State Attorney: No Charges Over McNesby Computer Files

August 5, 2009

The State Attorney’s Office said Tuesday that there is not enough evidence to prove that a criminal violation occurred from the deletion of computer files during former sheriff Ron McNesby’s term.

Bill Chavers — chief deputy under current Sheriff David Morgan — wrote a letter to the State Attorney’s Office in April concerning five computers missing files from McNesby’s administration.

The investigation discovered that data saved on Escambia County Sheriff’s Office computers is also saved on a main server, according to Assistant State Attorney John Molchan.

sheriffletter.jpg“During the transition of administrations, data was deleted from those desktop computers,” Molchan wrote in a letter addressed to Chavers. “However, much of this data was also saved to the server by personnel in the computer division.”

The State Attorney’s Office obtained the saved documents and data.

“The data consisted of personal photos and miscellaneous emails, transitory and work product documents which upon our review do not constitute public records,” Molchan’s letter to Chavers said. “There is no available evidence that documents belonging to the Office of the Sheriff was deleted from the computers in question in a willful and unlawful manner.”

Florida’s public records laws require that public records, including items produced on a computer, be maintained. A violation can be a criminal offense.

To read the letter from the State Attorney’s Office to Chief Deputy Bill Chavers, click here.


6 Responses to “State Attorney: No Charges Over McNesby Computer Files”

  1. A. Davis on August 6th, 2009 11:17 pm

    Did anyone think they would really find somthing? Maybe a tip will come in and then they can find what ever the are looking for. I guess if they want to.

  2. hollth on August 6th, 2009 9:15 am

    I think some people need to try and do there job and stop trying to pull people down. I think McNesby was good in his time. Does the new sheriff think it will put a mark in is belt?

  3. Bill on August 6th, 2009 7:41 am

    Looks like good ol’ boy McNesby dodged yet another bullet. Doesn’t change my opinion, I truly believe he was as dirty if not dirtier than the Okalosa County Sheriff turnred crook. Only difference is McNesby got out before the hammer fell. Oh well, he will get his in the end.

  4. kathy on August 5th, 2009 12:57 pm

    Well said DJ….I thoroughly agree. Enough already…it took you 6 years of campaigning to win, and win you did. REAL class doesn’t attack the past…but embraces the future. Let it go!!!!!!

  5. DJ on August 5th, 2009 9:39 am

    Sounds like the new administration is grasping straws to further embarass McNesby. You won the election. You beat the man fair and square. Now stop trying to invent things to charge him with that he didn’t do. It makes you look pathetic and childish.

  6. Molino Mom on August 5th, 2009 7:59 am

    Maybe files were deleted from the computers & the servers. :)

    I wonder if the personal photos involved a strip club and a football coach?