Trial Delayed For Accused Bratt Child Molester

August 3, 2009

Trial has been delayed for a Bratt man charged with allegedly abusing two girls — one just five years old.

posey10.jpgJody Posey, 71, of 7100 North Pine Road, was arrested in early March by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department and charged with three felony child sexual abuse charges. He was scheduled to be tried in front of a jury last week in Escambia County Circuit Court, but that trial has been reset for the last week of September.

Posey was not present in court April 16 as his attorney entered the not guilty plea on Posey’s behalf on all charges. The case has been set for trial July 27.

He was originally held without bond, but Circuit Judge Michael Allen approved a bond reduction request in the case. Posey remains free on $200,000 bond.

A five-year old girl told investigators that Posey had been “massaging her privates”.  The molestation allegedly occurred on multiple occasions over some period of time, according to authorities. The most recent molestation reported by the five-year old was January 9. The girl told officials that Posey told her she would go to jail if she told anyone about the incidents.

Posey was also charged for inappropriately touching a now 16-year girl several times over the last few years. Court records show that the ongoing abuse of the now 16-year old occurred from 2002 to 2006 — when the girl was as young as nine years old.

If convicted, Posey faces up to life in prison.


4 Responses to “Trial Delayed For Accused Bratt Child Molester”

  1. Seems like on August 8th, 2009 12:36 am

    Seems like Mr. Posey is judged guilty by the laws of the State of Florida.
    Two witnesses testified that he did extreme offense to young innocent children.

    My heart tells me he is guilty.
    We serve God best by processing him in the legal system.

  2. concerned on August 4th, 2009 9:37 pm

    I am concerned with our tendency to judge others. I am not suggesting that what he did was not wrong, but we must examine our hearts to see if any ill will toward another exists. None of us is without fault or wrong. Do we really want what we deserve? I know I don’t. I am thankful every day for God’s mercy and grace. Without it, I would be in a big pickle.

  3. interested reader on August 4th, 2009 7:52 pm

    PLEASE PARENTS, watch your children very carefully! There are people everywhere who prey on the innocent. It’s too bad that this is the way things are today but we can NEVER be too careful. So many young people are on their own in the neighborhoods and on the computer. Our youngsters are too precious to be abused by anyone. BE VILIGANT!

  4. Kim Godwin on August 3rd, 2009 10:48 pm

    It is really a shame that this keeps getting delayed, especially with the alleged offender being out on bond. You would think that with a case such as this, that it would be taken care of ASAP!!! If the man had stolen a candy bar from a convenience store, his bond would not have been reduced. Instead, he may have stolen the innocence from more than one child and is allowed to be free…. What is wrong with that????