

There is also a chance to save on the driver license renewal fees. A valid Florida driver license can be renewed up to 18 months in advance.

For more information, contact Holley’s office at (850) 438-6500 ext. 252.


27 Responses to “Vehicle Registration, Driver License Fees To Increase”

  1. Me on December 12th, 2013 12:17 pm

    Registered a new trailer today. Small, cheap 4′x8′ trailer that weighs 250 pounds. The fee for the tag was $6.75. After the state & county add on fees, it cost $83. This is by far the highest trailer tag fee I have ever had on such a small trailer. It only cost $300. Ridiculousness!

  2. RASHID on July 26th, 2010 9:17 am

    this is downright ridiculous. My registration jumped from $50.30 to $86.50, for new Toyota Corolla. I have never voted in any local elections, for Judges, mayors, commissioners, congressmen, senators, school boards etc.I have only voted ,in the presidential elections for President only. you know why because they are all crooks, all their pockets are lined with bribes. I know that if people do as i do, then these elected officials will surely know that we the people are the ones who have the power and not them. This is the only way to bring about change . IT IS TIME ALL VOTERS TAKE THE STAND NOOOOTTTTTT TOOOOOO VOOOOOOOOTTTTTTE

  3. barelyhangingon on June 2nd, 2010 11:12 am

    I have just received my driver licence and renewal registration notices and I was very disapointed at the huge increases this year(would be paying nearly $300.00 more if we renewed all). This will be the final straw that has broken my back and after 30 years of living in Florida, I’ve got to throw in the towel. It’s not just the one thing, but the constant success of those in power, namely elected officials in state and local governments, to extract as much as they possibly can out of those people that are stuggling the most. I truly fear for my children’s future. I hope that the economy will recover enough so that I can sell my property here and be able to move out of state, or possibly out of the country. Last year, for the first time since the 1940’s, Florida has had a net loss of residents, so I guess my family is not the only one trying to make ends meet.

  4. Lydia White on May 11th, 2010 6:25 pm

    I work for the federal government. Goverment agencies ALWAYS seek to increase their funding and grow their organization. It’s about power and self promotion. This is consequence of BIG goverment. Our elected officials won’t live within their means. They simply come back the taxpayer with their hand out.

  5. Ted on November 29th, 2009 11:07 pm

    An increase of this magnitude should have been implimented on January 1st so it would be fair to everyone. I, as well as every other Florida resident born in December, have been SCREWED big time, and this won’t be forgotten when the polls are open. Good old fashioned discrimination…

    This is just one more reason my dislike for this state keeps growing.

  6. Darryl Mills on August 18th, 2009 11:46 pm

    I agree with all of you . When is it going to end , first a gas tax , then cigarett tax now tags and registration ? This not only affects your vehial but anything that requires a tag . Also the boat registration and trailer tags .
    Well so much for Crist being on the tax payers side . And NO Charlie you will never see my vote , and that goes for the rest of the Republicans in there .

  7. Bryant on August 13th, 2009 12:55 pm

    Guys, you can protest all you want… people here in Colorado have seen their fees increase by 200% for renewals. You’re lucky that they are only increased by 66% there. The backlash in Colorado has been so bad that the Governor has had to hire off-duty police to work security at the DL offices because people have been flipping out. My 1996 Integra went from $24 to $75. What’s worse is we base our fees off the original taxable value of the car and the age. It’s supposed to go down every year by a buck or two. Instead, every year for the last four it’s gone up, and now there’s the 200% increase. Politicians don’t care.

  8. unreal on August 11th, 2009 7:28 am

    This is an absurd hike. Way to come through in a time of despair. Working overtime to pay for the power bill hike amongst others and now I have to worry about paying more to renew our tags and dl’s….this is just out of control. Congrats to the bogus politicians not helping in a blatantly obvious time of needing it. Pathetic.

  9. rowmin goat on August 10th, 2009 8:33 pm

    $4500 bucks back for buying a vehicle which gets 2-8 mpg better mileage and charging me double for my motorctcle tag which is saving money and polution for everyone. This really makes [cents] ? Florida politicians need to get real and repeal this tax in a very bad economy. The initial $100 bucks for a new vehicle coming into Florida to $225 now was called an impact fee 15 years ago and the state had to pay the fees back. How is it different now. Get in line newcomers. This will be deemed an illegal impact fee before it is over. Shame on you Charlie Crist. You will not get my vote in the senate race.

  10. John on August 8th, 2009 11:46 pm

    Don’t blame it on homestead. The real culprit is the OUTRAGEOUS SPENDING by local governments. They are spending like drunken sailors. Lots of blame lies with democrats and Pres Obama. Look at all the pork spending in the Stimulus Bill.

    Vote out the democrats.

  11. A. Davis on August 6th, 2009 11:21 pm

    OMG how many people are going to go to jail now for their DL who is getting paid the kickback for this?

  12. mommy2beautifulgirls on August 6th, 2009 1:37 pm

    i think this is now helping the economy!! we all should line up in front of the tag office and plead that they should wait till jan 1 st !!!! this isnot right whatsoever! how come that our tax dollars have been treated very unfair,there’s alot of us that pay in and don’t get nothing out of it,no wonder why i hear people leave florida and don’t think twice of coming back here.

  13. Bill on August 6th, 2009 7:36 am

    These increases should have been delayed until January 1st, affording everyone the oportunity to renew at the current rates. Shunning those of us born in November and December is a crock of horse-puckey.

  14. Mickey Powell on August 6th, 2009 12:22 am

    My Dad told me one time that what we need to do is line up on the street every morning, all Lawyers, Federal Judges, Insurance Salesmen and Doctors and shoot down every other one and we would never get rid of all the crooked ones. We need to include politicians now.

    Mickey Powell

  15. molino jim on August 5th, 2009 8:14 pm

    check into how high the taxes are in Miss. They use to be the lowest in the south—-not any more. Move to Ala. and enjoy the state income tax plus taxes on groceries.

  16. Just Because on August 5th, 2009 6:58 pm

    Listen closely before the next election, you will hear our honest politicians BRAG about not raising taxes this year. Just remember when the election comes up, you have the power to do something about it. The question is will the people do something about it, or will they continue to vote for the ones in office, the main reason being, simply because they have heard of the person in office. A HUGH MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!

  17. ATMORE on August 5th, 2009 3:45 pm

    This is insane.Its hard to just pick up and move but good grief.Florida people need to try to fight this.I dont know how but something needs to be said and done immed!!!

  18. Trish on August 5th, 2009 3:39 pm

    This is what happens when people voted for the cut in homestead exemptions. The state lost massive amounts of money and common sense will tell you that they have to take it from somewhere else. Hense no hurricane sales tax break and no school clothes tax break. It is the domino effect and why the state does not have money to support itself much less give money to county’s and every county in florida is hurting. I don’t understand why anyone is surprised at all, this is probably only the beginning.

  19. Debi on August 5th, 2009 12:28 pm

    Wow, when will it end? I haven’t gotten a raise in 2 years and then they were only 2%. When the plant I work at closes in a few months, I am considering moving out of this state and won’t look back.

  20. Elizabeth on August 5th, 2009 10:52 am

    I’m just lovin’ the E X P E N S I V E Florida tag up there. Very cute!

  21. a.nicole on August 5th, 2009 8:59 am

    Here’s the news story starting in December… “Number of FL residents driving illegally TRIPLES!”

  22. proud parent on August 5th, 2009 8:48 am

    I totally agree with you kim!!

  23. Randy on August 5th, 2009 8:34 am

    The poor Alabama parents that are sending their children to Florida schools will have to pay more for there newly required drivers licenses, required so they can continue to “prove” their Florida residency. Just thought I would remind everyone that this is still going on. Shame on the principals for propping up this practice by advising parents how to circumvent the system.

  24. Kim on August 5th, 2009 8:10 am

    nice to know that the State of Florida is so considerate of its residents with the economy like it is! One more burden on the many people just trying to make it during these hard times but I guarantee our state legislature is not losing any sleep over this. I believe it will just cause many floridians to drive illegal.

  25. Molino Mom on August 5th, 2009 8:01 am

    More money for the state to waste. Maybe they should just take my entire paycheck and just give me back 10 percent for me and 10 percent for Jesus.

  26. tim on August 5th, 2009 6:17 am

    this is crazzy we are being tax so much thata why they had a tea partty

  27. taxpayer on August 5th, 2009 2:02 am

    What will happen with this extra money. The Flordia reps wonder why people are moving out Flordia and not coming back, How could a young couple afford this? I have a truck that is heavy duity It weight is a little git over than a regular truck. The tag for these trucks have to be bought in December it will go up to almost 200 dollars. Youmwonder why people give up farming or doing construction.