Vandals Strike Community Clothes Closet

August 9, 2009

The Jay Community Clothes Closet distributes clothing to anyone that needs it — for free. Now, organizers are trying to figure out why crooks would target their project.

The Clothes Closet operates out of the Jay Community Center, handing out the clothes, shoes and toys on set distribution days. But last week, someone vandalized the group’s items, throwing them all over the room.

“This is a community service, and we are here to try and help the community,” said organizer Wendy Booker.

Booker is asking anyone with information about the incident to please call her at (850) 675-8561 or (850) 686-6124.


4 Responses to “Vandals Strike Community Clothes Closet”

  1. appaled on August 11th, 2009 8:25 pm

    I would be willing to bet it is some of the young hoodlums that hang around there. I could list some names, but then I might be wrong. But, I bet I’m not.
    They’ll end up in jail someday, at the rates their going.

  2. Lynn on August 10th, 2009 8:26 am

    Jay is a small town, so if these thieves live there I bet word will get out and the low-lifes will be caught. At least I hope so!

  3. Just me on August 10th, 2009 12:28 am

    My sister has to get stuff for her family there and if she has anything to get rid of she takes it there. this is a sham. There cant be any good these days for stupid people doing somthing wrong all the time.They have to ruin stuff for everybody else that needs a hand.

  4. A. Davis on August 9th, 2009 8:28 pm

    Whoever did this needs somthing done to them. I’m not talking about the courts. These people are just stupied. I dont even know what to say. Except what they did will come back on to them. I hope someone tells on them I just got to see the people or person I bet they even look stupied.